On this page, you will find 45 Barbie coloring pages that are completely free to print and download.
It’s hard to think of a toy as popular or as iconic as Barbie. The first Barbie fashion doll was originally launched over 60 years ago.
Since then Barbie has become so much more than just a fabulous fashion lover. She has become a teacher, doctor, firefighter, astronaut and so much more.
Barbie has also expanded past the range of just toy dolls. She also has her own popular movies, books, and television shows. You can find Barbie’s face on everything from lunch boxes to bicycles.
The popularity of Barbie has translated into a huge demand from our readers for Barbie coloring pages that you can print for free.
Barbie Coloring Pages – 45 Free Printable Sheets
Barbie has made plenty of animal friends through the years. In this coloring page, she sits on a bench in front of a beautiful forest of trees wearing a sunhat with a flower tucked into it.
Two bunnies have joined her and look curiously up at her.
We have a lovely close-up on this Barbie coloring page for kids! This allows you to see all of the finer details of her hair and outfit.
Now you need to finish it off by adding all of your favorite colors and extra details. Which color scheme do you think would best suit this beautiful Barbie character on this page?
Barbie has had a career as both an artist and an art teacher. In this coloring page, she holds an artist’s palette and lifts a paintbrush into the air.
She almost seems to be painting the clouds and the birds into the sky.
Barbie has made a friend in this coloring page. She leans out her windowsill and a little bird lands in her hand.
Barbie’s windowsill and even her dress are decorated with beautiful flowers and she wears a bow in the back of her hair.
The dress worn by this Barbie character is beautifully light and elegant. Some lighter shades of your favorite colors would give the clothing a beautifully subtle look, which would look lovely.
You could go for brighter colors if you prefer, as neither approach is better than the other. Which approach do you personally think would be better for this Barbie?
This Barbie coloring sheet is a truly beautiful image of this famous character. She is surrounded by some lovely flowers and plants as well as a brick wall.
These background elements give you plenty to work with as you color. There are also some great details on Barbie herself, such as the rose that is in her hair.
With this being an outdoors scene with elements of nature, we would use some watercolor paints to give the colors a lovely softer look.
Barbie looks like a princess in this coloring sheet. She dances through the forest in a big ball gown with her hair flowing in the breeze.
Another bird friend flutters by her to watch. The two of them seem to be looking at each other.
Barbie is on the go in this next picture we have for you to color! She has her bag with her, and this could mean many different things.
Perhaps she is heading to a party or maybe a big business meeting. You could show where you think she is headed by drawing a background.
In this coloring page, Barbie goes for a walk in the garden. She wears a big rose in her hair and carries an umbrella to protect herself from the sun.
Barbie’s dress also has big puffy sleeves.
The outdoors theme is back for this second picture we have for you. This time, Barbie is taking a jog outdoors, and because of this there are even more natural details for you to color in.
From trees and bushes to flowers and plants, you can really experiment with all your favorite colors here.
As for Barbie herself, she is wearing a simple outfit that is still really nicely detailed.
You could use all sorts of different art tools, mediums and techniques for this one, and we know that it will look incredible!
This next Barbie coloring printable shows her in a wonderfully elegant outfit! Once again, you have a lot of empty space in the background which you could fill in any way you wish.
Will you choose to use solid colors, shapes or perhaps draw a background? It’s totally up to you to decide!
Barbie can even make friends with butterflies. In this printable, three butterflies flutter around her.
She holds out her hand and one of these pretty insects lands on her fingertips. She almost looks like she could be talking to it.
It looks like it must be a very windy day! Barbie’s hair and dress are billowing all around her.
A bunch of leaves are also floating in the air from all that wind. Barbie doesn’t seem to mind the wind though.
We’re back indoors for this next page. Barbie is by a window inside, and even though this is a casual scene she is still looking rather glamorous!
You can have lots of fun coloring Barbie and her clothing details but you don’t have to stop there.
We get a good look at the room she is in, and you can also act as her decorator by showing what you think this room looks like.
You could even add some extra details, accessories and other elements to personalize the room even more!
It looks like Barbie has just arrived at a party! She wears a skirt and top with little flowers on it and a pair of sunglasses on her head.
Barbie is carrying a bunch of balloons and standing in a room decorated with streamers. We wonder who’s birthday it could be.
Maybe Barbie is going to another party in this coloring page. She carries another bunch of balloons, but this time she is at the park.
Barbie wears a skirt and top with a diamond shape on the front and carries her purse on her other arm.
There is a lovely calming feeling to this next page in our collection of free Barbie coloring pages for kids.
She is standing by a window with a little birdy friend, and it makes for a scene that makes you feel relaxed just by looking at it. Now you can have an even more relaxing time as you add some wonderful colors to the mix!
Her hair and outfit look really stunning and have so many details packed in.
By using your more precise mediums like colored pens and pencils, you can really focus on these smaller details to make them look incredible.
Barbie loves to do all kinds of fun activities.
Remember that all these Barbie coloring pages are completely free to print, so feel free to print and color as many as you want!
It looks like it’s time for Barbie to take check on her plants. She stands outside of her house with an umbrella and kneels by two flower pots.
Her flowers seem to be growing very well. They look happy and healthy.
Next, we have another animal friend for you to meet alongside Barbie! She is again standing at a window in this one, and she is joined by an adorable cat.
The window and the cat give you some great extra details to color in, but Barbie herself is also looking wonderful here.
She is looking really elegant in a simple sweater and a fancy hat, and all of these elements again make for a lovely calming picture to look at.
We can’t wait to see how you choose to color this lovely portrayal of Barbie!
In this printable sheet, Barbie is enjoying an amazing picnic on the beach. She has a picnic basket full of food and we can see loaves of bread poking out of the top.
A little island sits behind her with palm trees growing.
Our coloring page designers really seem to love seeing Barbie with an umbrella.
Here she appears to be waiting at a bus stop to catch a ride. Where do you think Barbie is taking the bus to?
It’s time for a colorful main course in this next picture! Here, Barbie seems to be finishing off a tasty meal that looks to be some kind of spaghetti dish.
There is also a bit of a background scene going on here, so it’s another one where you could decorate her surroundings in an interesting way.
The table she is sitting at also has lots of empty space, so you could also add some additional tasty treats for her to enjoy along with her meal.
Which of your favorite foods would you add to this image to finish it off?
Barbie is taking her dog for a walk. She wears a skirt and striped shirt and her hair is cut shorter in this coloring sheet.
Did you know that in Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse, Barbie’s pet dog’s name is Taffy?
It looks like Barbie also has a pet cat! We love this coloring page of her daydreaming with her head in her hands.
Meanwhile, her cat sleeps on the windowsill. We wonder what she could be daydreaming about.
This Barbie coloring page presents another scene where she is just chilling out and having a relaxing time!
She is relaxing on a comfy sofa, and even though this is a laid-back scene there are still many different details for you to color.
From her hair and outfit to the details on the sofa, you could mix up different colors, techniques and mediums in order to create a really cool picture.
You could also draw some decorations or some pictures into the empty space around her to show off how you think Barbie would possibly decorate her living room.
Barbie is waiting at the bus stop again. This time she wears a floppy sun hat with flowers in the band instead of carrying her umbrella.
She carries a pair of sunglasses and wears a dress with a wide poofy skirt.
Barbie has so many different outfits to wear. In this coloring sheet, she has accessorized by wearing a bow around her neck and her favorite sun hat.
It looks like there are cattail plants growing behind her.
Sometimes it’s nice to just relax by a window and look out into nature as you gather your thoughts. That is what Barbie is doing in this wonderful scene.
She again looks really peaceful here, and she is sitting with another cute kitty friend. The curtain near to her is gently blowing inwards, suggesting a pleasant breeze is passing through.
For this one, we would again probably go for some soft watercolor paints or similar mediums to create a soft and elegant feel to the scene.
That’s what we feel would suit it, but what comes to mind for you when you look at this one?
Barbie sits outside a coffee shop under a big umbrella. She enjoys a cup of coffee and has a good book ready to read on her table, but Barbie looks too lost in thought to read right now.
What do you think she is thinking about?
Barbie is relaxing at home in this printable sheet. She has her hair pulled back in a ponytail and she sits in a chair by her window, enjoying a good book and a hot pot of tea.
Barbie’s pet cat is sleeping soundly underneath her.
Barbie looks like she has either just finished exercising or is about to start in this scene.
She is dressed in some practical workout clothes and a hat, and she has some water or maybe an energy dring beside her.
Even though this outfit isn’t as detailed as many of the others, you could add some details of your own or keep it simple with bright colors.
You could even show off your drawing skills by adding some scenery to the empty spaces in the squares of the windows. What kind of setting would her house be in?
Barbie seems to have stopped at another coffee shop to relax. She sits at a table decorated with flowers with a large plant growing beside it.
Barbie wears long boots and a dress with a belt around the middle.
Barbie goes for a stroll through town wearing a flowy sundress with a bow in the front.
Her hair is pulled back into a very long ponytail and she hides part of her face behind a fan. Barbie might use the fan to keep herself cool on a hot day.
There’s another feline friend for you to meet in this Barbie coloring sheet. She is also seated on a really interesting, vintage-styled chair, and there are tons of details to color!
While the chair may be old-fashioned in style, her outfit is really modern and trendy, and you could create quite an interesting contrast with the colors that you choose.
Don’t forget to also add some color to her cute cat! This picture would also be perfect for you to experiment with different colors and mediums.
You can print out multiple copies so you can experiment to your heart’s content!
It looks like Barbie has just gone out for a day of shopping. She stops outside a coffee shop for a quick break to relax and read a book.
Barbie’s purse and shopping bags sit around her feet as she reads.
We love seeing Barbie spending time with all her furry friends. In this coloring sheet. She kneels down to pet her cat, who has a bow tied around her neck.
The cat’s toys and ball of yarn sit beside her. In the background, Barbie has a picture of a sailboat floating near the shore.
Barbie always seems to have the cutest dresses. In this coloring page, her dress has a big frilly skirt and a bow around the waist.
She wears a necklace and bracelets and Barbie is even sporting bangs this time. You can see her pictures and clock hanging in the background.
Remember – when you finish coloring your Barbie coloring pages, post your finished pictures onto our Facebook page. Every month we pick the best uploads and the winner gets a special prize!
Barbie looks like a princess in this printable. She wears a floor-length gown with a flower on one shoulder and her flowing hair has one braid running through it.
Barbie stands in the forest and we like to imagine that she is about to start singing.
When you bring color to this coloring sheet, you don’t have to stick to normal coloring mediums. Things like beads, glitter and other craft materials could also be great to bring this outfit to life.
It can also be fun to use art tools and mediums you’ve never tried before! What would you like to experiment with to finish off this page?
Barbie has a bit of a different outfit on in this coloring page. She wears a hat and button-up jacket with long sleeves and long socks. What do you think Barbie is going to do today?
Barbie seems to have gone shopping again. She wears a long gown and a sunhat with a bow in it and carries a shopping bag on one arm and her purse on another.
Barbie seems to be in a hurry as she rushes through the city. Where do you think she is off to next?
Barbie looks very proud of her gown in this coloring sheet. She stands with her hands on her hips and her hair flowing behind her.
Her dress has a big bow on the front and flows in uneven lengths around her knees.
Barbie walks down the stairs in a long flowy gown that goes all the way to the floor. Her dress has a diamond-shaped cut out in the middle and a rose on one hip.
Barbie descends past a window overlooking some trees as she hurries on her way.
Remember to check back for more fun characters and animals that you can print and color. We are constantly updating our catalog of coloring pages and printable sheets for you to enjoy. There is so much more to come.
We hope you have enjoyed the beautiful world of Barbie. Don’t forget to post a photo of your finished Barbie coloring pages on our Facebook page. We can’t wait to see all the creative ways you’ll bring to life these super fun images.