In 1934, the world was introduced to Donald Duck. He first showed up in the short cartoon The Wise Little Hen, but in the years following its release, he would become one of Disney’s most famous characters.
Mickey Mouse may be eternally optimistic and cheerful, but Donald is cantankerous, rude and prone to anger.
Perhaps it’s the fact that he balances these traits with loyalty and love for his friends that’s made him resonate with so many!
This collection of Donald Duck coloring pages will introduce you to this famous waterfowl along with other iconic characters like Daisy, Mickey Mouse and Donald’s three nephews.
Have A Quacking Good Time With These Donald Duck Coloring Pages!
1. A Romance For The Ages
Donald may have contempt for many people, but he really cares for the characters in his life. At the top of that list is Daisy Duck; his one true love!
This Donald Duck and Daisy Duck together printable coloring sheet shows them enjoying a lovely dance together, happy as can be.
2. An Uncle And His Nephew
Donald has three nephews: Huey, Dewey and Louis. This Donald Duck and his nephew coloring PDF shows him with one of them, but which one do you think it is?
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3. Summertime Fun
Even a grouch like Donald likes to get out and have some fun sometimes!
This cute Donald Duck and his nephews having fun printable coloring printable shows them having a great time out on the lake.
4. Best Buds Forever
Donald and Mickey may be as different as can be, but they will always be best friends. This Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse together free coloring page commemorates their friendship in such a fun way.
5. Someone Catch That Hat!
Donald Duck is one of the most accident-prone characters ever created, so it’s no wonder he’s always so angry!
This Donald Duck chasing his hat detailed coloring page for kids shows him suffering another misfortune as a gust takes his iconic hat!
6. A Moment Of Peace For Donald
In this collection of Donald Duck coloring pages, we will see many extreme scenarios for our hapless hero.
But this page shows him in a moment of calm as he enjoys his day, making for a nice change of pace.
7. Donald Doing A Dance Of Joy
It’s not often that we get to see Donald looking so happy, so this Donald Duck dancing happily detailed page to color is one to savor! How will you color this happy moment for him?
8. Joyride For Donald
I love the vintage ride Donald has in this Donald Duck driving a car coloring sheet!
When coloring the car, you can choose which colors you think would be best for it. Blue seems to be a favorite color of his, so that could be a good one!
9. Kite Mishaps
Nothing can go right for poor Donald! We see that on this Donald Duck flying a kite fun page to color as a day out flying a kite goes horribly wrong.
It’s just one thing after another for him, but you can’t help but root for the guy.
10. Adventure Time
Donald does feel the call of adventure sometimes, and that’s what we see on this Donald Duck going on an adventure printable coloring page.
You could draw a few extra details to make his trip even more distinct as you finish off this page.
11. Donald Loses It!
We’re seeing a common sight for Donald on this Donald Duck having a tantrum free coloring PDF.
Something has him riled up, and knowing him it was something pretty minor!
12. Ready For A Birthday Party
It looks like Donald is on his way to a party on this Donald Duck holding a balloon free printable coloring sheet! With his luck, he better be careful that the balloon doesn’t carry him off into the sky.
13. A Gift From Donald
Continuing the party theme, this Donald Duck holding a gift fun coloring page for kids has him with a present in hand. I wonder who it could be for.
14. An Iconic Hat
Donald is well known for his iconic headgear, and we get a great look at it on this Donald Duck in a sailor hat detailed page to color.
15. Our Favorite Sailor
I don’t know how much I would trust Donald to navigate a ship I was on, but he’s still a sailor I admire!
This Donald Duck in his sailor outfit detailed coloring page shows him in his element.
16. A Nasty Surprise For Donald
The reaction Donald has on this Donald Duck looking surprised detailed coloring PDF is pretty much the reaction I have whenever I see a spider.
You could draw a clue as to what made him have this surprise.
17. Dunking With Donald
Well, this Donald Duck playing basketball fun coloring sheet shows a new side of him! Who would have ever thought he could be such a talented sportsman?
18. Soccer Star
Donald is full of surprises, as this Donald Duck playing soccer printable coloring PDF shows him mastering another sport.
19. Parade Day
Donald is in full parade mode on this Donald Duck playing the trumpet free printable page to color. I imagine it’s probably not the most melodious sound ever!
20. A Moment Of Reading Bliss
Reading a good book can be a great way to spend some time, and that’s clear on this Donald Duck reading a book free coloring PDF.
21. Sailing Away
We don’t get to see Donald sailing, despite his constant sailor attire! This Donald Duck sailing a boat coloring page for kids remedies this as we finally get to see him practicing his profession.
22. Smile And Wave For Donald
This next Donald Duck smiling and waving coloring sheet for kids shows him being uncharacteristically friendly!
23. Extreme Water Sports
A day on the lake has gone a bit awry as some rough waters cause the turmoil we see on this Donald Duck swimming in the ocean detailed page to color.
24. Donald The Beach Ball King
Who’s up for a day of beach ball? This Donald Duck with a beach ball fun coloring printable captures the joy of some beach sport activities.
Who do you think he could be playing the game with?
25. Donald Is Ready For His Close-Up
There are smiles all around on this Donald Duck with a big smile detailed coloring sheet. It’s great to see him looking so happy when he’s usually seen with more negative emotions.
26. Donald Tries A New Hobby
They say everybody needs a hobby, and this Donald Duck with a camera free coloring page PDF shows him trying out a new one.
He’s taking some pictures and looks happy with the results! There is space on the page for you to draw something that he could be photographing.
27. A Bad Day Of Fishing
We see a classic moment for Donald on this Donald Duck with a fishing pole printable coloring sheet. Anyone who has gone fishing before will know the displeasure of catching a tiny fish.
Donald captures the feeling of discontent that one would experience when this happens, and while it’s bad for him it makes for an amusing scene for us!
28. Time To Celebrate With Donald
The celebrations begin on this Donald Duck with a party hat free coloring page PDF!
There are so many details that you could add colors to here, so this is a good chance to use all of your favorite colors.
Colored pens may help make those smaller details easier to fill in, so try to experiment with different art tools and supplies when you face a coloring challenge!
29. Something Has Donald Rattled
I love how expressive this Donald Duck with a surprised expression detailed coloring book page is! Something really has him rattled here, and it gets your imagination going.
I think it would be fun to draw a background that shows off what has him reacting like this.
30. Ice Cream Treat For Donald
To finish off this collection, we have this Donald Duck with an ice cream cone fun coloring page. Hopefully he won’t end up dropping the ice cream or something like that!
Let’s imagine that he gets to enjoy this treat to cap off the collection.
After You Color Your Donald Duck Pages
Spend More Time With This Grumpy Mallard With These Ideas To Try.
- Add some more Disney characters for Donald to interact with.
- Write some funny Donald Duck quotes in some speech bubbles.
- Draw other famous cartoon characters to meet Donald.
- Create some fun backgrounds to create scenes for Donald to be a part of.
I hope you enjoyed working on these Donald Duck coloring pages! It was meant as a celebration of this iconic duck, and now they’re yours to have fun with.
You can practice the creative spirit of Disney by using all of your fun ideas for these pages.
Don’t be afraid to try out something unusual, as you never know what can happen when you let your creativity take over.
It would also be fun to see how your pages came out, and you can let us see them by sharing your finished artwork on our social media pages.