Ice Cream Dough—Make a Banana Split Invitation to Play

Welcome to another edition of the 12 Months of Sensory Dough Series. This month is all about Ice Cream Dough. To keep in true form with the dough and to go along with the book we read to go along with our activity, I created an invitation to play station for my daughter to make herself a pretend Banana Split.

The book we picked up at the library to go along with our invitation to play was The Ice Cream King by Steve Metzger and illustrated by Julie Bowning.
In the book, Teddy Jones is excited to see a new ice cream shop that opened up. When he and his mom visit the shop, he magically enters a world with ice cream fountains, whipped cream lanes, volcanoes that erupt with vanilla fudge, and even an ice cream moon! But soon Teddy notices that something very important is missing. Join Teddy on the wildest and yummiest adventure that serves up a lesson in sharing.


Make a Banana Split Invitation to Play


To go along with our book, I set up a creation station for my daughter to make her own pretend Banana Split. At the creation station I included:

  • Strawberry Ice Cream Dough (Recipe found at Play Create Explore) Ice Cream Dough is not edible!
  • Ice Cream bowl
  • Ice Cream Scoop
  • plastic play food banana
  • red poms (for cherries) [Ours were provided to us from our friends at]
  • sequins (for sprinkles)
  • wood beads (for nuts) [Ours were provided to us from our friends at]
  • glitter (for sprinkles)
  • Shaving Cream (for whip cream)


One of the fun parts about setting up an invitation to play is allowing my daughter to help. I told her we were going to make a banana split and made it part of the activity for her to help put together all the materials we needed. We talked about all the different toppings found on a banana split and what different craft materials we could use for those toppings.



I have to admit I was a little skeptical at first about the ice cream dough. I didn’t feel like mine looked like ice cream after I had it mixed up. I soon discovered though that as soon as my daughter scooped into it, it really looked like ice cream!

A note about my dough: I used a Suave Strawberry Conditioner so I didn’t use any extract to scent my dough. After having my dough mostly mixed up I suddenly realized I had forgot to add my coloring into to the Conditioner before mixing it. Dang! So I ended up putting some red liquid watercolors into the dough and finished mixing it. As you can see, the red color didn’t mix well at all! BUT…It ended up looking like real bits of strawberries in my ice cream so I decided I loved how it turned out after all.



Undoubtedly, one of the highlights of making her banana split was adding on her whip cream (shaving cream). She started out with just a couple dabs, but once she got the hang of pressing down the button she had a mountain of whip cream on her ice cream.


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Oh the joy of whip cream on top of ice cream! Hahaha! 🙂  (I was so happy this was all just pretend!)




You can clearly see the smile on her face showing how much she loved this activity! She asked if we could keep her fake banana split forever and was sorely disappointed when I told her sorry, we couldn’t. The verdict is, ice cream dough is a MUST try!


Ice Cream Dough Invitation to Play2


In case you missed any prior months of the series, make sure to check out our Cupcake Foam DoughDigging for Worms Cloud DoughBuild a Ladybug with Edible Play DoughMaking Lemon Trees with Scented Play Dough and Small Crab World with Moon Sand.


Sensory Dough Series 5 Months


I invite and encourage you to visit all of the Co-hosts as each will have a different take on the dough and you don’t want to miss out on all of the great ideas and insights! 


Meet the Co-hosts: 


Now it’s your turn…


Do you have a favorite Ice Cream Dough recipe, activity or post you would like to share? We would love to see! Have you ever had an Ice Cream Dough Fail? We would love to see those too! Please link up your posts below in the link party. You can also post a picture on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Google+ with the tag #ilovesensorydough.


Please read the following guidelines before linking up.

  • Share family-friendly posts related to the month’s theme. Feel free to link old or new posts that highlight your favorite recipes for sensory dough. Failures and unsuccessful attempts are welcome.
  • We ask that no posts are linked with copy/paste recipes from other sources. If you use a recipe from another source, please link back to the original recipe.
  • By linking up, you give permission to share your post and one photograph in future posts and through social media channels.
  • Visit 2-3 other posts that others have shared. Discover new ideas and meet new friends!
The linky will remain open for two weeks. On the 12th of each month, all co-hosts will post a new dough with their spin, and will pin each post to the 12 Months of Sensory Dough Board.
Don’t forget to join us next month (July 12th) for Fizzy Dough.
To see the yearly schedule, go HERE.

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