Dog Coloring Pages

All new completely original and adorable dog coloring pages – which one will you choose?

Dogs are called man’s best friend for good reason. They are lovable and sweet companions who want nothing more than long walks, belly rubs, and a good game of fetch.

Dogs come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors, so our readers can use these dog coloring pages to design these fun little pups however they want.

There are so many dog owners in the world. Even people who don’t own a dog still love them for their loyalty and adorable nature. Recently we can’t get enough of these furry companions.

The popularity of dogs has translated into a high demand from our readers for printable dog coloring pages that you can enjoy for free.

Dogs Coloring Pages for Kids & Adults

This little dog looks like she just visited the groomer.

She has very nicely brushed fur that is parted in the middle on the top of her head. It even looks like a bow was placed in her fur. What a fancy dog!Dog Coloring Pages for kids free download

This adorable dog coloring page shows a puppy pal who looks very happy to meet you! Now you get to decide what this little do will look like as you add your favorite colors.

If you have a dog of your own in real life, you could make this one match your real life one!new dog coloring pages for kids

We love that every dog has a distinctive pattern in their furry coats.

The pup in this coloring page has big ears and a long tail, with splotches of color down its back and a fluffier patch of fur on his chest. Dog Coloring Pages for kids free download

The good boy featured on this dog coloring sheet is looking very happy and friendly!

If you were looking down at that face in real life, it would probably be impossible to resist giving it a nice pat on the head or a scratch behind the ears.

Now you get to color this canine pal as you choose which shades and details to add to it.

Do you think you will go for some more muted, realistic colors or do you think that you will create a more stylistic dog with some interesting colors?

Either way would look great, so don’t be afraid to experiment.

Dog Coloring Pages free printable

It’s hard not to fall for this cute little pointy-eared puppy!

When you color this picture, you could choose realistic colors you would see on a real dog, but you could also go for more stylistic colors as well.

Each approach will look cool in its own way, so go with your artistic instincts!dog coloring printable for kids

Even dogs need to dress up sometimes! This furry friend looks so cute in his bowtie.

His tongue hangs out of his mouth and his ears perk up as he waits excitedly to go to some special event. What do you think he is all dressed up for? Dog Coloring Pages for kids free download

The adorable pup in this coloring sheet is one of the fluffiest dogs we’ve ever seen. His breed is likely a Samoyed, also known as the smiling sled dog.

These breeds had to have thick fluffy coats because they were originally bred to work in the coldest places in the world, like Siberia. cute dog coloring pages free printable

Dogs have a sharp sense of hearing, much better than humans! The dog in this coloring sheet has large, pointy ears that are perked up and listening.

Dogs can even swivel their ears to help them hear better.
Dog Coloring Pages for adults free printable

The dog in this next image is taking it easy, probably after an intense play session! For this picture, coloring it in is just one way that you could complete the image.

You can also draw in some extra details to create a lovely setting for this relaxing dog.

Some examples of details you could add would be some dog toys or treats, or you could draw a collar around his neck.

Can you think of some other objects or details that you could add to this image? We can’t wait to see what ideas you have!dog coloring pages free printable

This pup looks a little like a famous movie dog, Lady from Lady and the Tramp. She is an American cocker spaniel with long fluffy ears and a distinctive pattern on her face.

She might be thinking about sharing a bowl of pasta in this printable. dog coloring page for kids

This sweet pup has extra fur around his muzzle that makes him look a bit like he has a beard and a mustache.

The way a dog grows fur is just one thing that makes each one unique. He pants in this coloring sheet and you can see his little coloring page free

How adorable is this next dog that we have for you to meet? Dogs can’t communicate with words like we can, so they have to express themselves in other ways.

Just the look on this dog’s face is enough to interpret that it is feeling love and affection! What kinds of fun games and activities would you like to enjoy with this dog if you could meet it in real life?

You can show us what you think you would like to do by adding some extra details!dog coloring pages free pdf download

The interesting-looking dog in this printable sheet is called a Bull Terrier.

They are known for their long egg-shaped heads and they often have distinctive coat patterns around their eyes, like this excitable puppy.
Dog Coloring Pages for adults free printable

There are so many unique and wonderful dog breeds of all different shapes and sizes.

Remember that all of these dog coloring sheets are completely free to print, so feel free to print and color as many as you want.
sad dog coloring page free printable

This next picture in our collection of free dog coloring pages for kids features a dog that has a lot of personality!

It is cocking its head to the side, which is something a dog will often do when it hears the voice of someone it loves.

We think that this picture gives off a lovely warm feeling, and you could emphasize this with the colors that you use.

For example, we would use some warm reds or blues in the background to give this image a cozier feeling. Will you use colors like this or maybe draw a background setting instead?dog coloring pages

The dog in this coloring page has one ear perked up to listen intently.

Perhaps he is hearing the barking of another dog in the distance. Dog Coloring Pages for adults free printable

We love the sense of movement and playfulness that this next picture gives off! Dogs love to run around and perform tricks outside, and this one seems to be having the time of it’s life.

There are a few ways that you could add to this image as well.

For example, you could draw a bar beneath the dog that it is jumping over, as that would make it look like it is competing in a competition.

For a less formal environment, maybe it could be jumping through a sprinkler in a yard! These are a few ideas, but what other activities can you think of for this happy canine?dog coloring pages

The puppy in this next dog coloring sheet has a tag on its collar, and there is room for you to draw something on the tag. Perhaps you would like to draw a small symbol.

Or, you could go for initials to show what the dog’s name could be. What could you put inside the tag this pup is wearing?black-and-white dog coloring pages

Dogs are great at giving you puppy dog eyes when they want a treat or to go for a walk.

Who could say no to the sweet face of the pup in this coloring sheet? Dog Coloring Pages free pdf download

Dogs and their owners form a very strong and lifelong friendship. Dogs bond to their owners like their ancestors, wolves, were bonded to their pack members.

This pup obviously belongs to someone very special to her. She really has stolen our hearts. super cute dog printable

Next, we have a French bulldog for you to color in, and it has a really intense look on its face! We wonder what could have caused this little one to look as nervous as it does in this picture.

You could show off what could be causing this expression by adding some details.

For one example, maybe this particular dog is scared of birds, and there could be a pigeon standing next to it that is making it look nervous.

That is one fun idea, but we’re sure you can think of even more that you could try!dog coloring pages free download

We can’t get enough of this adorable French Bulldog coloring page.

This pup’s wrinkles and rolls and large bat-like ears make it extra cute and unique. Dog Coloring Pages free pdf download

English Bulldogs are muscular, hefty creatures with thick bodies and short legs. They have lots of adorable wrinkles and cute little ears and they are pretty hard to mistake from any other dog.

The pup in this coloring sheet is enjoying chewy on a tasty bone for a treat.Dog Coloring Pages free pdf download

This dog coloring printable features a big guy who is looking very serious indeed. We think that for this intense dog some more muted colors would be perfect.

We would go for some watercolor paints or maybe some colored pencils to give the color choices a lighter feeling.

This would also give the image a more classic feeling that would suit the serious look on this big guy’s face.

That’s what we would go for, and we will be interested to see if you take a different approach!dog coloring pages

Golden Retrievers are very popular dog breeds for a good reason. They are loyal and smart with plenty of energy.

This pup pants with what looks like a smile on his face. Even though this dog is no longer a puppy, Golden Retrievers are often young at heart. Dog Coloring Pages free pdf download

A dog’s coat pattern gives them a unique and distinctive appearance and is one thing that makes dogs so beautiful.

The dog in this coloring sheet has very interesting markings on his face. It almost looks like he is wearing a mask. Dog Coloring Pages for preschoolers free printable

You’ve just got to love the big floppy ears on this next cutie! This dog has a kind and calm look on its face, and it looks like the kind of dog that would make for a wonderful friend.

There is a lot of empty space around this dog, and we think this would be perfect for some details.

Maybe you could draw a big dog bowl full of food that it is about to dig into for one idea. What else would you like to draw around this kindly dog?dog coloring pages

Some people think that certain breeds of dogs, like the Pit Bull in this coloring sheet, are usually mean, but Pit Bulls can be just as sweet and kind as any other dog.

We love this printable of an adorable Pit Bull gleefully chasing down a ball. Dog Coloring Pages for preschoolers free printable

Puppies love to play with other puppies, and so it would be great to draw some puppy pals for this one to hang out with! You could make them similar to this one or show off your favorite dog breeds.

If you need some inspiration, you could look up pictures of dogs online for help.
cartoon dog coloring pages

Corgis are pretty easy dogs to identify. They have very short legs and stumpy tails and of course those adorable, huge ears.

This Corgi could not be any cuter as he smiles up at us. Dog Coloring Pages for preschoolers free printable

We think that this next little dog is just way too cute! This one looks like it’s still a puppy, and you can tell this by the haphazard way it has slumped down on the floor.

When coloring this adorable pup, you could keep to the pattern details it already has, but you could also draw some more of your own!

You can also use certain techniques such as really small brushstrokes to create the illusion of fur on the dog’s body. What other art tricks and techniques would you be able to use on this dog?dog coloring book free printable

The dog in this coloring page is tilting his head to one side to show that he is listening intently.

Dogs actually do this to help them here better and to show that they are concentrating on what you are telling them. dog coloring book free printable

Dogs seem like they are always happy to see us and we love to see our furry friends after a long day.

Imagine coming home to the smiling face of the dog in this coloring sheet. dog coloring book free printable

We’re getting a nice wink in this next dog coloring page, and that is something you don’t get to see every day!

This is another adorable puppy, and it will only get more adorable as you add some colors. It is such a cute little dog, and we think it is a shame it doesn’t have some toys to play with.

This is a problem you could easily fix by drawing some squeaky toys or other fun objects for this little puppy to enjoy.

What dog toys would you like to give to this little one?dog coloring pages

Some dogs are so furry that their fur even covers their eyes, just like in this coloring page of an Old English Sheepdog.

He doesn’t seem to mind his shaggy coat as he pants happily and wags his tail, but we wonder if all that fur makes it hard for him to see.
dog coloring book free printable

Dogs love to play with any creature they can find. The pup in this coloring page has made friends with a butterfly floating overhead.

He looks ready to pounce to try to get his new friend to play with him. dog coloring book for kids free printable

This pup sure is loveable! Remember to post your completed dog coloring pages to our Facebook page.

Every month we pick the best uploads and the winner gets a special surprise! dog coloring book for kids free printable

Dogs love to chew on things, especially a nice bone. The dog in this printable seems to have found a good one to hold onto.

He looks ready to run off with his bone to make sure he has this tasty treat all to himself. dog coloring book for kids free printable

Dogs are able to look cute doing almost anything. We love this coloring page of a pup scratching his shoulder with his hind leg.

He looks like he could use a hand from someone to scratch his back. dog coloring book for kids free printable

One of a dog’s favorite things to do is to play fetch. It is their instinct to chase after objects and bring them back to you.

Some dogs were even specially bred to do this. The dog in this coloring sheet focuses intently on catching a ball that flies toward him.
dog coloring sheet for children free download

This pup looks a lot like the French Bulldog we saw in a previous coloring page, but it might be another breed that looks just like them.

Boston Terriers also have big ears and smushed faces, so the two can be hard to tell apart! dog coloring sheet for children free download

Another thing dogs love to play with is a simple rope toy. If your furry friend has a rope toy, you know how hard he works to tug it out of your hands.

The dog in this coloring page seems to have finally pulled his rope away, and now he is running away so no one will take it! dog coloring original sheet for children free download

This dog is so fluffy that he looks like a big puffball. He might be a Chow Chow, a breed of dog that originally came from China.

These pups have a ruff of fur around their head and shoulders that look like a lion’s mane. dog coloring original sheet for children free download

Dogs can play pretty much anywhere they’re allowed to, so it could be a fun idea to draw a background for this dog printable. There are so many places you could choose from!

If you could choose to play with a dog anywhere, where would it be? You can show us by drawing this place as the background to this picture you’re coloring!cute dogs coloring pages

Does your dog beg for people food? The dog in this coloring page has managed to swipe an awesome treat – a piece of pizza!

She chews on the top part of the pizza with delight, trying to pull it apart. What a lucky dog! dog coloring original sheet for children free download


Two Dachshunds Posing For Picture

Two Dachshunds Posing For a Picture


Three Dogs Playing With Large Stick

Three Dogs Playing With Large Stick


Simple Outline Of Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

Simple Outline Of Greater Swiss Mountain Dog


Sheltie Dog Outline For Coloring

Sheltie Dog Outline For Coloring


Puppy Raising Paw Coloring In

Puppy Raising Paw Coloring In


Dog in a little Kennel Coloring Page

Dog in a little house coloring page


Outline Of Belgian Malinois Dog

Outline Of Beglian Malinois Dog


Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Dog

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Dog


Little Boy Playing With Dog Under The Sun

Little Boy Playing With Dog Under The Sun


Large Basset Dog Lying Down

Large Basset Dog Lying Down

Remember to check back for more fun characters and animals that you can print and color. We are constantly updating our catalog of coloring pages and printable sheets for you to enjoy.

There is so much more to come.

We hope you enjoyed using your creativity to bring to life these dog coloring pages as they played or enjoyed tasty treats.

Don’t forget to post a photo of your finished masterpiece on Facebook. We can’t wait to see what you’ll come up with next.