Revisit old styles with free vintage coloring pages. There are 15 gorgeous black and white line drawings featuring some old-fashioned and stylish objects from another time for you to color.
There’s something beautiful about old objects, clothes and machines that will never be made again.
People love to find vintage-style objects and accessories as they make for unique and interesting accompaniments.
The vintage style has become even more popular in recent years as people want to go back to a time of greater style and craftsmanship.
Here, you will find 15 gorgeous designs ranging from keys to typewriters, clothes and even vehicles. It’s like a creative trip back through time, so let’s embark on this journey and bring this style to life!
15 Free Donkey Coloring Pages To Print And Color
1. Cartoon Donkey With A Big Smile
Keys normally have a very practical design these days, but antique keys like this one would often be like works of art.
You could use some gold, copper or silver metallic pens to make the texture of this key even more realistic.
2. Antique Sewing Machine
The floral design on this antique sewing machine oozes vintage style!
People have been sewing for many thousands of years, but it wasn’t until the 1800s that sewing machines started development.
The first practical sewing machine was invented in France in 1829, even though there were attempts at designs before this.
3. Classic Gramophone
There are lots of different ways to listen to music, and the gramophone was one of the most popular methods until around the 1960s.
That being said, gramophones and records are still used by music enthusiasts who find the sound quality to be superior.
4. Classic Rotary Telephone Coloring PDF
It may be hard to believe now, but rotary telephones used to be all that was available, and it took a lot longer to use these phones than modern ones.
Rotary phones started being used less from the 1960s, but by the 90s they were practically completely obsolete.
5. Old Fashioned Bicycle With A Basket
6. Old-Fashioned Typewriter
There is something about typing with an old typewriter, and some people prefer them even now.
The first typewriter was patented in 1868, and most modern computers have the same alphabet key layout that typewriters used.
7. Ornate Decorative Mirror
The frame of this gorgeous mirror would look great with a wide range of colors.
If you want to take it even further, you could draw your reflection in the mirror.
8. Retro Car From The 1920s
This car from the 1920s is so detailed and would be the dream of any vintage car enthusiast.
The first commercial cars went into production around 1885, but it wasn’t until 1908 that Henry Ford started producing more affordable cars on a more industrial scale.
9. Pretty Vintage Dress
Fashion goes in waves, so even though this dress is of a vintage style, some people would still be able to wear it today and look very fashionable.
The colors that you choose for this dress will help to make it look as though it fits various decades.
For example, more muted tones would give it a 70s look, whereas bright neon colors would be indicative of the 80s.
10. Victorian Style Teapot And Teacup
Tea time was very important in Victorian England, and anyone who could afford it would be sure to have an intricate, pretty teapot like this one.
11. Vintage Gramophone Record Player
12. Vintage Floral Frame
Floral details are very common to see in vintage designs, and it can help experts determine when that object was made.
This could be a Victorian-era mirror, for example. You have a big empty space in the middle, and you could add any kind of reflection to that space.
13. Hot Air Balloon In The Sky
The first hot air balloon was made in 1783, and that first one looked very different from this vintage one you have to color!
Hot air balloons are mostly used for leisure rides, and they remain popular to this day as they allow you to slowly see beautiful landscapes from all angles.
14. Vintage Pocket Watch Coloring Page
There was a time when every well-to-do man would have a pocket watch like this one.
They would usually be attached to a chain so that they wouldn’t be easily lost, and they were often a status symbol in addition to being a practical tool
15. Vintage Suitcase
Suitcases have become more streamlined these days, but this one would be perfect for any jetsetting individual from eras past!
If you have traveled yourself, you could draw some stickers based on your favorite places on the suitcase.
After You Color Your Vintage Pages
- Use some light watercolor paints with sepia tones to make the pages look more like faded photographs.
- Draw some human characters in vintage clothing to interact with these objects.
- Add some weathering details and other marks to these objects in order to make them look much older.
- Research some other vintage objects and draw them alongside the objects on these pages.
Vintage style will always have a place in modern times, and there is something about admiring these beautiful objects and incorporating them into one’s life.
Hopefully you had a really fun time bringing these vintage objects to life, and you should feel free to print them out as many times as you like in order to try out different colors and styles.
Once you have finished your favorite pages, please share your art on your social media pages for everyone to see!