30 Kung Fu Panda Coloring Pages

Join The Fight With Po And The Furious Five!

This collection of Kung Fu Panda coloring pages is here to celebrate this epic film series! There’s something for kids of all ages to enjoy throughout these beautifully detailed pages.

The original Kung Fu Panda film was released in 2008 and was an immediate hit. It’s a story about an unlikely hero that teaches us that anyone can be a hero.

It’s also a gorgeous celebration of Chinese culture, and this is true for all of the following films.

This collection will allow you to color favorites like Po, Master Shifu and the members of the Furious Five such as Tigress, Viper and Monkey.

If you want to color more similar coloring pages, you may like our collection of Zootopia coloring pages here.

Go On An Adventure With These Kung Fu Panda Coloring Pages

1. The Furious Five In Action

Kung fu panda coloring pages


This first Kung Fu Panda coloring sheet shows the Furious Five along with Master Shifu as they strike an incredible pose.

2. Po Learns Balance

Kung fu panda po balancing noodles fun printable coloring sheet


Balance is important in kung fu, and this Kung Fu Panda Po balancing noodles fun printable coloring PDF shows him balancing the things he loves the most!

3. Kung Fu Kick!

Kung fu panda po doing a kung fu kick fun coloring sheet


You need to use all of your body in kung fu, and we see this to be the case on this Kung Fu Panda Po doing a kung fu kick fun printable!

4. Dumpling Snack

Kung fu panda po holding dumplings detailed coloring sheet


Our hero loves to stop for a snack break, and this Kung Fu Panda Po holding dumplings detailed coloring page provides him with plenty to enjoy.

5. The Dragon Warrior

Kung fu panda po holding his dragon warrior staff detailed sheet


We see how far this hero has come on this Kung Fu Panda Po holding his Dragon Warrior staff detailed coloring sheet.

Fans of Po’s namesake can enjoy some incredible dragons to color here.

6. Po Jumps For Joy

Kung fu panda po jumping with joy free printable coloring page


This next Kung Fu Panda Po jumping with joy free printable coloring PDF reminds us of what a happy and optimistic character he really is!

7. A Kung Fu Pose

Kung fu panda po kicking in action fun printable coloring sheet


We see an incredible pose on this Kung Fu Panda Po Kicking in action printable coloring page! You could also draw some background details if you like.

8. A Staff Meeting

Kung fu panda po leaping into action fun coloring sheet


A bamboo staff is ready for action on this Kung Fu Panda Po leaping into action fun coloring printable. It never hurts to practice so that your skills are sharp!

9. Practice Makes Perfect

Kung fu panda po practicing kung fu detailed coloring sheet


Being a kung fu master isn’t all about fighting battles!

This Kung Fu Panda Po practicing kung fu detailed coloring sheet shows that Po is not above taking time to hone his abilities.

10. Meditative Coloring Fun

Kung fu panda po relaxing under a tree coloring page for kids


A kung fu master must be at one with themselves, and this Kung Fu Panda Po relaxing under a tree coloring PDF for kids slows things down as Po takes a moment to meditate.

11. Happy Po!

Kung fu panda po with a big smile free printable coloring page


Something I love about Po as a character is that he’s so easily excited!

This Kung Fu Panda Po with a big smile free printable page to color shows off this side of his personality.

12. Master Shifu Meditates

Master shifu meditating in the forest coloring page for kids


This Master Shifu meditating in the forest coloring sheet for kids is not only nice and relaxing but also a detailed challenge for you to take on!

13. Master Shifu Shows Off What He Knows

Master shifu teaching kung fu free kung fu panda coloring page


A great master will pass on what they know, and this Master Shifu teaching kung fu free Kung Fu Panda coloring PDF shows he’s willing to pass on his skills.

14. Crane Uplifts Po

Po and crane flying over the mountains printable coloring page


This Po and Crane flying over the mountains printable coloring page gives us quite a view of the beautiful scenery below!

15. Visit The Jade Palace

Po and his friends in the jade palace free coloring page pdf


Visiting this famous location would be a real honor, and this Po and his friends in the Jade Palace free coloring sheet gives you that opportunity.

16. Kung Fu Heroes

Po and his friends ready to save the day coloring page


No threat could stand against the crew on this Po and his friends ready to save the day coloring PDF!

17. Kung Fu Hero Pose

Po and his kung fu team posing free coloring page pdf


Being able to strike cool poses is an essential part of being a hero.

Luckily, this Po and his kung fu team posing free coloring page shows that this is no problem for this intrepid team!

18. Po And Master Shifu Show Off

Po and master shifu training detailed kung fu panda coloring sheet


It’s time to color this unlikely yet formidable duo on this Po and Master Shifu training detailed Kung Fu Panda coloring sheet.

19. Po And Monkey Share A Laugh

Po and monkey laughing together free coloring page pdf


It’s time to lighten the atmosphere on this Po and Monkey laughing together free coloring PDF.

Fun Fact: Monkey is voiced by the legendary actor Jackie Chan who has starred in many kung fu-themed films.

20. Tigress Joins The FightPo and tigress fighting bad guys coloring page



They may not have gotten along at first, but this Po and Tigress fighting bad guys coloring page shows that they can work together when they need to.

In the films, Tigress is voiced by the famous actress Angelina Jolie.

21. Viper Increases The Pressure

Po and viper training together fun coloring sheet


This Po and Viper training together fun coloring sheet proves that Viper can put on the pressure when she needs to!

Her voice actor, Lucy Liu, also played a role as a master fighter in the Kill Bill movies.

22. Time To Celebrate!

Po celebrating with dumplings fun printable coloring sheet


There’s nothing wrong with taking a moment to relax from adventuring, and this Po celebrating with dumplings fun printable proves that Po knows that enjoying food is the best way to do that!

You could draw some more food around him to make the celebration even more special.

23. Noodle Break

Po eating noodles from a bowl free coloring page pdf


Po better slow down his eating habits!

If he keeps up what he’s doing on this Po eating noodles from a bowl free coloring page then he’s likely to give himself indigestion.

24. The Valley Of Peace

Po in the valley of peace detailed coloring sheet


We see Po looking especially cool on this Po in the Valley of Peace detailed coloring sheet! How will you color this incredible scene?

25. A Happy Moment For Po

Po the kung fu panda smiling coloring page for kids


You can have some joyful coloring fun on this Po the kung fu panda smiling coloring PDF for kids.

Which colors help to make you feel happier when you see them?

26. Po Wields The Dragon Scroll

Po with his dragon scroll detailed kung fu panda coloring sheet


The Dragon Scroll is an important artifact in the films, and this Po with his Dragon Scroll detailed Kung Fu Panda coloring page shows that he’s ready to defend it with his life if he has to.

You could use some colored pens to color the finer details of the scroll.

27. Tigress And Po Have A Disagreement

Tigress and po sparring fun kung fu panda coloring sheet


There’s more than one way to settle a dispute, as we see on this Tigress and Po sparring fun Kung Fu Panda coloring sheet.

Who do you think will win this battle?

28. Tigress Shows Off Her Skills

Tigress in a kung fu stance coloring page


The skills of Tigress are almost unmatched, and we get a sense of those skills on this Tigress in a Kung Fu stance coloring PDF.

Drawing a background for this page would help to show off your favorite Tigress scene.

If you want to color more tigers, you can check our collection of our tiger coloring pages here.

29. Training Outside

Tigress in action with kung fu moves detailed coloring sheet


Taking some time to train outdoors is a great way to hone skills while enjoying nature.

This Tigress in action with kung fu moves detailed page to color shows us that Tigress agrees with this sentiment.

I would use some watercolor paint for this page if I were working on it, but what do you think you will use?

30. Tigress Closes Off The Collection

Tigress ready for battle coloring page


It seems fitting that this incredible character would finish off this collection!

This Tigress ready for battle coloring sheet closes things off with a bang as she shows off some fancy kung fu moves.

To keep up the panda fun, you’re encouraged to check out these cute pandas to color.

After You Color Your Kung Fu Panda Pages

Spend Some More Time With The Furious Five With These Ideas

  • Draw some of the villains from the movies on the pages.
  • Use your favorite scenes from the films to create some backgrounds.
  • Add some speech bubbles to show some memorable lines from the movies.
  • Try some craft materials like glitter to add some wonder and magic to the pages.

This collection of Kung Fu Panda coloring pages was the perfect way to pay tribute to this incredible film series. I hope you enjoyed bringing your favorite characters to life on these pages!

You’re free to color each page as you like, even if it deviates from the color scheme of the movies. They’re yours to enjoy in any ways you like, and anything you choose will look amazing!

To show off your finished art, you can send your finished pages to our social media pages so we can see how they turned out.