Paper Plate Sun Craft for Kids

Spring has been in full bloom where we live and we have been enjoying all of the amazing sunshine! I even got my first sunburn of the season last weekend while out doing yard work. With all this wonderful weather I thought it would be fun to make a simple Paper Plate Sun Craft for Kids. This craft includes some great scissor cutting practice for preschoolers with using the yellow paper straws.
Paper Plate Sun Craft 5

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Supplies needed:


1. Paint your plate

Start by painting your small paper plate yellow. Let it dry completely.

2. Cut straws into fourths

While your paint is drying, cut several yellow paper straws into fourths. I had my daughter cut them in half, and then those pieces in half again. You will use 3-4 straws.
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3. Glue straws to the plate

Once your paper plate is finished drying, add dots of tacky glue all around your paper plate and then add your paper straws onto the glue. You will need to let it sit and dry completely before picking it up. (Note: We used tacky glue instead of regular school glue because I feel like it gives a better long-term hold.)

Paper Plate Sun Craft

4. Draw face on the plate

For added fun, use markers to draw a smiley face onto your paper plate sun.

You can punch a hole at the top of your sun and hang it somewhere in your home or if you are doing this in a classroom, it would be fun to hang several of them from the ceiling or put them on a bulletin board with the saying “We are shining bright in 1st grade” or something.
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