25 Rain Coloring Pages

Rainy Day Vibes With Some Calm Coloring

Fans of rainy weather will feel right at home with these rain coloring pages! Each one of these pages is meant to recreate the feeling of a cozy, rainy day.

I love to snuggle up for some coloring on a rainy day, so those would be the perfect conditions to enjoy these pages. However, you can have fun with them no matter what the weather is like!

It’s a great chance to use some muted, moody colors and you can experiment with lots of different art tools as well. So settle in for some cozy coloring fun as we begin these pages!

If you want more similar coloring pages, check these fall coloring pages here.

Relax And Have Fun With These Rainy Day Coloring Pages

1. Umbrella For Two

Boy and girl sharing an umbrella detailed coloring sheet


Umbrellas are perfect to share with someone when the weather is bad.

This boy and girl sharing an umbrella detailed coloring sheet shows these two cute characters who know how to share.

2. A Boy And His Umbrella

Boy holding a colorful umbrella detailed coloring sheet


Next up, we have this boy holding a colorful umbrella detailed page to color. The segments of this umbrella are perfect for you to incorporate lots of bright colors to make this rainy day more cheerful.

3. Puddle Jumping Fun

Boy jumping into a puddle fun coloring sheet for kids


There’s nothing like running into a puddle, and this boy jumping into a puddle fun coloring page for kids recreates this feeling beautifully!

4. Cartoon Cloud With Raindrops Fun Coloring Sheet

Cartoon cloud with raindrops fun coloring sheet


5. Kitty Watching The Rain

Cat watching the rain from a window fun coloring sheet


I love how this cat watching the rain from a window fun coloring PDF captures the calm feeling of sitting and watching the rain.

6. Child Wearing Rain Boots In Puddles Coloring Page For Kids

Child wearing rain boots in puddles coloring page for kids


7. Laughing In The Rain

Child with an umbrella in the rain coloring page for kids


It’s fun to dance in the rain, and this child with an umbrella in the rain coloring sheet for kids shows this little guy is prepared with some protection from the rain!

8. Child With Rain Boots Under The Rain Free Printable

Child with rain boots under the rain free printable coloring page


9. Makeshift Umbrella!

Cute frog in the rain holding a leaf fun coloring sheet


How adorable is this cute frog in the rain holding a leaf fun coloring sheet?

This frog made the best of his situation and found an umbrella that is unconventional but functional.

10. Girl Splashing In A Puddle Free PDF

Girl splashing in a puddle free coloring page pdf


11. Girl With A Raincoat Under Her Umbrella Detailed Coloring Sheet

Girl with raincoat under her umbrella detailed coloring sheet


12. The Rainbow After The Rain

Rain and rainbow together in the sky coloring page


After a rainy day, you may be lucky enough to see a sight like the one on this rain and rainbow together in the sky coloring page.

If you love rainbows and want to have an excuse to use all your favorite colors, then you can find lots of them to color right here!

13. Gear For Rain Coloring Page

Rain coloring pages


14. Rain Over The Garden

Rain falling in a garden free coloring page pdf


A beautiful rainbow watches over the last drops of rain on this rain falling in a garden free coloring page.

There are so many details to add some bright colors to here!

15. Rain Falling Over A House Free Printable

Rain falling over a house free printable coloring page


16. Sound Of Rain On Your Umbrella

Raindrops falling on an open umbrella fun coloring sheet


The sound of rain on an umbrella is strangely calming.

I can almost hear that sound coming from this raindrops falling on an open umbrella fun coloring sheet.

17. Raindrops Falling On Leaves Detailed Coloring PDF

Raindrops falling on leaves detailed coloring sheet


18. Rain Against The Window

Raindrops hitting window free coloring page pdf


I love to watch rain running down a window, and this raindrops hitting a window free coloring page allows you and me to capture that relaxing feeling forever!

19. Heavy Rain Is Forecast!

Rainy day with clouds and raindrops coloring page


The clouds are really letting rip on this rainy day with clouds and raindrops coloring page!

What color will make these look more like storm clouds?

20. Rainy Day With Thunderclouds Printable Page

Rainy day with thunderclouds printable coloring page


21. Animals Seek Shelter

Rainy forest scene with animals free coloring page pdf


This rainy forest scene with animals free coloring sheet shows some poor little creatures who were caught in the rain!

I hope they can find some shelter soon.

22. Rainy Scene With Flowers Blooming Detailed Coloring Page

Umbrella with flowers under the rain detailed coloring sheet

23. Catch That Umbrella!

Umbrella in a stormy rain printable coloring page


It’s never fun to lose your umbrella in a storm, but that is just what has happened on this umbrella in a stormy rain printable coloring book page!

Perhaps you could draw a character running after the umbrella.

24. A Calming Rainy Scene

Rainy scene with flowers blooming detailed coloring sheet


The arrangement on this rainy scene with flowers blooming detailed page to color gives me such a calm feeling.

The flowers in the foreground allow you to add all sorts of bright and beautiful colors!

25. Gengar In A Graveyard

Umbrella with raindrops fun printable coloring sheet


The final page we have for you is this umbrella with raindrops fun printable coloring sheet.

The raindrops are huge on this one, and it could be fun to use a large variety of colors for each drop, even if they’re not realistic.

If you want to try your hand at coloring many different kinds of weather, you can find a great variety with these Seasons pages I have for you!

After You Color Your Rain Pages

Extend The Rainy Forecast With These Ideas To Try

  • Add even more raindrops to each scene.
  • Draw details such as rain or lightning to make them more intense.
  • Create some background settings based on places around you.
  • Add even more cartoon characters to enjoy these rainy scenes!

I love rainy days, and if you do too then I hope that this collection of rain coloring pages helped to capture the cozy feeling of one of these days for you.

I know you will do an amazing job on these pages no matter what kinds of colors you use. Just try to relax and use whatever feels right to you.

When you have completed some of your favorite pages, you can share them on our social media accounts for us to see!