Gymnastics Coloring Pages

Leap into coloring fun with these gymnastics coloring pages!

On this page, you will find 30 easy Gymnastics coloring pages that are completely free to print and download.

There are many awesome activities that you can practice that involve a lot of skill and practice, and few are as thrilling to watch or perform as gymnastics.

It involves many different practices and disciplines and this collection of free gymnastics coloring pages for kids is here to explore some of these different activities.

If you love gymnastics then you will definitely love this incredible collection, and you’ll definitely want to share all of these pages with your friends!

On the other hand, if you are more into some other kind of sports, you can explore our soccer coloring pages here or volleyball coloring pages here.

With that, let’s leap into action as we begin this awesome collection of coloring pages!

30 Gymnastics Coloring Pages – Free to Print and Color

1. A cheerful young girl gymnast

The first gymnastics coloring sheet that we have for you features a happy little athlete performing a really daring vault move.

This is the kind of move that could result in some injury if not performed properly, and it really makes you appreciate the skill that goes into it! How will you color this daring move?Gymnastics-themed coloring sheet featuring a happy young girl gymnast performing a really daring vault move


2. Gymnastics ballerina to color

This coloring sheet shows a graceful gymnastics ballerina performing a beautiful dance on a spiral ribbon. She is wearing a leotard and ballet slippers, and her hair is in a neat bun.

If you want to get more ballerina drawings, you should visit our ballerina coloring pages here.

She is balancing on one leg and stretching the other leg behind her. She looks very elegant and confident in her pose.

What colors will you use for her outfit, her hair, and her ribbon? You can also add some details and patterns to the ribbon to make it more interesting. Coloring image of a graceful gymnastics ballerina performing a beautiful dance with a spiral ribbon


3. A cartoon boy gymnast laughing

Gimnastics is a lot of fun, and the boy in this picture looks as if he is having a really fun time here!

There is plenty of fun for you to have as well, as there are loads of details that you can add some colors to.

We would use some bright colors here to highlight the fact that he seems to be having so much fun.Gymnastics-themed picture of a cartoony boy gymnast having a really fun time during his performance


4. A young gymnast performing a split

This gymnastics coloring page features a young girl doing a split with her arms up in the air.

She looks confident and happy as she performs this graceful move. There are three stars above her head to show how awesome she is.

You can use bright and cheerful colors to show the girl’s energy and happiness. You can also draw some more stars or other decorations to make the scene more fun.Coloring picture of a young girl gymnast performing a split with her arms up in the air


5. A realistic boy gymnast on a pommel horse

We can only imagine the strength that this next move would take, but this little athlete seems up to the challenge!

This one is drawn in a more realistic style, so we would use some colored pencils or maybe some watercolors to go with that more realistic look what colors and mediums do you think you will use?

If you want to see more male sportsmen, you should visit our baseball coloring pages here or hockey coloring pages here.

Gymnastics-themed printable coloring picture featuring little athlete on a pommel horse


6. A girl gymnast practicing a split

Get ready to have your art tools dance on the page as we have a girl performing some twirling in this next gymnastics coloring page!

Coloring the ribbon on her baton may be tricky as it’s quite thin and twisty.

We think using some colored pens or pencils would help make it much easier, as you have a lot more precision with medius like that.Gymnastics-themed poster featuring girl gymnast performing some twirling with the ribbon while doing a split


7. Gymnast is upside down on her hands

This is a truly daring move we have up next! This gymnast is standing on her hands while she swings her legs over, and it’s a truly incredible move.

There is a lot of movement shown in this one, and you could suggest that movement by using lots of strokes of color for the background.Gymnastics image of a girl gymnast standing on her hands while she swings her legs over


8. A girl gymnast performing a ribbon dance

Are you ready to color this amazing gymnastics coloring page? This page shows a young girl who is doing a ribbon dance. She is balancing on one leg and holding a long ribbon in her hands.

She is making the ribbon move in a beautiful shape around her body. She looks very happy and confident.

Apply green, brown, or gray colors, or maybe you want to make it more playful and colorful with yellow, orange, or red colors.

You can also add some details to the background, such as stars, hearts, or rainbows. Gymnastics printable page of a girl gymnast balancing on one leg and performing a ribbon dance


9. A gymnast ready to jump coloring page

We have a really elegant pose featured on this next page. This girl seems to really be lost in the moment as she prepares to perform her next move.

There are also some great details on her outfit, so you can really show off your skills as you design the color scheme for the outfit.

What colors would you choose for it?Coloring page featuring girl gymnast in a really elegant pose preparing to perform her next move


10. Gymnast in action coloring page

Looking at the move on this tenth page of our collection of free gymnastics coloring pages for kids kind of makes our limbs hurt just looking at it!

The amount of practice and concentration this kind of move would take is hard to know without experiencing it, and it makes for an excellent pose for you to color.Printable picture to color featuring female gymnast performing some moves while balancing on her hands


11. Gymnast showing her flexibility printable

This young girl who is doing a split on a mat. This move is not only a display of flexibility, but also a demonstration of strength and control.

There are stars scattered around her to tell you how great she is doing. You can have fun coloring this page with your favorite colors.

Choose any color you like for the girl’s leotard, hair, and mat. You can also color the stars with different shades or patterns.

You can also draw some background elements like a gym, a coach, or some other gymnasts. Gymnastics picture presenting young girl doing a split on a mat with stars all around her


12. Gymnast stretching coloring page

One wrong move with a maneuver like this and you would probably have a really sore neck the next morning!

Luckily, this gymnast is in complete control, and she looks as if she is moments away from landing the move.

This is one that you could also add a background to if you are feeling extra creative. Maybe you could add a cheering crowd behind her!Gymnastics-themed coloring printable for kids featuring girl gymnast spinning in the air


13. Gymnast leap realistic drawing

The look of concentration on this gymnast’s face says it all, as it’s another move that would require perfect timing. Luckily for her, it looks as if she’s about to nail the move.

This one is also drawn in a more realistic style, so it’s another one we would probably use some watercolors or colored pencils on. What are you thinking of using?Gymnastics printable page featuring concentrated female gymnast leaping with legs spread wide


14. Baton twirling gymnast coloring page

What a sight we have for you to color with this next gymnastics coloring printable!

The baton twirl is one of the most beautiful practices in all of gymnastics, and that beauty is really captured here wonderfully.

Again, some colored pens or pencils would be perfect for the smaller details of the ribbon, but there are plenty of ways that you could color it!Gymnastics-themed printable pdf depicting girl gymnast twirling her spiral ribbon


15. Realistic gymnast in motion

We have another gymnast with an intense look of concentration on her face up next. It’s another move that could easily go wrong, so it’s understandable that she would look so serious.

Now it’s up to you to decide how you will capture this tense moment with your favorite colors and art tools!Printable page of a realistic female gymnast balancing on her hands while holding legs up


16. Gymnast in a bendable position coloring page

Gymnastics is a sport that can be enjoyed by all ages, and this picture shows a very young girl doing a great job with a complex move.

Pictures like this are really inspiring, and it helps us all to experience some of the joy of gymnastics even if we would not be able to perform a move like this ourselves.Gymnastics-themed coloring image presenting very young girl in a bendable position


17. Gymnast in handstand position

This page features a child who is doing handstand gymnastics. The child’s arms and legs are spread wide. She is balancing on their hands with their feet in the air.

The background is white and there is a small circle around the child. The drawing is simple and cute, so you can apply your creativity and color it anyhow you want.

You can have fun coloring this page with your favorite colors. You can choose any color you like for the child’s hat, hair, eyes, and clothes.You can also color the circle with different shades or patterns. Gymnastics-themed page featuring a child in a handstand position with arms and legs spread wide


18. Gymnast in a baton twirl

We can only imagine what a thrill it must be to perform a move like this!

The gymnast here looks like she’s lost in the beauty of the moment, and the same would be true for anyone lucky enough to witness it. How will you capture this breathtaking moment?Free printable coloring page featuring girl gymnast performing a jump with the rope


19. Realistic sketch of a gymnast in action

Gymnastics is all about preparation both physically and mentally, and this gymnast looks as if she is doing both.

It’s another picture that has lots of realistic details, and there are many ways you could bring color to this scene.

We have mentioned a few ways of coloring more detailed pictures, but what other methods do you have that you could use for this one?Gymnastics-themed printable featuring female gymnast getting ready for performance with the hoop


20. Realistic gymnast displaying her strength

It’s time for the final gymnastics coloring sheet of the collection, and this is another daring move!

This kind of trick requires a huge amount of arm strength, and you would need to train for many hours in order to pull off such a move.

As the final page of the collection, you can really show off your coloring skills as you finish it off! Will you try out some new mediums or techniques to finish off the collection?Gymnastics coloring sheet depicting female gymnast performing a trick in the air


21. Cartoon gymnasts award ceremony

Gymnastics coloring pages


22. Gymnast on balance beam balancing on one leg

Picture of a gymnast balancing on one leg on the balance beam surrounded by stars


23. Realistic gymnast on the balance beam

Free printable featuring gymnast balancing on her hands on the balance beam with stars all around her


24. Realistic male gymnast on pommel horse

Gymnastics-themed image to print featuring male gymnast during performance on the pommel horse


25. Rhythmic gymnast air split with ribbon

Coloring picture for children featuring rhythmic gymnast air split with ribbon and stars all around her


26. Rhythmic gymnast performing with a ball

Free printable picture featuring rhythmic gymnast performing with a ball surrounded by stars


27. Rhythmic gymnast ribbon performance

Gymnastics coloring picture presenting rhythmic gymnast during performance with the ribbon


28. Gymnastics coloring page of Simone Biles

Gymnastics-themed poster featuring a close-up portrait of an American artistic gymnast Simone Biles


29. Coloring page of Simone Biles in the Olympics

Coloring page presenting gymnast Simone Biles posing proudly with hands up surrounded by stars


30. A young gymnast on a balance beam printable

Free coloring picture featuring young female gymnast perfoming on a balance beam


Gymnastics Coloring Pages – Which will you choose?

That brings you to the end of this thrilling collection of free gymnastics coloring pages for kids. We hope you had an amazing time living out some gymnastics glory from the comfort of your chair!

Remember that you can share this collection with others to enjoy as well. We also have many other coloring page collections to enjoy on our website, so we hope to see you there for more fun soon!

Please also show us how some of these pages turned out by sharing some of your artworks on our Facebook and Pinterest pages for us to enjoy.