30 Gorilla Coloring Pages

Creative Jungle Fun With Some Gorilla Friends!

This collection of gorilla coloring pages is here to provide you with some jungle antics! There are so many gorilla designs for you to enjoy in this collection.

Gorillas are the largest primates in the world and live in various locations in central and Northern Africa. They are known for their distinctive look and high levels of intelligence.

They’re usually seen as gentle giants who prefer to avoid conflict, but they can be a threat if you mess with them!

This collection has a huge array of gorillas in many different art styles, so let’s dive in and have some fun.

Enjoy Some Wild Creativity With These Gorilla Coloring Pages

1. A Mom And Her Baby

Baby gorilla cuddling with mother free printable page


Let’s get this collection started on an adorable note with this baby gorilla cuddling with its mother free printable coloring sheet!

It will be even cuter once you have added some colors.

2. Gorilla Snack Time

Baby gorilla holding a banana fun coloring sheet


Everyone knows that gorillas love bananas!

This baby gorilla holding a banana fun coloring PDF reinforces this idea as this little guy tucks into a tasty banana treat.

3. Vine And Dandy

Baby gorilla swinging on vines free printable sheet

How fun it would be to be a baby gorilla in a jungle playground! This baby gorilla swinging on vines free printable sheet captures just how fun it would be.

It’s also very detailed, so you can test out your coloring skills on this one.

4. Dance Party

Cartoon gorilla dancing happily free coloring page pdf

Sometimes, gorillas like to have a bit of fun, just like we do!

This cartoon gorilla dancing happily coloring page is grooving away, and the party mood will be further enforced once you have finished it.

5. Adult Gorilla Snack Break

Cartoon gorilla eating fruit fun coloring sheet for kids


It’s not just babies who like to eat bananas!

This cartoon gorilla eating fruit fun coloring sheet for kids shows that even the big, grown adults like to have a fruity snack.

6. Tropical Relaxation

Cartoon gorilla holding a coconut fun coloring sheet


This next cartoon gorilla holding a coconut fun coloring PDF gives off tropical vibes!

If I were working on this page, I would use some bright colors to further build those tropical themes.

7. Cartoon Gorilla Up To Mischief

Cartoon gorilla with a big smile printable coloring sheet


I love the mischievous expression on the face of this cartoon gorilla with a big smile printable to color! What do you think this guy could be up to?

8. The Bond Between Mother And Child

Gorilla and baby sitting together detailed coloring page


It’s time for another heartwarming scene on this gorilla and baby sitting together detailed coloring page.

This could be a great page to gift to a parent or family member once it’s done!

9. A Fierce Gorilla

Gorilla beating its chest free coloring page pdf


Gorillas usually don’t lose their cool very often, but they can get vicious if threatened.

This gorilla beating its chest free coloring page shows a gorilla who isn’t messing around!

10. Baby Gorilla Adventure

Gorilla climbing a tree fun printable coloring sheet


This gorilla climbing a tree fun printable coloring sheet shows a little baby who is on a fun adventure.

Feel free to add a few background details of your own, too!

11. Family Fun

Gorilla family in the forest coloring page


It’s time for another heartwarming scene with this gorilla family in the forest coloring PDF.

Scenes like this just melt your heart!

12. Piggyback Ride

Gorilla family walking through the forest coloring page


Many kids love to have a piggyback ride, and this gorilla family walking through the forest coloring page shows that it’s the same for our primate friends!

13. Hanging Out In The Rainforest

Gorilla in a rainforest with lush trees coloring sheet


Rainforests are some of the main habitats for gorillas. We see one of them on this gorilla in a rainforest with lush trees coloring printable.

You could spend a lot of time coloring all of the amazing details on this one!

14. Realistic Gorilla

Gorilla in a zoo habitat detailed coloring sheet


This next gorilla in a zoo habitat detailed coloring page is very detailed and realistic, so it will provide you with a fun coloring challenge!

Take your time and have fun with it and I know you will do a great job.

15. Yummy Bamboo

Gorilla munching on bamboo free coloring page pdf


I would potentially share a banana with a gorilla, but I would have to say no to the snack on this gorilla munching on bamboo coloring sheet!

These banana coloring printables are a treat you can enjoy!

16. Under The Shade Of A Tree

Gorilla relaxing in the shade detailed coloring page


On a hot day, there’s nothing like relaxing under a tree.

This gorilla relaxing in the shade detailed coloring PDF shows a gorilla who is escaping from the heat of the sun.

17. Jungle Zen

Gorilla relaxing under a tree coloring page


I get a really relaxing feeling from this gorilla relaxing under a tree coloring printable.

It should be a really chilled and meditative experience as you work on it.

18. Roaring Rage

Gorilla roaring in the jungle free coloring page pdf


Gorillas can be quite intimidating when they want to be!

This gorilla roaring in the jungle free coloring page proves this, as this guy isn’t messing around.

19. Peaceful Chilling

Gorilla sitting peacefully coloring page for kids


This gorilla sitting peacefully coloring sheet for kids is quite a contrast to the previous page.

It looks a lot more relaxed than that other angry gorilla, that’s for sure.

20. Tropical Plant Selection

Gorilla surrounded by tropical plants coloring page


There is so much plant diversity on this gorilla surrounded by tropical plants coloring sheet!

Using colored pens and pencils would help make coloring these smaller details much easier.

21. Swinging Fun

Gorilla swinging on a tree branch free printable page


There is plenty of fun to behold on this gorilla swinging on a tree branch free printable page.

Which fun colors will you use to make it even more joyful?

22. Gorilla Strut

Gorilla walking on all fours detailed coloring sheet


Gorillas walk on all fours in a distinctive way, and we can see it displayed on this gorilla walking on all fours detailed coloring page.

It’s also another page that has so many amazing details to color.

23. Sampling A Banana

Gorilla with a banana in hand fun coloring sheet for kids


To a gorilla, a banana is a delicacy!

This gorilla with a banana in hand fun coloring sheet for kids shows a gorilla that is preparing to sample this delicacy.

24. Gorilla With A Flower

Playful gorilla holding a flower printable coloring page


Sometimes gorillas like to show their sensitive sides!

This playful gorilla holding a flower printable coloring PDF shows one that has a pretty flower.

25. Leaps And Bounds

Playful gorilla jumping on a rock fun coloring sheet


Gorillas can be very spry when they want to be!

This playful gorilla jumping on a rock fun coloring printable displays quite an impressive display of athleticism as this guy jumps between boulders.

26. Realistic Gorilla Explores The Jungle

Realistic gorilla in the jungle detailed coloring page


Having a detailed coloring page allows you to take your time and try out loads of colors and mediums.

This realistic gorilla in the jungle detailed coloring page presents another fun challenge for you to take on.

Why not try out some new art mediums and tools that you haven’t used before?

27. Silverback Gorilla Chilling

Silverback gorilla sitting on a hill detailed coloring page


Silverback gorillas are arguably the most majestic form of gorillas in the world.

You can see why they are so impressive on this silverback gorilla sitting on a hill detailed coloring sheet.

28. Tall Gorilla Guy

Silverback gorilla standing tall detailed coloring sheet


We have a more cartoony take on the majestic silverback with this silverback gorilla standing tall detailed coloring PDF.

Seeing a gorilla standing at its full height is quite a sight to behold!

29. Strength In Numbers

Silverback gorilla watching over the group coloring page


The gorillas on this silverback gorilla watching over the group coloring printable aren’t messing around!

That gorilla at the center of the group looks like he would do anything to protect the group.

It would not be a good idea to mess with this family of gorillas! Which powerful colors do you think would help to make this page even more impressive?

30. Gorilla Close-Up

Silverback gorilla with a fierce look coloring page


It’s time to get up close and personal with this silverback gorilla with a fierce look coloring sheet!

This gorilla also looks as if he really means business.

It will be interesting to see how you choose to finish off this collection!

There’s more primate fun in this collection of monkey coloring pages.

After You Color Your Gorilla Pages

Have Some More Wild Fun With These Extra Ideas

  • Draw some more jungle animals in these scenes.
  • Write some facts about gorillas in the backgrounds of the pages.
  • Add some dialogue in speech bubbles to create some amusing scenes.
  • Draw some human characters studying the gorillas (from a safe distance of course!)

That finishes off this collection of gorilla coloring pages! Any fans of this incredible animal had plenty of different styles and variations to enjoy in this collection.

When coloring these pages, you should feel free to use all of your color creativity and ideas. There are no wrong ways to color them, so I encourage you to try out whatever comes to mind.

If you don’t like the result, you can print another copy and try another one!

Finally, feel free to share some of your finished work on our social media pages.