25 Ant Coloring Pages

Get Ready For Big Coloring Fun With Some Small Insects

This collection of ant coloring pages is here to bring the focus to these tiny insects that make a big impact on the environment!

If you go outside and look closely, you will likely see some ants scurrying around here and there. They may be small, but they’re quite interesting when you look closely.

Not only do they look very unique when seen up close, but they are also an important part of the environment. They don’t always get the attention they deserve, so this collection aims to fix that!

Here you can color some ants and a whole lot of other insects, so let’s go!

Enjoy The Little Things With These Ant Coloring Pages

1. Up In The Air And On The Ground

Ant and butterfly detailed coloring sheet


We see two very different kinds of insects on this ant and butterfly detailed coloring sheet. One is floating elegantly above while the other scuttles along the ground.

Both are really beautiful in their own ways!

2. Working Together To Build An Anthill

Ant building an anthill coloring page for kids


Building an ant hill is no easy task when you’re so small! This ant building an anthill coloring PDF for kids shows that teamwork makes the dream work.

3. A Berry Heavy Load

Ant carrying a berry fun coloring sheet for kids


Ants can carry between 10-50 times their own weight, and we see this incredible strength on this ant carrying a berry fun coloring printable for kids.

4. Some More Heavy Lifting

Ant carrying a leaf coloring page for kids


We have another ant showing off on this ant carrying a leaf coloring page for kids. It doesn’t seem to be struggling with the weight at all!

5. Feasting On Strawberry Tonight!

Ant carrying food to the colony coloring page


Thanks to this ant carrying food to the colony coloring printable, there will be strawberry on the menu tonight!

6. A Curious Ant

Ant coloring pages


This next ant coloring page shows one that looks rather curious.

Drawing an extra detail would be a great way of showing what you think it could be inspecting.

7. Ants Hanging Out

Ant on a tree branch detailed coloring sheet


It’s an ant hangout on this ants on a tree branch detailed coloring sheet. They seem to be having a rather fun time!

8. Mushroom Shelter

Ant under a mushroom free printable coloring page


When you’re as small as an ant, a mushroom can make for a wonderful piece of shelter.

That’s evident on this ant under a mushroom free printable coloring PDF.

9. Ant Navigation

Ant walking on a branch free coloring page pdf


This next ant walking on a branch free page to color shows an ant navigating a rather precarious walk! It seems to have everything under control, though.

10. Ant Waving Hello Fun Cartoon Coloring Sheet

Ant waving hello fun cartoon coloring sheet


11. Picnic Time!

Ant with a picnic basket fun coloring sheet


A heist is being performed on this ants with a picnic basket with food! Let’s hope they get away with the stash.

12. Ants With Flowers Coloring Printable

Ant with flowers around it printable coloring page


13. What Big Eyes You Have!

Ant with large eyes detailed coloring sheet


We’re being watched on this ant with large eyes detailed coloring sheet. What colors will you use for the eyes?

14. Super Realistic Ant

Ant with large mandibles detailed coloring sheet


This next ant with large mandibles detailed coloring PDF shows us one of the most realistic ants we have seen thus far.

Coloring it will be a fun challenge!

15. Ant Comraderie

Ants carrying food together fun coloring sheet


Things are always easier when we work together, and we’re reminded of that on this ants carrying food together fun page to color.

16. Up The Hill

Ants climbing up a hill printable coloring page


This ants climbing up a hill printable coloring page shows that some rocks that would be unnoticeable to us are a huge feat for ants to climb.

17. A Look Inside The Anthill

Ants in an anthill with tunnels detailed coloring sheet


It’s not often that one can see inside an anthill, but this ants in an anthill with tunnels detailed coloring sheet gives us a glimpse inside.

18. Ants In A Line

Ants marching in a line fun printable coloring sheet


Everybody is marching in single file on this ants marching in a line fun printable coloring PDF. Where do you think they could be heading?

19. An Ambitious Meal

Ants marching toward food coloring page for kids


This ants marching toward food coloring page for kids shows that these ants have a big haul in their sights!

They’ll need a lot of ants to carry that burger away though.

20. Ants Near A Picnic Basket Free Coloring PDF

Ants near a picnic blanket free coloring page pdf


21. Many Hands Make Light Work

Ants working together free printable coloring page


This next ants working together free printable to color shows us once again that working together is the best way to make the task much easier.

22. Cartoon Ant Holding A Flag Free Coloring Page

Cartoon ant holding a flag free coloring page pdf


23. One Happy Ant

Cartoon ant with a big smile free coloring page pdf


This cartoon ant with a big smile free coloring page makes this little guy look very friendly, that’s for sure! Drawing a background could show why he feels so happy.

24. Cartoon Ant With A Leaf Hat Fun Printable

Cartoon ant with a leaf hat fun printable coloring sheet


25. A Final Ant For The Collection

Detailed ant with antennae coloring sheet


This final detailed ant with antennae coloring sheet gives you one more ant to color, and it’s another one that is quite realistic!

You could spend some time working on coloring all the details, but I know you can do it.

You may be a bit disappointed to reach the end of the collection, but I have you covered!

After You Color Your Ant Pages

Spend More Time With Some Ants With These Ideas:

  • Draw even more ants on the pages to build the colony!
  • Add in some other kinds of insects that you like to interact with the ants.
  • Draw all sorts of yummy food that these ants can find and enjoy!
  • Create some backgrounds to show where these ants are exploring.

That brings you to the end of this collection of ant coloring pages. This was a great way to bring some credit to these unsung heroes of nature!

There are loads of ways that you can color these pages, and you can print out multiple copies to try out all the ideas you have. It can also be fun to share the pages with friends and family.

When you have finished your favorite pages, you can show off how your art turned out by sharing it on our social media pages!