Monster Truck Coloring Pages

Race into some coloring fun with these monster truck coloring pages!

We can all agree that monster trucks are pretty cool! When it comes to vehicles, few match the power and versatility that monster trucks provide.

Whether used for racing or for traversing tough terrain, they always make a bold statement, and these free monster truck coloring pages for kids aim to capture that excitement.

All 25 of these pages are free for you and any other monster truck enthusiasts you know to enjoy! You can also share some of your finished monster trucks on our Facebook and Pinterest pages for us to see.

So get ready to enjoy some high-speed coloring fun as we get started with this incredible monster truck collection.

If you like our Monster Truck coloring pages collection, you will also like this collection of Optimus Prime coloring pages here.

25 Monster Truck Coloring Pages – Free to Print and Color

We will begin this collection of free monster truck coloring pages for kids with a simple yet awesome example of one of these magnificent vehicles.

There is not a lot of decorative detail here, so that lets you get really creative with how you color this one in!

You could draw some decals or use some creative patterns and shapes for this one, and these are just a few ideas.

How will you kick this collection into high gear with your colors?Monster Truck-themed printable page to color featuring pickup truck with tall wheels

We have another awesome monster truck ready for you to color here!

Even though this truck is also not highly decorated, there are some great smaller details that you can have a great time adding color to.

There are no wrong ways to color this truck, so get creative with it and see what happens!Monster Truck coloring pages

The next monster truck that we have for you is at a slightly different angle to the first two.

It also has some lights mounted on top, and that means that this one could be used for some nighttime operations.

Perhaps you could keep the background a bit darker on this one to make it look as if it is being used on a night patrol!Free Monster Truck coloring page for kids presenting truck with some lights mounted on top

The wheels on this next monster truck are incredibly detailed! In fact, the design of this truck is pretty detailed in general.

This means that it can take a bit longer to color this one, but the results would certainly be worth it. How will you color the smaller details of this truck to make them stand out?Monster Truck-themed coloring image featuring truck with incredibly big and detailed wheels

In this fifth monster truck coloring sheet that we have, the wheels are almost as tall as the truck itself!

It would be hard to find some terrain that this truck couldn’t traverse with wheels like that.

There are also some amazing details to color with this one, so this truck should look truly awesome when it’s done!Printable coloring sheet presenting Monster Truck with wheels almost as tall as the truck itself

We have another monster truck where the wheels are quite a significant feature! This is another truck that could probably make it easily through the toughest of terrain.

For such a strong vehicle, we would use some bright and vibrant colors to make this one look extra powerful.Monster Truck-themed printable poster featuring extra powerful and sturdy vehicle

In this next image, we have pulled back from the monster truck itself a bit to leave more empty space in the background. This opens up some possibilities!

When you have colored the truck, you could draw in some background details to show where this truck could be driving.

What sort of environment would you like to take this truck to?Free printable picture for kids featuring sturdy Monster Truck with blank background

Our eighth monster truck is probably the most stylish one we’ve seen yet!

With the fins near the back, it’s the kind of monster truck you could imagine Batman driving if he had to venture into some harsh terrain.

For that reason, we would keep the colors darker for this one, but what will you choose?Monster Truck printable coloring page featuring stylish truck with the fins near the back

The details on this next truck are really great! It helps to give this truck a more realistic look, and now you get to decide which colors you will go for.

If we were coloring this one in, we would use some watercolor paints to give it a softer, more realistic look.

Do you think you may try this method yourself?Free Monster Truck printable featuring realistically looking vehicle with big wheels

In this tenth monster truck coloring printable, we have another sleek truck for you to color. The design of the truck itself is very streamlined, and the wheels are perfectly round.

This gives the truck a really slick look, and we would complement that by using some bright, flat colors.

That is what we would use, but what kinds of colors come to mind for you?Free printable pdf for kids of a Monster Truck with very streamlined design and perfectly round wheels

This has to be one of the coolest monster trucks we’ve seen yet! This one is styled to look like the head of a snake. It may not be super practical, but it’s worth it for how cool it looks.

To fit the snake theme, we would use some dark greens for this one. There are many other colors that would look equally great, though!Printable poster for children of a Monster Truck styled to look like the head of a snake

After the rather flamboyant design in the previous page, we have a more conventional truck to color for this next one.

That being said, there are still plenty of details that you can color in to make this one also look really cool! Which colors will you choose?Printable coloring picture for pre-schoolers featuring Monster Truck with simple outlines

We have another unusual monster truck for you to color here! This one looks like it has a face, and it makes for a really fun design.

Maybe for this one, you could draw a cartoon background to suit the design of the truck. What kind of creative settings can you think of for this living monster truck?Detailed coloring pafe for kids featuring unusual Monster Truck with with facial details

This next monster truck also has some lights mounted at the top of it. Lights like these can also be very useful for night-time safaris, and that could make for a really cool background idea!

If you would like to try that out, you could look up some safari pictures online to use as inspiration.Coloring image depicting sturdy Monster Truck with some lights mounted at the top of it

The final monster truck coloring sheet we have for you is a really fun design.

While not as unusual as some of the trucks we’ve seen, this one has a more exaggerated style than many in the collection.

This is another one we would use some bright and vibrant colors on, as that would suit the style perfectly.

Do you agree, or do you have different colors in mind?Free coloring printable for kids featuring rounded line Monster Truck with big wheels


Police Monster Truck Coloring Page

Police Monster Truck Coloring Page


Monster Truck Jeep Coloring Picture

Monster Truck Jeep Coloring Picture


El Toro Loco Monster Truck Coloring Page

El Toro Loco Monster Truck Coloring Page


Easy Outline Of a Monster Truck To Color

Easy Outline Of a Monster Truck To Color


Coloring Page Of a Lego Monster Truck

Coloring Page Of a Lego Monster Truck


Cars Themed Monster Truck Coloring Page

Cars Themed Monster Truck Coloring Page


Blue Thunder Monster Truck To Color

Blue Thunder Monster Truck To Color


Blaze Monster Truck Coloring Page From Movie

Blaze Monster Truck Coloring Page From Movie


Bigfoot Monster Truck With Massive Tires To Color

Bigfoot Monster Truck With Massive Tires To Color


Avenger Monster Truck Coloring Sheet For Kids

Avenger Monster Truck Coloring Sheet For Kids

Make These Monster Trucks Even Better With These Ideas

We saw all sorts of awesome monster trucks in this collection, but the fun doesn’t have to stop when you have colored your favorites! There are more ways you can take these monster truck coloring pages even further.

Before we finish off this collection, we wanted to provide a few more ideas that you can try out. Of course, one way you can get some variety is by playing with different colors.

For example, you could print out a few copies of your favorite monster trucks and use different colors for each one. This way, you can make the same image completely different just by using colors.

Many monster trucks will also have branding and logos on them, and these could be added as well. If you like monster trucks in real life, you could represent the branding and logos you saw on those real ones.

Imagining the monster trucks you would like to own is one thing, but you can also imagine where you would ride them. This can be done by adding some backgrounds to your favorite pages.

Monster trucks can drive through all manner of tough terrain, so you would have many options. Adding a background is a great way to completely change the nature of your favorite coloring pages.

Changing up the art tools you use to achieve your colors can make a difference as well. For example, if you want to have the truck driving through some thick mud, you could use some thick brown paint.

This would give the picture some texture and make the colors stand out. These are a few simple ways you can transform your favorite coloring sheets, but what are some others you can think of?

Monster Truck Coloring Pages – Which will you choose?

It’s hard not to love these powerful vehicles, and we hope you had an incredible time coloring some in this collection of free monster truck coloring pages for kids!

There were so many awesome monster truck designs here with some really out-there designs thrown in for good measure.

When you have finished your favorite pages, be sure to check out our website for many more coloring pages.

You can also share your finished pages for us to see on our Facebook and Pinterest pages. We can’t wait to see how they turned out!