35 Elephant Coloring Pages

Cute elephant coloring pages for children to print and color for free 

As you may already know, elephants are the largest land animals in the world. Apart from their massive size, they’re also known for being very intelligent, caring, and friendly creatures.

With their long trunks, wide, flat ears, and thick legs, elephants are absolutely adorable. It’s no wonder children are fascinated by them.

Now you can take your child on an adventure in the animal world with our amazing elephant coloring pages collection. Download and print these sheets for free, and let the coloring fun begin!

35 Elephant Coloring Pages – Free to Download & Print PDFs

1. Cartoon Adult Elephant Coloring Pages

Elephants are some of the most awe-inspiring and majestic animals you can hope to see in the wild.

This elephant coloring sheet captures this brilliantly, as it really portrays the dignity and wisdom of these animals.

Elephants have a muted grey color scheme, and you may think that it limits you in the colors that you can use.

Even if you stick with that grey color, you can break it up by adding brown mud details or different shades of the color to different details and areas.

What are some other colors and mediums you could use to shake things up a bit?Free printable image for kids of a walking adult elephant looking calm and majestic


2. Young Elephant Coloring Page

This cute elephant coloring sheet shows a baby elephant ready for some color. Elephants in real life are either grey or brown depending on their species.

This gives you a few options, even if you want to keep it realistic. Of course, you could also go for unrealistic colors if you prefer!Free printable elephant-themed coloring sheet depicting a baby elephant with blank background


3. An Old Elephant Coloring Page

While elephants are usually fairly gentle giants, they can also be dangerous if you mess around with them. When an elephant is charging, you definitely wouldn’t want to be in its way!

We are safe with the elephant on this page, but if you were in this position in real life then you would probably want to move away fast.

It creates a really dramatic scene, and you can represent this tense moment with the colors and techniques you use to color the page.

How will you make this moment have even more weight and gravity with your colors?Coloring picture for children featuring mature elephant with the background left blank

4. A Cute Baby Elephant to Color

We all know elephants for being one of the biggest and strongest animals on the planet. Male elephants can grow up to 4 meters in height and weigh up to 7 tons.

But these impressive mammals can be gentle and cute as well.

Take a look at this lovely elephant depicted on our first elephant coloring page and you’ll understand what we mean.

This baby elephant looks absolutely adorable with its tiny trunk and floppy ears. We think a classic grey shade would suit him well.Coloring image featuring side view of a cute baby elephant with blank background


5. Baby Elephant with Big Ears

Elephants love to play around in the mud, and that is something you could do to make this picture more colorful.

Using some paint, you could make it look like the elephant is realistically covered in mud.

If you made the paint very thick, it would add some texture to the image as well, which would look really cool!Detailed coloring drawing featuring playful cartoony baby elephant with big ears


6. Cute Baby Elephant Raising His Trunk

Did you know that elephants have around 150,000 muscles in their trunk? The trunk is actually an extension of their upper lip and nose and a very versatile tool.

Elephants use their trunks to breathe, eat, drink, communicate or grab things.

This endearing baby elephant pictured in our second coloring printable has a big smile and holds his trunk in the air.

We don’t know what he’s planning to do next, but it looks like he’s trying to reach for something. You can use any colors you like to bring this picture to life.Printable coloring page of a cute baby elephant raising his trunk with blank background


7. A Young Elephant Posing

This elephant coloring sheet shows another baby elephant standing tall and proud, despite its small size! We appreciate the effort, and now you can have some fun adding color to this brave elephant.

You could even draw and color some background details to make this elephant seem even more adventurous. Where do you think this elephant could be adventuring?Free coloring sheet for kids depicting baby elephant standing tall and proud with the background left blank


8. An Angry Elephant Coloring Page

We’ve seen a few elephants that look a bit angry and dangerous in this collection, but the one on this page is looking quite calm and friendly.

For that reason, we would probably choose some lighter colors and shades.

Some watercolor paints or some colored pencils are perfect for lighter shades that are more subtle, so if you agree then these mediums could be a great place to start.

We think these would create a more relaxed mood, but would you prefer something a bit brighter? It’s up to you, and anything you choose will look amazing!Detailed coloring image featuring mature elephant looking quite calm and friendly


9. A Sad Elephant Walking

There is a bit of a unique view to this next page in our collection of free elephant coloring pages for kids.

We see a nice side view, and it helps to make this depiction stand out from the rest. This elephant is on the move, and you could add to it by drawing the kind of environment it is walking through.

You could look up some pictures of the African wilderness as inspiration if you would like to draw a background into the empty space behind this elephant.

What kinds of features would you add to the background?Free printable drawing to color featuring a nice side view of an elephant on the move


10. An Adorable Little Elephant

The cuteness levels in this next picture are off the charts! Because this elephant is drawn in a more cartoony style, some bright and vibrant colors would look great.

Using art tools and mediums such as colored pens or markers is perfect for bright and vibrant colors. Which colors would you choose for this absolutely adorable elephant?Printable coloring page depicting adorable little elephant drawn in a more cartoony style


11. A Toy Elephant Coloring Page

If there is something that elephants love to do, that would be eating. Since they’re such large animals, they need to eat a lot of food every day to sustain their massive bodies.

An elephant can spend up to three-quarters of its day eating.

This elephant coloring printable shows us a little elephant that has already gotten a taste for savanna grasses, shrubs, and herbs.

He seems to be looking at something he’s found on the ground. Maybe it’s a piece of bark or some fruits he enjoys eating.Coloring picture of a little elephant seems to be looking at something he has found on the ground


12. Mother and Child Elephant

Mother elephants develop strong bonds with their calves. That’s because elephants have a deep sense of family and they make great efforts to protect their babies.

It’s a joy to watch a mother elephant interacting with its calf as you can see in this coloring printable. This page depicts a moment of tenderness between a mother elephant and her young baby.

You can experiment with different shades to color the mother and the baby elephant.

Free printable coloring page featuring a mother elephant interacting with its calf


13. A Teenager Elephant

This elephant coloring sheet shows a curious-looking elephant. If you print this picture on a big piece of paper, you could draw some more elephants for it to hang out with.

Elephants travel in herds anyway, so it would make it even more realistic! How many elephants do you think you could fit on one page if you were to do this?Drawing to print and color featuring a curious-looking elephant with blank background


14. A Tired Old Elephant

Next, we have another elephant that is on the move! This one seems to be walking a lot slower than some of the previous ones, and that is because it is busy eating.

Elephants will grab their food in their trunks and then bring it up to their mouths, as shown in this image.

To finish it off, mabe you could draw some plants, bushes and trees around this elephant to show what it is feasting on.

These extra details would also give you plenty more fun details for you to color in!Printable image featuring side view of a walking old elephant with empty background


15. An Elephant Looking Serious

This next elephant is one of the most realistic ones we have seen in this collection so far.

It is so beautifully detailed, and subtle elements such as the facial expressions and shapes of the various areas of the body are depicted with such care.

For this page, we think that paint would be amazing, as this medium can work really well for more realistic depictions.

If you were to use a medium like acrylic paint, you can also use brushes with small tips in order to make coloring these finer details much easier.Free printable coloring sheet depicting realistic elephant with serious facial expression


16. A Little Elephant Sitting

Baby elephants are just as playful as human children. They can get very creative when they play, using bones, stones, plants, or sticks as toys.

Here’s a baby elephant that sure knows how to play. The little mammal in this elephant coloring sheet is pictured sitting on the ground, looking straight at us.

Maybe he got tired of playing in the African savanna with other baby elephants and decided to take a break.

How about choosing a less classic color combination for our little friend here? Some bold and bright colors will complement his playful nature.Coloring printable fro pre-schoolers featuring little sitting elephant looking very playful


17. An Elephant Calf to be Colored

Here’s an interesting fact about elephant calves: they can stand within 20 minutes of being born and can walk within 1 hour. It only takes newborn baby elephants two days to keep up with the herd.

The tiny elephant in our next coloring printable is definitely doing a great job at standing on his feet.

With his Dumbo-like ears, he looks like he could take off at any time if he wants to. Would you use the classic grey hues to color it or would you try something a bit more creative?Coloring page of a little cartoony elephant trying to pick something up from the ground with the trunk


18. A Female Elephant

How cute is the next little guy that we have on this elephant coloring printable? This little one looks like it’s still a baby, and it has such an adorable facial expression.

This is another page that we think would be lots of fun to add a background to.

You could show what type of environment this little baby is playing in, and you could have a setting such as a mud bath or maybe a bed of leaves.

These are a few ways you could add to the background, but what else could you draw?Picture of an elephant with an adorable facial expression and head slightly turned to one side


19. An Adult Male Elephant

We love the thick outlines that have been used to draw this next elephant. It gives the depiction a bit more of a stylistic feeling, but it still manages to accurately capture the look of this incredible animal.

Because it’s drawn with more style, we would use a flatter, more vibrant medium for this one.

Examples would be some colored pens or markers, as these would help tp create some solid color that would really be eye-catching.

Do you have either of these mediums at hand to try out or will you go with something else?Elephant coloring pages


20. A Lovely Happy Baby Elephant

They say that an elephant never forgets. That’s because elephants have large brains, allowing them to build up a strong memory over time.

They can remember places, faces, or events that happen in the wild.

Maybe the little elephant featured in this coloring sheet here doesn’t have a lot of memories, since he’s so young. But the smile on his face tells us that the ones he has are wonderful.

Let’s choose some shades that are just as cheerful as he is to color this page.Simple printable drawing for pre-schoolers presenting lovely happy baby elephant


21. An Angry Father Elephant

Elephants are known for the distinctive trumpet sound they make with their trunks, and we can imagine that this next one is making that sound!

The background of this page has also been left pretty blank, and that opens up all sorts of possibilities.

You could create a realistic setting that you would find a real elephant in, or you could make it a bit more stylish.

For example, you could draw and color shapes, patterns and other fun creative touches to the background to make this picture even cooler!Coloring image depicting an elephant looking like he is making a sound with the trunk


22. An Angry Elephant Ready for a Fight

The look on the face of the magnificent animal on this elephant is so calm and majestic, and it’s another one that is drawn with some lovely thick outlines.

When coloring this elephant, you could stick to its usual grey color scheme, but you could also go for a more stylistic approach and use some bright and vibrant colors.

Either way would look incredible in its own special way, so it all depends on how you feel creatively led.

Which approach do you think you will take for this page? We can’t wait to see what you choose?Printable coloring sheet featuring magnificent elephant drawn with thick outlines


23. A Cute Cartoon Asian Elephant

You can easily distinguish African elephants from Asian elephants by looking at their ears. African elephants have large, floppy ears, while Asian elephants have smaller, round ears.

Can you tell if the baby elephant pictured in this elephant coloring printable belongs to the African or the Asian species?

If you’re not sure, you can look at some elephant pictures to help you spot the differences.

Regardless of the species, you can choose any shades you like to color this tiny mammal and put your creative skills to the test.Printable black-and-white image featuring baby elephant with small and round ears


24. A Very Young Elephant Walking

Even if elephants move slower than other animals because of their heavy bodies, it doesn’t mean they lack energy.

Quite the opposite – they can actually walk up to nearly 200 miles in a day if they have to.

Look at this little elephant here. He seems to be moving quite fast like he’s on a very important mission. We’re wondering what he’s up to.

Maybe you can figure it out while you’re deciding what colors to use for this elephant coloring sheet.Printable pdf for children featuring little energetic elephant with raised trunk


25. A Baby Elephant Learning How to Use Its Trunk

Elephant trunks have many interesting skills. Did you know they can be used as a snorkel when swimming or that they can sense thunders?

In this cute printable from our elephant coloring collection, we have a baby elephant with its trunk in the air. Maybe he’s learning how to use his trunk, just like older elephants do.

We know that in real life elephants are grey, but you can choose a different color scheme if you want. Coloring is about using your creativity and imagination.Free to download coloring page depicting a baby elephant with its trunk in the air


26. Baby Elephant Walking Free Coloring Page

Coloring page for kids featuring elephant on a walk outdoors with clouds above its head


27. Cute Elephant Standing Coloring Page for Kids

Free coloring picture for children of a cute cartoony elephant standing on his hind legs


28. Elephant Family in the Wild Fun Coloring Sheet

Detailed printable coloring sheet depicting mother elephant with a baby in the wild


29. Elephant in the Jungle Printable Coloring Sheet

Free coloring printable featuring little elephant walking outdoors surrounded by trees


30. Elephant Lifting its Trunk Printable Coloring Sheet

Free printable black-and-white drawing of an elephant lifting its trunk while walking


31. Elephant Sitting with a Smile Coloring Page for Kids

Picture to color of a cute sitting baby elephant with large and floppy ears surrounded by stars


32. Elephant Spraying Water from Trunk Coloring Page

Coloring image of an elephant standing by the water and spraying it from his trunk


33. Elephant with Big Ears Coloring Sheet

Drawing of a cartoony elephant with big ears standing on his hind legs and waving to us


34. Elephant with Tusks Walking Free Coloring Page

Free detailed picture of a mature walking elephant with mountains in the background


35. Mother Elephant and Baby Elephant Fun Coloring Sheet

Printable coloring poster for children depicting mother elephant walking with the baby