Spinosaurus Coloring Pages

Go back to the age of the dinosaurs with these spinosaurus coloring pages!

These 15 Spinosaurus coloring pages for kids are the perfect opportunity for some prehistoric creativity session!

The Spinosaurus is one of the most unique looking dinosaurs of them all, and that’s saying something with how weird some dinosaurs can look!

With it’s finned back and long body, this would have been a deadly dino to encounter in real life!

Seeing as we don’t know what colors dinosaurs would be exactly, this leaves an opportunity for us to get creative and decide what we’d have liked them to look like.

So don’t feel shy to get bold with your colors and come up with some awesome patterns and color schemes for these Spinosaurus coloring sheets!

15 Free Printable Spinosaurus Coloring Pages For Kids

For this first free Spinosaurus coloring page for kids, we have a little Spinosaurus that looks way cuter than his real life counterpart would have looked!

He’s looking very happy in a prehistoric jungle setting, so maybe you could use brighter colors to reflect this happy dino’s mood.

You can also be creative with the background. It’s a prehistoric coloring sheet so maybe the trees also had colorful patterns on them!dinosaur spinosaurus coloring pages free download

This coloring page features a ferocious dinosaur that looks like it’s ready to attack. It has a long neck and tail, a big head with sharp teeth, and a row of spikes along its back and tail.

It’s standing on two legs and roaring loudly. Maybe it’s trying to scare away some other dinosaurs, or maybe it’s just having fun. What do you think?

You can make this Spinosaurus even more lovable by coloring it with your favorite colors. You can use realistic colors, or you can use bright and fun colors. Spinosaurus Coloring Pages for kids

We have another cute little dino in the next Spinosaurus coloring sheet. This one seems very friendly, so much so that it looks like it would enjoy it if you walked over and pet it!

What colors will you choose for the friendly little dino in this Spinosaurus printable?cute baby dinosaur spinosaurus coloring pages

In this Spinosaurus coloring sheet we have another happy looking little dino who’s wide eyed in excitement! I wonder what’s happening to make it look so happy?

You could try to draw in a background for this coloring sheet to show what kind of environment this one could have lived in to really complete this sweet Spinosaurus printable.

easy dinosaur spinosaurus coloring pages black and white

This next coloring page shows a friendly Spinosaurus that is walking on all fours legs. He’s standing tall, flashing his signature toothy grin as he shows off his awesome spiked sail.

It has a long neck and tail, a big head with sharp teeth, and a row of spikes along its back and tail. It’s standing on two legs and roaring loudly.

Maybe it’s trying to scare away some other dinosaurs, or maybe it’s just having fun. What do you think?

You can color this lovable Spinosaurus with brown, black, yellow, or green. Spinosaurus free Coloring Pages

Another cute and happy dino is the focus of this Spinosaurus coloring page for kids. For this coloring sheet, you could try to come up with some cool and colorful patterns for his body.

Maybe you could alternate using pens and pencils for some variety in the patterns and textures on this dinosaur’s body for a more dynamic look.spinosaurus coloring pages cute picture

We have a much younger little dinosaur to color in for this next Spinosaurus printable. It’s much smaller than the previous ones and has great big eyes looking at us, so I’d say this might be a baby one.

Maybe you could use some lighter shades of blues, yellows and green to show that this could be a younger dino than the rest.

How will you color in this cute Spinosaurus coloring sheet?cool spinosaurus coloring pages free download

For the next Spinosaurus coloring page we have one in a bit of a different style than the previous ones.

This one has an interesting facial expression; what do you think it’s thinking about? I think this one would look really great if you colored each spot on it a different color to help this dinosaur to stand out from the crowd!

Do you think you’d use a set of complimentary colors for his spots or just use your favorite blend of bright and bold colors?

jurassic park 3 spinosaurus coloring pages

This coloring page shows a Spinosaurus page! It’s one of the cutest dinosaurs we’ve ever seen. It has a long neck and tail, a big head with sharp teeth, and a row of spikes along its back and tail.

It’s standing on two legs and roaring loudly. Maybe it’s trying to scare away some other dinosaurs, or maybe it’s just having fun. What do you think?

You can make this Spinosaurus even more lovable by coloring it with your favorite colors. You can use realistic colors, or you can use bright and fun.Original Spinosaurus Coloring Pages

This Spinosaurus coloring sheet has a dino on his way somewhere and looking pretty happy!

This might be a fun opportunity to draw in a creative background to show what this little guy might be up to. Where do you think he might be heading?baby spinosaurus coloring pages for toddlers free

This coloring page shows a playful Spinosaurus that is running. Though he may look formidable with his pointy teeth and spiky sail, this cute carnivore is just a playful goofball at heart.

He’s flashed his friendliest dino grin, standing on his tippy toes and letting out a great big grin.

It’s time to transform this delightful Spinosaurus into your own wacky work of art! Make him pop by coloring his scales outrageous neon hues like bright yellow, vivid pink and lime green. Spinosaurus coloring sheets for kids free download

The dinosaur in this Spinosaurus printable has a lot of personality! He looks like a mischievous fellow, so I think some bright, clashing colors could help show that he’s a bit of a trickster.

I’d go with some bright yellows and reds alternating for him, but what colors will you choose to complete this Spinosaurus coloring sheet?detailed baby spinosaurus coloring pages

This dinosaur is looking like a real star in this Spinosaurus coloring page! It’s clear as he’s literally surrounded by stars and doing a fancy pose.

While having drawn in backgrounds was something to try in the previous Spinosaurus printables, I think this one would look awesome with a solid background color; maybe a nice red contrasting with yellow for the stars?

How will you make this Spinosaurus coloring sheet pop with color?jurassic world spinosaurus coloring pages free printable

We’re getting a thumbs up for a great job of coloring with this final free Spinosaurus coloring page for kids!

This cheerful guy deserves some bright and equally cheerful colors, don’t you think? Maybe you could draw in a dinosaur party going on in the background with some colorful balloons floating around. That would help explain why he’s looking so pleased!

How will you color in this final Spinosaurus printable?

dinosaur spinosaurus coloring pages free pdf

This coloring page features a happy Spinosaurus that is standing on two legs and smiling.
It has a large sail on its back and a long tail. It also has a big head with small arms and sharp teeth.

It looks like it’s in a good mood and ready to have some fun. Maybe it’s greeting some friends, or maybe it’s just enjoying the day. What do you think?

You can use natural colors, or you can use bright and fun colors. You can also add some patterns and designs to make it more interesting.Spinosaurus free coloring printable pdf

Which Spinosaurus Coloring Pages Will You Print?

We really hope that you had a wonderful time with these free Spinosaurus coloring pages for kids. Don’t forget that all of our coloring printables are free for you to print, color and enjoy!

Maybe you can print out a couple copies of your favorite Spinosaurus printables and try out different color schemes and mediums like paints, pens and pencils to create a great variety of different looks for these cute dinosaurs.

Please be sure to like and share our Facebook page to never miss out on our other great coloring pages and goodies! Also, we love to see your coloring creativity, so once you’ve finished your favorite Spinosaurus coloring pages we’d love it if you’d share them on our Facebook page.

We’re really looking forward to seeing some colorful interpretations of how these dinosaurs might have looked!

original and free spinosaurus coloring pages