Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Coloring Pages

Save the day with these awesome Ninja Turtles coloring pages!

On this page, you will find 35 Ninja Turtles coloring pages that are completely free to print and download.

There are many different superheroes in comics, film and other media, but the Ninja Turtles have to be some of the most unique.

These mutant turtles have distinct personalities and save the day using their martial arts skills and powers of teamwork.

These free Ninja Turtles coloring pages for kids are here to celebrate this iconic turtle quartet!

There are lots of cool poses and scenarios contained here, and they are all free for you to enjoy as much as you like.

Whether you color them all or choose some favorites, we know you will have an awesome time with these super cool superheroes!

35 Easy TMNT Coloring Pages – Free to Print and Color

1. Donatello in a Manhole Coloring Page

The Ninja Turtles have many aspects about them that have become quite well-known, and one of them is that they live and train in the sewers.

This first page in our collection of free Ninja Turtles coloring pages for kids shows one of the turtles emerging from a manhole.

There is a D on his belt, and that suggests that this is the staff-wielding Donatello.

That means that his gear will take on a purple color scheme, but you could always go for a different one if you prefer!Ninja Turtles Coloring Pages for kids free download

2. Baby Ninja Turtles

This Ninja Turtles coloring sheet for kids shows the leader of the group, Leonardo. His signature katana is strapped to his back, and he looks ready for action in this picture.

Blue is his color scheme, so you can use that for his mask and other details in order to make him accurate to how he looks in the shows and movies.ninja turtles coloring pages

3. Ninja Turtles Fighting

Donatello is back and showing off his signature weapon in this next image. His bo-staff is a weapon he is very good at using, and here he seems to be performing some kind of move with it.

Do you think he is in a ninja fight or is he maybe training? You could draw in some extra details to show us what you think!Ninja Turtles Coloring Pages for adults free printable

4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Coloring

We have a close-up of one of the Ninja Turtles in this next image!

The good news here is that this could be any of the Ninja Turtles, or you could even create a new turtle character by using a unique color!

If you go for some of the usual turtles, then you could draw in some pictures of their weapons into the background for a fun extra touch.Ninja Turtles Coloring Pages free pdf download

5. Young Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

You get to decide who this next Ninja Turtle is, as he has no weapons currently. By using the right colors and weapon for your favorite character, you can turn this into any one of the four!

That would be blue and katanas for Leonardo, red and shuriken for Raphael, orange and nunchucks for Michelangelo and purple with a staff for Donatello.original ninja turtles coloring pages

6. Leonardo Teenage Mutant Hero Turtle Fighting

The leader of the Ninja Turtles, Leonardo, is looking fierce with his trademark katanas in this image!

Leonardo has a blue color scheme to his gear, so you can go for that if you want him to look accurate.

He seems to be in a battle here, so we would keep all of the colors bright and intense to highlight this fact.Ninja Turtles Coloring Pages for preschoolers free printable

7. Black-and-white Drawing Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles

There is a really cool pose to color in this Ninja Turtles coloring sheet! This turtle is looking really awesome, and it’s another one where he could technically be any of the four turtles.

If you can’t decide which one to make him, you could print out four copies and make one of each!Ninja Turtles Coloring Book free printable

8. TMNT Coloring Printable

Here, we have an awesome picture of one of the four famous turtles starring in this Ninja Turtles coloring page.

When you have added your colors, you could draw some extra background or texture details as well.

This way, you can make the picture even more unique to your own tastes! black-and-white ninja turtles coloring printable

9. One Serious Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

We have another really cool pose for you to color for this sixth image. Once again, you have free reign with which turtle you could make this one.

If you have two favorite Ninja Turtles, you could print out this and the previous one and then stick them on a single sheet of paper for one fun idea!Ninja Turtles Coloring Book for kids free printable

10. Cartoon Ninja Turtle

The Ninja Turtles have appeared in so many different movies, TV shows and even video games. They started out in comic books as well, so you have many different styles to choose from.

You can make this turtle match your favorite incarnation in order to match it to your favorite Ninja Turtle adventures, no matter what medium it may have been in!
new ninja turtles coloring pages

11. Raphael Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles Holding His Weapons

Raphael makes his debut in this next picture! This turtle uses red for his identifying color, and he wields weapons known as sais.

He is known to be one of the most serious and moody turtles, and this is indicated with his fierce facial expression. This one will definitely look really cool when you have finished it!Ninja Turtles Coloring Sheet for children free download

12. Raphael Ninja Turtle Fighting

We have another really cool portrayal of Raphael for this next page!

If you color both this page and the previous one, you could change up the color shades and art mediums that you use, even if you stick with his red color scheme.

Which colors will you choose for this second portrayal of Raphael?Ninja Turtles Coloring Book for adults free download

13. Masked Teenage Ninja Turtle Ready for a Fight

We get a rare look at the face of this Ninja Turtle, as he has lifted his mask a bit. It’s a bit of a strange sight, but it gives this Ninja Turtle printable a unique feel!

You can still decide which of the four characters this is by choosing the colors of your favorite character from the ninja quartet. ninja turtles coloring sheet free download

14. Smiling Ninja Turtle

It’s time for another close-up with this ninth Ninja Turtles coloring printable! Again, this is a great picture to color as you could go with any of the four turtles.

Remember that Leonardo will have a blue mask, whereas Donatello will have purple, Raphael will have red and Michelangelo will have orange.

Which turtle will you choose? Or, will you print four copies and make one of each?Ninja Turtles Coloring Original Sheet for children free download

15. Really Angry Ninja Turtle

Raphael is in a bit of a relaxed pose in this next image. The previous portrayals had him in action poses, but here he seems to be enjoying a quiet moment.

That isn’t to say that he doesn’t look super cool in this picture though. There are so many different ways that you could color this awesome portrayal, so show us what you can do as you finish it off!Ninja Turtles Easy Coloring Pages

16. Ninja Turtle Posing

Leonardo is back in this next picture. He is also in a pose that suggests he’s not in a fight, but his weapons are at the ready and he has a serious face, which indicates that this could change soon.

You could also draw in some background details to show what kind of situation Leo could soon be in!Ninja Turtles Coloring Pages for kids free download

17. Furious TMNT Coloring Page

We weren’t going to forget the final turtle of the team in this collection! Here we have the fun-loving Michelangelo, posed with his iconic nunchucks.

He is the most light-hearted of the turtles, but he looks pretty serious in this image. Remember that the color scheme for his gear is orange if you wish to make him look accurate.Ninja Turtles Coloring Pages for adults free printable

18. Michelangelo TMNT Eating Pizza

There is a much more lighthearted interpretation of Mikey for you to color in this next image!

If there is one thing he loves more than saving the day, it would have to be pizza, and he is enjoying a slice here!

We would use some bright colors done with colored pens and paints to give this scene a brighter look.Ninja Turtles Coloring Pages free pdf download

19. Raphael TMNT Posing with His Weapons

This pose that Raphael is in for this page is just so cool! He seems to be performing an awesome ninja move, and he has a really confident expression on his face as he does so.

This is another page where you could add all sorts of cool extra details to as well!Ninja Turtles Coloring Pages for preschoolers free printable

20. Ninja Turtles Eating Pizza

Our final Ninja Turtles coloring sheet is one more that you could turn into any of the four Ninja Turtles.

They all love pizza, so using your colors you could easily turn this into your favorite character from the team!

Which of the Ninja Turtles would you choose for this image? Would they eat hamburgers instead of pizza?

Ninja Turtles Coloring Book free printable

21. All Four Ninja Turtles in a Group Pose

All four ninja turtles in a group pose coloring page

22. Donatello Ready for Action with His Bo Staff Fun Coloring Sheet

Donatello ready for action with his bo staff fun coloring sheet

23. Donatello Working on a Gadget

Donatello working on a gadget free coloring page pdf

24. Leonardo Leading the Team Coloring Page for Kids

Leonardo leading the team coloring page for kids

25. Michelangelo Eating Pizza Free Printable Coloring Page

Michelangelo eating pizza free printable coloring page

26. Ninja Turtle Michelangelo Holding Nunchucks

Ninja turtle michelangelo holding nunchucks coloring sheet

27. Ninja Turtle Michelangelo Skateboarding

Ninja turtle michelangelo skateboarding printable coloring page

28. Ninja Turtles Jumping into Battle Fun TMNT Coloring Sheet

Ninja turtles jumping into battle fun tmnt coloring sheet

29. Ninja Turtles Ready for Adventure Coloring Page

Ninja turtles ready for adventure free coloring page pdf

30. Raphael and Leonardo Training Detailed TMNT Coloring Page

Raphael and leonardo training detailed tmnt coloring sheet

31. Raphael Showing off His Strength Detailed TMNT Coloring Sheet

Raphael showing off his strength detailed tmnt coloring sheet

32. Raphael with His Sai Weapons

Raphael with his sai weapons free coloring page pdf

33. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fighting Bad Guys

Teenage mutant ninja turtles fighting bad guys detailed coloring sheet

34. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Their Weapons

Teenage mutant Ninja turtles with their weapons fun coloring sheet

35. TMNT Leonardo with His Swords Coloring Page for Kids

Tmnt leonardo with his swords coloring page for kids

Ninja Turtles Coloring Pages – Which will you choose?

The poses contained in this collection of free Ninja Turtles coloring pages for kids were so cool and varied, and we hope you had a great time going on this adventure!

Whether you love all the Ninja Turtles equally or have a favorite or two, you have plenty of chances to represent them here.

When you have finished your favorite pages, please share them on our Facebook and Pinterest pages for us to see!