25 Cardinal Coloring Pages

Meet Some Gorgeous Birds And Bring Them To Life With Color!

The cardinal is one of my favorite birds, and I know I am not alone in that. These beauties are very popular throughout the United States and beyond.

They captivate people with their beautiful plumage and unique look, and they’re even the state bird of not one, not two but seven states!

This collection of cardinal coloring pages is a celebration of this famous bird, and you can color them in any ways you like.

Whether you stick with the classic red or go for different colors, these pages will look incredible once you have finished with them.

Feathery Fun With These Cardinal Coloring Pages

1. Momma Cardinal In Her Nest

Cardinal and its nest in a tree free coloring page pdf


There’s something so precious about a mother bird looking after her nest, and that is captured so nicely on this cardinal and its nest in a tree free coloring sheet!

2. Cardinal Star!

Cardinal coloring pages


The stars on this cardinal coloring PDF are a good choice, as these birds are little superstars!

As I mentioned in the introduction, they are the state bird of seven states, including Ohio, Virginia and Kentucky.

3. Eating Out With Friends

Cardinal feeding at a birdhouse free coloring page pdf


One would be very lucky to witness the scene on this cardinal feeding at a birdhouse free coloring printable! This happy trio is enjoying a lovely meal together.

4. High Flying Cardinal

Cardinal flying through the sky fun coloring sheet for kids


High up in the sky, a beautiful bird surveys all below. This cardinal flying through the sky fun coloring sheet for kids shows this one on top of the world!

5. Cardinal In A Winter Wonderland

Cardinal in a winter scene printable coloring page


Winter landscapes are always so pretty with the white snow covering everything. This cardinal in a Winter scene printable coloring page shows a bright cardinal contrasting that white landscape.

6. Cardinal Night Flight

Cardinal in flight with spread wings fun coloring sheet


The bird in this cardinal in flight with spread wings fun coloring sheet seems to be flying high above the clouds at night. It gives this page an almost magical feeling, and I think some glitter on the stars would make it feel even more magical.

7. Spring Beauty

Cardinal in the spring with flowers coloring page


A cardinal with some Spring flowers sounds like the perfect combination to me.

This cardinal in the Spring with flowers coloring PDF proves it, and I know this page will be stunning when you are finished with it.

8. Out For Food

Cardinal looking for food in the garden free coloring page pdf


Unlike us humans, cardinals can’t just pop over to the grocery store for food. As we see on this cardinal looking for food in the garden free coloring sheet, they need to find it the old fashioned way!

Hopefully this one will find something tasty.

9. Cardinal Enjoying The Wonders Of Spring

Cardinal on a blooming branch detailed bird coloring sheet


When Spring hits, humans aren’t the only ones who enjoy seeing all the plants growing.

This cardinal on a blooming branch detailed bird coloring sheet shows that even the birds love to see this sight.

Which colors do you think would give this page a Springtime feel?

10. Chilly Cardinal

Cardinal on a snowy branch detailed coloring sheet


This next cardinal on a snowy branch detailed page to color makes me feel cold just looking at it! When coloring a page like this, using cool colors helps to emphasize the snowy feeling of the scene.

This would mean using colors like light blue to give it a colder look.

11. Peaceful Night For A Cardinal

Cardinal perched on a branch coloring page for kids


The night is calm on this cardinal perched on a branch coloring page for kids. Using colors that highlight that sense of calm and tranquility would help to capture the feeling of this page.

I often like to use mediums like watercolor paint or colored pencils to make the colors softer and more inviting.

12. This Cardinal Is On The Fence

Cardinal perched on a fence free printable coloring page


The framing of this cardinal perched on a fence free printable PDF is really dramatic and stark!

It’s another one where I would contrast the bright colors of the cardinal with the lighter color of the sky if I were working on this one.

13. Happy Cardinal Is Stumped

Cardinal resting on a tree stump detailed coloring sheet


This next cardinal resting on a tree stump detailed page to color is just too precious!

The smile on the face of the cardinal gives the page such a happy feeling, and it would be perfect for the colors that make you feel happy.

14. Sweet Tune From A Cardinal

Cardinal singing in the forest free printable coloring page


Cardinals tend to make a very distinct sound that consists of a series of small, sharp whistles. I can just imagine the sound coming from this cardinal singing in the forest free printable coloring page.

15. Comfy Cardinal

Cardinal sitting among leaves coloring page for kids

The bird on this cardinal sitting among leaves coloring page for kids looks so comfortable! Now it’s time for you to get comfortable as you settle in to color this adorable little guy.

16. Time To Branch Out

Cardinal sitting on a tree free coloring page pdf


The next cardinal sitting on a tree free coloring PDF that we have for you shows a bird branching out.

Perhaps you could branch out by using some art tools that you’re not as familiar with for this one.

17. Let’s Watch The Sunrise Together

Cardinal watching the sunrise coloring page


Who wouldn’t want to watch the sunrise with a cardinal? Thanks to this cardinal watching the sunrise coloring page you can do just that.

This page will look stunning when it’s done!

18. Pretty Plumage

Cardinal with a bright crest fun printable coloring sheet


The feathers on this cardinal with a bright crest fun printable coloring sheet are puffed out and look so fluffy! How will you depict these fluffy feathers?

19. A Berry Cute Scene!

Cardinal with berries detailed bird coloring sheet


The berries on this cardinal with berries detailed bird coloring sheet are perfect for adding some beautiful color details to the scene.

When coloring details that are so small, it often helps to use colored pens or pencils that allow you to easily color them.

20. Chirp Along With A Cardinal

Cartoon cardinal chirping happily fun coloring sheet


This next cartoon cardinal chirping happily fun page to color is another that immediately makes me think of the noise that they make.

It’s such a happy noise, which is fitting as this is a very happy little cartoon depiction.

21. Funny Cartoon Cardinal

Cartoon cardinal with a smile fun printable coloring sheet


Let’s get a bit silly with this cartoon cardinal with a smile fun printable coloring sheet!

I love the whimsical design of this cardinal, and I would use some bright and vibrant colors in order to show off the vibe this one gives off.

22. Spread Your Wings And Fly

Detailed cardinal with spread wings coloring sheet


This detailed cardinal with spread wings coloring PDF gives you a lot to work with as you color.

Once again, I would probably use colored pens to fill in those smaller feather details if I were working on this one.

23. Bright Male Cardinal

Male cardinal with bright feathers coloring page


The colors of a cardinal are what make them stand out the most.

Most will think of bright red for a cardinal, but they can come in different variations. For example, female cardinals have a browner color scheme overall.

Which colors will you choose for this one?

24. Cute Cardinal Couple

Pair of cardinals sitting side by side detailed coloring sheet


Here’s a pair of cardinals sitting side by side detailed coloring page to enjoy! Having these two sitting like this makes me think they’re a couple. Will you use a different color scheme for each one?

25. Two Cardinals To See Us Off

Two cardinals sitting together fun printable coloring sheet


To finish off this collection, we have this two cardinals sitting together fun printable to enjoy! It’s the perfect way to end off the collection if you ask me.

After You Color Your Cardinal Pages

Extend Your Fun With More Ideas To Try

  • Draw some more of your favorite birds to interact with the cardinals.
  • Use your favorite outdoor locations as background inspiration for these pages.
  • Listen to some cardinal sounds on YouTube to inspire you.
  • Use crafts like fake feathers to add texture to the feathers on the cardinals.

We saw so many amazing birds in this collection of free cardinal coloring pages! These birds are so stunning, and I know that your artwork featuring them will look beautiful.

You can choose to stick to the classic colors of a cardinal or branch out with your own color choices if you prefer.

These pages are yours to enjoy as you please, so feel free to try out whatever comes to mind.

Remember that you can print out as many copies as you like if you want to try new ideas.

We would love to see your finished pages too, so please share them on our social media pages for us to see!