Treating people with kindness is the best thing that you can do, and it is something we should all strive for. There are many different ways to be kind to people, and all of them are worth doing!
This collection of free kindness coloring pages for kids gathers some scenarios that show acts of kindness toward others.
The various scenarios we have for you will give you plenty of ways to have some wholesome coloring fun! There are 15 images for you to color, and you can choose any that you want.
They’re all free to print and enjoy as much as you please, and you can spread the joy by sharing the collection with your friends!
15 Kindness Coloring Pages – Free to Print and Color
A simple gift can make all the difference to someone who is having a bad day. Sometimes, that small gift can turn things around, as it shows that person that you care about them.
This first kindness coloring sheet shows a young boy presenting a gift of flowers. There is a large heart included, which shows that this gift is given with love!
Once you have colored this page, I’m sure it would make a great gift for someone in your life that you love and cherish!
We can all use a helping hand now and again, and sometimes it can make a huge difference when you offer a helping hand. This page shows just such a scenario, as this girl is helping her mom.
She is offering to help carry in some groceries, and her mom would surely appreciate this act of kindness!
Kind acts don’t need to be grand or life-changing, they can sometimes just be small gestures of help.
How will you color this cute scene of a helping hand being offered?
Similar to Kindness Coloring Pages
Humans can naturally be selfish, and we don’t always like to share things with others. Sharing is a wonderful thing to do, however, as it can really show that you care about others.
This page shows this act, as these two young boys are sharing some snacks with one another. What do you think it is that they are sharing?
If you have something that you like to share with others, you could add some details on this page to show what it could be.
Speaking of sharing, remember to share this collection with your friends and family!
In our day-to-day lives, we use certain gestures to show friendship and kindness to others. Some people like to hug to show affection, for instance.
When you meet someone you’re friendly with, you may shake their hand as a show of friendship. This is what is being portrayed on this next page, as these two boys shake each other’s hands.
It makes you wonder where it is that they are meeting. If you have some ideas, then you could draw a background to make the occasion a bit more specific.
Maybe they’re meeting at a birthday party! What do you think of that idea?
Everyone likes to receive a present, and that is what is happening on this next kindness coloring printable. A lovely gift is being exchanged, and I can’t help but wonder what it could be!
If you have something you would like to give or receive as a gift, then you could add it to this page. One way would be to draw a circle that has a line connecting it to the present.
You could draw the interior of the gift in that circle to present an X-ray view of what is contained within!
Meals are something that can be shared among friends, family and any other group you may be a part of. They don’t have to just be about eating a meal but also sharing time together and bonding.
A lovely meal is being shared by the two boys in this picture, and it looks like quite a spread!
They could be brothers or maybe friends, but they look ready to tuck into the meal no matter the circumstances.
You can not only color the characters and the food on the table but also the bold text above them!
Have you ever said or done something to someone else that you regretted afterward? We all have these moments where our emotions get the better of us.
In those moments, you may say or do something mean that you don’t mean but that can still hurt someone else. It’s natural for this to happen sometimes, but you need to own up to the act.
This page shows a sad boy who looks sorry for what he did. You could give this page to someone that you have wronged to show that you’re sorry for the things you said or did.
Kindness isn’t exclusive to just the people in our lives. You should indeed be kind to the people that you know, but that kindness shouldn’t stop there.
Kindness should also be shown to animals, property and plants. This page shows a boy nurturing a plant, and it shows that you can and should be kind to all living things.
Coloring this page will be fun, but it would also be great to draw some additional elements and details!
You could fill the page with some flowers and plants to show other living things that this boy has been kind to.
What are some flowers or plants that you would like to add?
Previous kindness coloring printables in this collection focused on various gestures that we use to show love and affection.
This next page shows some kids holding hands, and this is another way that love is shown!
Once again, you could also add to the scene by adding some additional details and background elements.
That would be a great way for you to show off where you would like to hang out with someone that you love.
You could even add some speech bubbles to show what they could be saying to one another!
So many people around us need help, as not everyone is as fortunate as we can be. Often, people like to volunteer to help those who are less fortunate, and that is what is happening here.
These three kids have volunteered to help out, and it looks like they are helping to pick up trash. Cleaning up an area makes it so much better for the people who live there, so it’s a great cause!
You could add some more things that they could clean up to show what they are dealing with, and that would make it even more unique.
We may have many gestures and acts that show kindness, but the things we say can make a difference as well. Gratitude is shown in the things we say, and this page shows that off.
If you would like someone to do something for you, it’s always good to say please. If you receive something from someone, then you should always say thank you.
It’s a good habit to maintain, as it shows respect and kindness for the people around you. This page will remind you of this as you add color!
Earlier, I mentioned how you should be kind to not just people but animals and plants as well. This page shows a boy with an adorable puppy.
It’s a great reminder that you should be kind to animals and show them love as well! Now you can decide which colors would best suit this heart-warming scene.
I would make the colors nice and warm to highlight the theme of the image, but what colors and tones come to mind for you?
Helping others is a great way to show kindness, and these acts can be big or small. This next page could be interpreted in a few ways.
The little boy could be helping this older person cross the street, or it could be the other way around. Perhaps they are both helping each other!
Whatever the case may be, it makes for a really sweet and heartwarming scene. Do you think you will draw any additional details, or will you stick with the existing ones and focus on adding color?
Respect is another thing that is important for showing kindness. It can come in many different forms, and you should always respect the people around you.
This can involve acting respectfully, not treating people badly and acting in a way that you would like to be treated. On this page, this boy and this man are showing respect for one another.
There are so many fun details to color on this one, and you can have fun coloring the letters of the word respect as well. What will you use to color the word?
Sometimes, a smile is all that is needed to show kindness to someone. Greeting people with a smile shows them that you are friendly and are excited to see them.
This kindness coloring sheet is focused on smiling, and it is a great way to end this collection! If I were coloring this page, I would use as many bright and happy colors as possible.
Using vibrant coloring mediums can also be a great way to make the colors shine bright on the page. How will you finish off this final page of the collection?
Kindness Coloring Pages – Which will you choose?
The more kindness that you can bring into the world, the better! It starts with you, and you can make more of a difference with the smallest acts than you may think.
This collection of free kindness coloring pages was made to remind you of all the ways that you can be kind to others. You can use all of your favorite colors to bring these sweet scenes to life.
Now it’s up to you to spread the joy, and that can involve sharing the collection with others. You could also share your favorite finished pages on our Facebook and Pinterest pages for us to enjoy!