Story time “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” with Crafts

We had fun today being inspired by the famous Eric Carle book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. I’ve seen some awesome caterpillar prints around blog land lately using a balloon and thought my boys would really enjoy this technique.

Anyways, on to our balloon painted caterpillar. Here is mine pictured below. They are so simple to make.

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Simply dab a small balloon into paint and place it onto your paper. The caterpillar in the story has touches of blue in his body so we put some blue into our green paint and swirled it around a bit before dabbing our balloon into it.


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While we waited for the caterpillar to dry we had fun watching some You Tube videos of caterpillar’s transforming into butterflies. I just love the time lapsed clips that show the whole process. My boys were amazed by it. And since we didn’t actually have any cool caterpillars around our house to watch the process, You Tube was next best. haha
Then we came back to our caterpillars and added some finishing touches like eyes, nose, antennae, lets. I love that my children are very artistic! They didn’t want to stop at just making a mere caterpillar like I did. They had to create the whole scene.


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And this is why I enjoy creating things with my children. Not only are the paintings simply stunning, but it shows the creativity and color of a child. I just want to soak in their sweet innocence and beauty every day. My children are my greatest blessing!

So now that the caterpillars are done, we wanted to do something with a butterfly so we decided to make some wax butterflies. We did this last Fall making leaves, but I thought it would be fun to make butterflies.

1. Start by printing out a butterfly clip art picture from the Internet. I printed mine 4×6 size.


2. Place a sheet of wax paper on top of the butterfly and use a permanent marker to trace the outline of the butterfly.

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3. Place the wax paper onto your ironing board and put crayon shavings over the butterfly print.

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4. Place another sheet of wax paper on top of the crayon shavings, covering the entire butterfly.

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5. Place a kitchen towel over the wax paper and apply your iron to the towel. Just enough to melt the crayon shavings below.

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6. You are left with what looks like a big mess. haha But just turn it over and cut along the outline of the butterfly you drew.

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7. And you are left with this. Pretty fun stuff!! You can even punch a hole in them and hang them some where with some string if you want to.

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Sunflower Patch Craft


Come see what I’ve been up to….