21 One Piece Coloring Pages

Join Luffy And His Crew For Some Outrageous Coloring Fun!

The One Piece manga series has become one of the most popular series around the world.

The adventures of Luffy and his pirate crew have captured the imagination of millions worldwide.

While starting as a manga, it has been adapted into anime, video games, books, toys and any other media you can think of.

In this collection of free One Piece coloring pages, you will meet characters like Luffy, Chopper, Zoro and many others.

Prepare for this voyage of fun as we see the first page of the collection.

Find Some Creative Treasures With These One Piece Coloring Pages

1. Luffy Clenches His Fist For Battle

Ace one piece coloring pages

Monkey D. Luffy has become one of the most recognizable characters in the world, and this first One Piece coloring sheet shows him off in an awesome pose.

It makes it seem as if he is ready for battle, so how will you color this opening scene?

2. Chopper Strikes A Karate Pose!

Chopper one piece coloring page

Chopper is one of the cutest characters in the One Piece series, but don’t let his small size deceive you!

He is an important member of the Straw Hat Pirates, acting as their doctor.

This Chopper One Piece coloring printable is a great portrayal of the character!

3. Detailed Chopper Line Drawing

Chopper one piece coloring pages

The previous portrayal of Chopper that we saw was more cartoony, but this Chopper One Piece page to color shows him in a more detailed style.

It may be a bit trickier to color, but the end result will be worth it. Be sure to take your time with this one and have fun with it!

4. Gear 5 Luffy Shows His Power

Coloring sheets anime

The next anime coloring sheet we have for you shows Luffy in one of his many transformations. This is his Gear 5 transformation, and it alters his appearance a lot.

In this transformation, he has bright white hair instead of his usual black hair, so you can keep that in mind if you want to keep it accurate to the source material.

5. Time To Fight With Luffy!

Luffy one piece coloring page

Sometimes you need to solve problems with words, and other times you need to take more drastic measures.

This Luffy One Piece coloring page shows Luffy ready to solve issues the best way he knows how: by fighting hard!

What One Piece villain do you think he could be up against?

6. Luffy Shows Off His Signature Straw Hat

One piece anime coloring pages

One of the most iconic aspects of Luffy is his straw hat which he almost always wears.

This One Piece anime coloring sheet shows him wearing this famous headgear.

It’s also where his group, the Straw Hat Pirates, got their name.

7. One Piece Character Ensemble

One piece characters coloring pages

This One Piece characters coloring page shows off quite a collection of favorite characters!

We can recognize Luffy and Chopper from before, but there are plenty of other characters to color.

Characters like Vinsmoke, Nico and Roronoa are included as well, but can you name the rest of the crew shown here?

Furthermore, can you remember the color schemes of all these characters without looking them up?

8. A Moment Of Triumph With Luffy

One piece coloring pages free

The art style of One Piece is very expressive, and Luffy looks very pleased in this One Piece coloring printable!

It looks to me as if he has just accomplished something amazing.

If I were to color this page, I would like to use some bright, happy and vibrant colors to illustrate the feeling that the picture gives off.

9. Sanji Enjoys The Finer Things In Life

One piece coloring pages sanji

Vinsmoke Sanji is one of the coolest characters from the One Piece saga, working as the cook of the team.

He also loves the finer things in life and is an expert in romance!

This One Piece Sanji coloring page is a great representation of him, and the hearts in the background are perfect for his character.

10. A Wink From Zoro

One piece coloring pages zoro

Roronoa Zoro is another awesome character from the series.

He is a swordsman of great skill and also the first mate beneath Luffy.

This One Piece Zoro coloring sheet shows him looking quite confident and cool, and it shows a good view of his outfit as well.

11. Strive For Victory With Luffy!

One piece coloring pages

We bring the focus back to good old Luffy for this One Piece coloring printable.

He is clenching his fist with a look of accomplishment on his face.

The mood of this page makes me think that he has overcome a challenge or is about to face one that he feels confident about beating.

12. Luffy Is A Bit Outmatched

One piece coloring

This One Piece coloring PDF has a different mood to the previous one. That one had him looking very confident, but this one shows him looking a bit more concerned.

It makes me think he is realizing that he may be outmatched or about to face a big challenge. Does this remind you of a scene from the series?

13. Gear 4 Luffy Strikes

One piece luffy gear 4 coloring pages

Luffy can undergo various transformations in his many battles, and this One Piece Luffy Gear 4 coloring page shows him in one of his more drastic transformations.

This is his powerful gear 4 transformation which enhances his strength, speed and other attributes, making him a force to be reckoned with.

14. Luffy Shows Off His Chest Scar

One piece manga coloring pages

One of the defining features of Luffy’s design would be the X shaped scar on his chest. The origin of this scar varies between the manga and the anime, but it’s safe to assume it was from a battle.

This One Piece manga coloring sheet shows it off in great detail, and it also captures Luffy’s eccentric personality.

15. Luffy Leaps From The Thousand Sunny

One piece printable

The ship of the Straw Hat Pirates is the iconic Thousand Sunny with its distinctive flag.

This One Piece printable shows Luffy leaping from the deck of this ship.

You also get a very detailed look at Luffy, meaning you can spend a lot of time on this one.

For such detailed pictures, I like to use colored pens as they provide a lot more precision when you color.

16. A Winning Smile From Zoro

One piece zoro coloring pages

It’s time for another appearance from the charming Zoro.

This One Piece Zoro coloring sheet shows him flashing his charismatic smile.

17. Portgaz D. Ace Tips His Hat

Printable luffy one piece coloring pages

Portgaz D. Ace is the older adoptive brother of Luffy, and he is one of the most stylish characters in One Piece.

This printable Ace One Piece coloring page shows off his style in great detail, and it’s another one you could spend a lot of time on!

18. Zoro Shows Off His Fancy Blade Skills

Roronoa zoro one piece coloring pages

This character is known for being one of the best swordsmen in the land, and this Roronoa Zoro

One Piece coloring page shows him showing off his skills with a blade.

19. Sanji Has His Close-Up

Sanji one piece coloring pages

This Sanji One Piece coloring PDF gives us quite a close view of him! It would be a great poster for your wall once you have completed this page.

20. Zoro Poses With His Famous Swords

Zoro one piece coloring page

There are so many amazing details on this next Zoro One Piece coloring page! He is posed with his three swords and we can admire each detail of his outfit.

21. Zoro Dials Up The Intensity

Zoro one piece coloring pages

Normally, Zoro has a grin on his face, but this Zoro One Piece coloring printable shows him looking a lot more intense.

How will you color this final page in the collection?

After You Color Your One Piece Pages

The Voyage Of Fun Continues With These Additional Ideas!

  • Add in some other characters from your favorite anime/manga.
  • Draw in some speech bubbles with your favorite One Piece lines.
  • Incorporate some backgrounds to recreate your favorite moments.
  • Add One Piece characters that didn’t appear in this collection.

That brings us to the end of this collection of free One Piece coloring pages, and I hope you had an amazing time going on this journey with Luffy and friends!

This is a collection you can be very creative with, so don’t feel shy about trying oout your own ideas and techniques. Whatever you do will look amazing, I know it!

Then, when you have finished coloring your favorite pages, be sure to share some on our social media pages so we can see how they turned out.