Pokémon Card Coloring Pages

Catch All Of These Pokemon Card Coloring Pages

Explore these Pokémon card coloring pages to live out your dream of being a Pokemon Master. 30 black and white portrayals of some of the best Pokemon cards await you.

Pokemon Red and Green were first released in 1996, and no one could have predicted what they would start.

The series is still going strong to this day and is one of the most popular franchises in the world, spanning movies, TV shows, books and of course games.

Pokemon cards are also sought after by fans, and this collection will allow you t customize 30 of your own.

As we work on these cards together, you will also learn some fun facts and stats about these Pokemon.

30 Free Pokemon Card Coloring Pages To Print And Color

1. Alakazam Pokemon Card Holding Spoons With Psychic Energy Coloring PDF

Alakazam pokemon card holding spoons with psychic energy coloring page

Alakazam is a psychic Pokemon and its card reinforces his high intelligence and strong psychic powers.

He often holds spoons which is a reference to the psychic power of bending spoons with your mind.

2. Articuno Pokemon Card Displaying Icy Powers

Articuno pokemon card with icy winds coloring sheet

3. Blastoise Pokemon Card Shooting Water Jets

Blastoise pokemon card shooting water jets free printable page

Blastoise is showing off his shooting water jets move on this Pokemon card.

He is the final evolution of Squirtle, one of the original three Pokemon you can choose from at the start of the first two games.

4. Bulbasaur Pokemon Card With Vines

Bulbasaur pokemon card featuring vines free printable page

5. Charizard Pokemon Card With Fire-Breathing

Charizard pokemon card with fire breathing pose coloring sheet

Charizard is one of the most popular Pokemon in the series, and this Pokemon card shows off his ability to fly.

When Charizard is especially angry, the flame on his tail can turn blue and he becomes more powerful.

6. Charmander Pokemon Card With His Tiny Flame

Charmander pokemon card holding a tiny flame coloring sheet

7. Ditto Pokemon Card Showing Its Transforming Ability

Ditto pokemon card showing its transforming ability coloring page

Ditto may not look like much on this Pokemon card, but he has a trick up his sleeve.

Ditto can transform into any Pokemon he faces, albeit a less powerful version.

8. Dragonite Pokemon Card In A Flying Pose

Dragonite pokemon card in a flying action pose printable sheet

9. Eevee Pokemon Card Looking Playful

Eevee pokemon card in a playful stance printable coloring sheet

Eevee looks especially cute on their Pokemon card and looks to be in a playful mood.

Eevee is unique because it can evolve into various different types of Pokemon like Jolteon or Umbreon depending on what type of stone you use on it.

10. Free Flareon Pokemon Card Surrounded By Fire Printable Page

Flareon pokemon card surrounded by fire printable page

11. Gengar Pokemon Card With A Spooky Grin

Gengar pokemon card with a spooky grin coloring page

12. Gyrados Pokemon Card Performing A Fierce Water Attack

Gyarados pokemon card with a fierce water attack printable sheet

13. Jigglypuff Pokemon Card Singing Its Melody

Jigglypuff pokemon card singing its melody fun coloring page

14. Lapras Pokemon Card Swimming Gracefully

Lapras pokemon card swimming gracefully coloring sheet

15. Dark Charizard Legendary Pokemon Card

Legendary pokemon card showing rare and powerful stats printable sheet

16. Lucario Pokemon Card Performing A Fighting Move

Lucario pokemon card performing a fighting move coloring sheet

17. Machamp Pokemon Card Flexing His Muscles

Machamp pokemon card flexing muscles detailed coloring sheet

Machamp is not shy about flexing his muscles as we see on this Pokemon card.

This is known as one of the very strongest Pokemon. Not only does he know every kind of martial arts but can land around 500 punches a second!

18. Magikarp Pokemon Card Splashing In The Water

Magikarp pokemon card splashing in the water coloring page

19. Meowth Pokemon Card Holding A Gold Coin

Meowth pokemon card holding a gold coin coloring sheet

This Meowth Pokemon card shows him replicating one of the influences of his design.

He is inspired by the Japanese Lucky Cat figures which are believed to bring good fortune to anyone who owns them.

20. Mewtwo Pokemon Card Showcasing Psychic Powers

Mewtwo pokemon card howcasing psychic powers coloring page

21. Pikachu Pokemon Card Coloring Page For Kids

Pikachu pokemon card coloring page for kids

Pikachu may be very cute but this Pokemon card shows that he can be vicious too!

Pikachu is the most iconic Pokemon and is also the mascot for the series. He’s also regarded as one of the most famous Japanese characters ever created.

22. Charmander Pokemon Card On A Camping Trip

Pokemon card coloring pages

23. Psyduck Pokemon Card With A Confused Expression

Psyduck pokemon card with a confused expression fun coloring page

24. Raichu Pokemon Card With An Electric Attack

Raichu pokemon card with an electric attack printable coloring sheet

25. Snorlax Pokemon Card Lying Down Peacefully

Snorlax pokemon card lying down peacefully detailed coloring sheet

26. Squirtle Pokemon Card Performing A Water Attack

Squirtle pokemon card with a water attack coloring page

27. Togepi Pokemon Card Looking Cute And Cheerful

Togepi pokemon card looking cute and cheerful printable page

Togepi is frolicking and looking cute on his Pokemon card! Even though Togepi is always seen in a partially cracked egg, they will never fully emerge from the egg until they evolve into their next form.

28. Umbreon Pokemon Card Under A Starry Sky

Umbreon pokemon card under a night sky printable coloring sheet

29. Venusaur Pokemon Card With A Blooming Flower

Venusaur pokemon card with a blooming flower coloring page

30. Zubat Pokemon Card Flying Through A Cave Fun Coloring PDF

Zubat pokemon card flying through a cave fun coloring page

Zubat is the final Pokemon card for you to color in this collection.

His name comes from the Japanese word ‘zubatto’ which describes the sound of something hitting another thing. It’s a bit of a pun on the word bat, as in a baseball bat.

After You Color Your Pokemon Card Pages

  • Glue these pages onto hard cardboard and then cut out the cards to make your own deck.
  • Use the card designs on these pages as inspiration to make your own Pokemon cards.
  • Create some unique moves and powers for some of the Pokemon and write them on the cards.

There are hundreds of Pokemon out there, and this collection showed just a few of the greatest Pokemon in the series.

It was meant to help you explore all of your creative ideas, so feel free to try out whatever comes to mind!

You can share some of your finished pages on social media to show them off to other Pokemon fans you know.