Viking Coloring Pages

Explore a coloring adventure with these viking coloring pages!

There is a great deal of fascination behind viking history and culture. The vikings are known for their rich mythology, their innovative farming and architecture and for being formidable warriors.

It’s no mystery why so many films, books, TV series and video games are dedicated to the vikings.

This collection of free viking coloring pages for kids feature many awesome scenes featuring these brave warriors!

This will be the perfect collection to try out all of your favorite colors and art mediums on. You can have tons of fun showing off your creative skills on these pages!

Every single one of these pages are free for you to print out and enjoy as many times as you like! You can also share the whole collection with others to color and enjoy as well.

With that, you’re ready to embark on a coloring adventure!

When you have colored your favorite pictures from the collection, you can share your artworks on our Facebook and Pinterest pages for us to see!

15 Brand New Viking Coloring Pages – Free to Print and Color

We have a brave and noble-looking viking warrior for you to color in our first free viking coloring page for kids!

This viking is standing with his ax at the ready, and he also has a sword at his belt. You may picture vikings with horned helmets, however in reality vikings never actually wore helmets like that.

We have represented this more realistic viking look in these pages. Now the question is how will you color this first brave viking? It will be great to see how you represent this first brave warrior!Coloring image featuring brave and noble-looking mature viking warrior standing with his ax at the ready

This Vikings coloring page features a fearsome Viking warrior for you to color! There are some great details on this design from the beard to the armor.

Using varying colors and mediums on this image will really bring it to life, and then you could add a background setting to really finish it off.Printable coloring picture for kids presenting cartoonish viking warrior with the armor

There is a really intense look on the face of this next viking! These people would often live in cold, brutal environments, and for that reason they would often wear fur clothing.

That is the case for this viking, as he is wearing a thick pelt around his shoulders. We would use cold, dark colors for this image to highlight the serious feeling given off by this viking.

Will you also go for that kind of color scheme or will you go with a different one for this image?Detailed coloring image featuring close-up of a viking warrior wearing thick pelt around his shoulders

This next picture has so many amazing details to color in! This viking is armored up and ready for battle, and his chest armor has so many individual elements to it.

Viking armor would be made from anything from leather to metal, and that gives you some options for how you could color the armor pieces in.

What material will you have this armor be made from?Printable coloring page for kids featuring viking warrior armored up and ready for battle

The pair of Viking warriors on this page look like they mean business! Here you have multiple decisions to make when it comes to the colors.

Will you color the two Vikings the same color schemes or would you prefer to have unique colors for each one? Either way would look so cool in the end!Coloring printable featuring face of mature viking warior with beard and long hair

We have another tough warrior for you in this next viking coloring sheet! This one has a very serious expression on his face, and his ax is at the ready.

Even though he looks alert, he seems rather calm in this one, which suggests that no danger is at hand.

Vikings would come from some of the most beautiful landscapes on the planet, so you could draw a picturesque background to really finish this off!

For inspiration, why not look up some pictures or Norway or a similar country that vikings came from?Free sheet to print and color presenting tough viking warrior holding his ax on the shoulder

Many historians believe that viking society was very equal, and many believe that this extended to battle.

There is evidence of female warriors called shield-maidens that historians believe would join men on battles and on raids. One of these female warriors is featured on this next page.

She is looking very fierce and noble, and she has a large round shield strapped to her back.

There are also some amazing details all throughout her armor for you to color, and this is another one where you have lots of options for how to color the image.

How will you color this noble shield-maiden?Viking-themed coloring page featuring female warrior with a large round shield strapped to her back

Real Vikings would use many different kinds of weapons in their battles, and so you could add some weapons to this Vikings coloring sheet.

They would use different kinds of swords, but you could also add a shield or maybe a battle axe. These are just some of the weapons you could add!

Can you think of any others that this Viking could use?Viking coloring pages

This next viking coloring printable features a really cool profile shot of a brave viking! He is looking very serious in this one, and his battle ax is arranged behind his head.

For this kind of image, there are tons of extra details that you could add. It could be fun to draw some smaller pictures and patterns in the background.

What kinds of patterns would you use to finish off this image?Printable image with a profile shot of a serious viking with his battle ax arranged behind his head

We have another intense warrior for you to color in this next picture. He really looks like he means business in this one, and he has a really cool hairstyle as well.

His armor is beautifully detailed, and that again means that you have some great options for the colors you use.

When coloring small details such as the ones on the armor, you need the right art tools for the job.

We would recommend some colored pens, pencils or markers as they give you a lot more control and precision for those smaller details.Viking-themed coloring page for adults presenting intense warrior with a really cool hairstyle

In an earlier viking coloring page, we mentioned how real vikings didn’t have horned helmets, but it is still a common image associated with them!

The vikings in the next few pages take this more stylistic interpretation as they do have large horned helmets.

This viking has a big beard, and there are some cool ways to color it! By using some more mediums that allow for small strokes, you could create many different strokes to create a hair texture.

Will you use a technique like that or try something else?Coloring picture featuring face of a mature viking with long hair and big beard wearing helmet

We get a great close up on the face of this Viking warrior on the next page. This means you can really focus your colors and make him look awesome.

It would be fun to think of a name for this Viking, and then you could write the name beneath his head for an added detail to the picture!
Detailed coloring picture featuring two vikings standing side by side drawn in a cartoonish style

This page has a really dramatic composition to it. We have another viking with a horned helmet in this one, and he has a really intense look on his face!

This is another one where we think it would look great to draw some kind of background. Whether you go for a background setting or add some small pictures and patterns, we know it will look great!Coloring printable depicting viking with a horned helmet and intense look on his face

This cartoony Vikings coloring printable is a really fun take on what a Viking could look like! Once again, adding a background would be a fun way to enhance the picture.

Maybe you could draw a Viking longhouse or a ship. Some natural scenery of a place like Greenland would also look absolutely incredible!Detailed black-and-white drawing featuring cartoony viking warrior with the armor

We’re closing off this collection with a fierce image! This final viking is yelling out at the top of his lungs, and one can guess that he must be in the heat of battle.

For this image, if we were coloring it in we would use some warm, intense colors to really highlight the ferocity this viking is displaying.

What colors and background elements are you thinking of using for this one to close off the collection?Printable pdf featuring dramatic face of a viking yelling out at the top of his lungs

Viking Coloring Pages – Which will you choose?

We hope that you had an incredible coloring adventure with these brave viking warriors in this collection of free viking coloring pages for kids!

There were so many incredible scenes to color in this collection, and it will be great to see how you went about it with your colors and art mediums.

When you’re ready for more coloring fun, be sure to check out our website for even more incredible coloring page collections for you to enjoy. We hope to see you there often so you never miss out!

Lastly, we hope you will share a few of your favorite finished viking coloring sheets on our Facebook and Pinterest pages for us to see and enjoy!