Yu-Gi-Oh Coloring Pages

Play Your Cards Right With Yu-Gi-Oh Coloring Pages

Celebrate a manga classic with Yu-Gi-Oh coloring pages. This collection features 25 black-and-white line drawings of your favorite characters from the series to draw.

Yu-Gi-Oh started out as a manga series in 1996.

It chronicles the adventures of a boy named Yugi who is taken over by a powerful alter ego who then battles other characters with a monster-collecting card game.

The manga has spun off into anime, video games and merchandise, and it remains one of the most popular series in the world.

Within these pages, you will meet characters like Yugi, Bakura, Joey Wheeler, Kaiba and many more.

You will also learn a bit more about these characters and some fun facts about the series as a whole.

25 Free Yu-Gi-Oh Coloring Pages To Print And Color

1. Bakura Holding The Millenium Ring

Bakura holding the millennium ring detailed coloring sheet


Yami Bakura is one of the main villains of the series, and this pose captures his arrogant and troublesome personality perfectly.

He is posed with the Millenium Ring which is one of the Millenium artifacts of the series, similar to the Millenium Puzzle which Yugi wields.

2. Duel Monsters Duel Disks

Battle city duel with duel disks detailed coloring sheet


3. Blue Eyes White Dragon

Blue eyes white dragon roaring fun printable coloring sheet


The Blue Eyes White Dragon is one of the most powerful monsters in the whole series, and not many can claim to have faced off against it and lived to tell the tale.

There was a time when the real Yu-Gi-Oh was the most popular collectible card game ever, but it has since been surpassed by Pokemon.

4. Dark Magician Girl Coloring PDF For Kids

Dark magician girl casting a spell free coloring page pdf


5. Dark Magician In A Battle Stance

Dark magician in battle stance free yu gi oh! coloring page pdf


6. Exodia The Forbidden One

Exodia the forbidden one assembled free coloring page pdf


Exodia the Forbidden One is a collection of dark cards that come together to form the formidable figure you see here.

There are so many details on this character, which makes him a challenge to color! His design and lore are inspired by the Egyptian god Osiris and it plays into his backstory.

7. Joey Wheeler Holding His Deck

Joey wheeler holding his deck fun yu gi oh coloring sheet


Every hero needs someone to support them, and Yugi has Joey Wheeler on his side.

This character started out as a very weak duelist, but over time he became a formidable ally for Yugi.

8. Kaiba And Yugi Face Off

Kaiba and yugi facing off in a duel fun printable coloring sheet


Kaiba is one of the main opponents of Yugi in the series, and here we can see them getting ready for an epic duel.

Interestingly, Kaiba was based on a real person that series creator Kazuki Takahashi encountered.

This person refused to play a card game against him until he collected 10,000 cards, and he used this trait for Kaiba’s character.

9. Kuriboh Floating Coloring Sheet For Kids

Kuriboh floating with big eyes fun yu gi oh coloring sheet


10. Mai Valentine With Harpie Lady

Mai valentine with harpie lady fun printable coloring sheet


11. Marik Ishtar Holding The Millenium Rod

Marik ishtar holding millennium rod detailed coloring sheet


12. Obelisk The Tormentor

Obelisk the tormentor ready to attack free coloring page pdf


Obelisk The Tormentor is another powerful monster card, and his character version is a hulking monster spirit.

He was one of the Egyptian god spirits that could be summoned by the Pharaoh.

13. Red Eyes Black Dragon

Red eyes black dragon flying coloring page for kids


14. Seto Kaiba With Blue Eyes White Dragon

Seto kaiba with blue eyes white dragon detailed coloring sheet


15. Slifer The Sky Dragon

Slifer the sky dragon in battle coloring page


Slifer the Sky Dragon is another powerful Egyptian god spirit that can be summoned by the Pharaoh.

An interesting fact about Slifer is that he was called Osiris in the original Japanese version.

His English name came from Roger Slifer, one of the people who worked on the English dub of the anime.

16. Tea Gardner Cheers For Yugi

Tea gardner cheering for yugi coloring page for kids


Tea Gardner, also known as Anzu Mazaki, is one of Yugi’s best friends who accompanies him on many of his adventures.

Even though they are such good friends, they have both occasionally harbored romantic feelings toward one another.

17. Winged Dragon Of Ra

The winged dragon of ra with glowing aura coloring page


18. Yami Yugi With The Millennium Puzzle

Yami yugi with the millennium puzzle detailed coloring sheet


19. Yugi Looking Confident

Yu gi oh coloring pages


20. Yugi And His Friends

Yugi and his friends together detailed coloring sheet

21. Yugi And Kaiba Have A Duel

Yugi and Kaiba dueling with cards coloring page


22. Yugi And Yami Back To Back

Yugi and yami yugi back to back free printable coloring page


Yugi Mutou is a mild-mannered young boy who becomes attached to Yami, a dark version of himself, after solving the Millennium puzzle.

The series creator intended to use this character to show how playing games allows you to unleash your inner hero and make new friends.

23. Yugi Mutou Holding A Duel Disk

Yugi muto holding a duel disk coloring page for kids


24. Yugi Plays A Card In A Duel

Yugi playing a card during a duel fun yu gi oh coloring sheet


25. Yugi Summons A Dark Magician

Yugi summoning dark magician free yu gi oh! coloring page pdf


Yugi is pulling out all the stops as he plays the Dark Magician card. This is Yugi’s signature card throughout the series, and it is closely associated with his character.

After You Color Your Yu-Gi-Oh Pages

  • Write some famous quotes from Yugi in some speech bubbles, such as “You’ve fought a valiant duel!” or “It will do no good to fight with hate in your heart.”
  • Take characters from other famous anime like Ash Ketchum or Goku and draw them interacting with Yugi.
  • Draw a border and stats on the pages featuring monsters in order to make them look like big monster cards from the series.

There is so much excitement and adventure in the Yu-Gi-Oh series, no matter what form you’re engaging with. Hopefully, this collection helped to capture that excitement for you!

When you color your favorite pages, it can be fun to adhere to the colors from the series, but don’t be shy about using some color choices of your own that may be more unique.

When you have finished the pages, be sure to share them on your social media accounts for other fans to see and enjoy.