Have wild creative fun with rhino coloring pages. This collection has 25 black and white line drawings dedicated to these beautiful and powerful animals for kids of all ages.
Rhinos are some of the largest, most powerful mammals on earth. There are a few different species, some of which come from Africa and a few from Asia.
These incredible animals are becoming frequently endangered, so it’s important to learn more about them and raise awareness about their safety.
The pictures in this collection portray styles ranging from cartoony and fun to detailed and realistic, so anybody can enjoy coloring their favorite pages.
There will also be some fascinating fun facts, statistics and other things you didn’t know about rhinos to learn as you work through the collection
25 Free Rhino Coloring Pages To Print And Color
1. African Rhino In The Wild
Rhinos roam the savannahs of various African countries, and this one is enjoying a quiet day in some shade.
In Africa, the two rhino species you can find are the white rhino and the black rhino. This one is an example of a white rhino, which is more common than the other variant.
2. Baby Rhino With Its Mother Coloring Page For Kids
Baby rhinos are very cute, and this mother rhino is making sure that her baby is very safe.
These are examples of black rhinos, and two of the ways you can tell is that it has a pointy lip and a small forehead.
It’s estimated that there are around 6100 black rhinos left in the wild, as they are sadly hunted for their horns.
3. Baby Rhino Playing In The Mud
Rhinos such as this cute baby love to play in the mud, not just because it’s fun but because the cool mud helps them regulate their body heat on a hot day.
Baby rhinos will stay with their mothers for up to four years before they become more independent.
4. Cartoon Rhino Waving And Smiling
It’s a happy day for this rhino, and it will look even happier once you have added some of your color choices!
A rhino’s horn is one of its most distinctive features, and it is sadly sought after by poachers. The horn is made of a material called keratin which is similar to what your nails are made of.
5. Picnic With Pato And Pocoyo
It’s time to meet another adorable little baby rhino. A baby rhino is called a calf, and the way they interact with their mothers can also show you whether they are white or black rhinos.
A white rhino’s calf will usually walk in front of its mother, whereas a black rhino calf will follow its mother instead.
6. Funny Cartoon Rhino
7. Mother Rhino And Baby Calf
The bond between a mother rhino and its calf is a strong one, and it’s showcased beautifully in this scene.
Interestingly, both the white and black rhinos are actually grey in color. It’s believed that the white rhino got its name due to the Afrikaans word ‘wyd’ which referred to its wide mouth.
This would be misinterpreted as ‘white’ by European settlers, and the name stuck.
8. Realistic Rhino In The Grass
This next rhino is so detailed and realistic that it will present an interesting coloring challenge! It’s another white rhino, and it’s estimated that there are around 17400 left in the wild.
This means that they are still endangered, but it’s not as dire as the situation for black rhinos.
9. Rhino Charging Forward
You don’t want to be in the way when a rhino charges, as they are very strong and can easily overturn a car. In fact, they are the second largest land mammals on the planet after the elephant.
10. Cute Rhino Coloring PDF For Kids
This happy rhino is perfect for kids of all ages to color and enjoy!
We’ve focused on the two African rhinos, but over in Asia you can also find the greater one-horned rhino as well as the Sumatran and Javan rhinos.
11. Rhino Drinking Water
12. Rhinos Eating Leaves From A Bush
It’s time for a delicious meal for this cartoon rhino who is enjoying some grass. White rhinos have lower necks, so they will graze on grass and small bushes.
Black rhinos are browsers who will feed on plants above their eye level.
13. Rhino Family In The Savannah
14. Rhino Calf Having A Nap
Even rhinos need to have a nap every now and then, and this baby calf is taking that opportunity.
Rhinos are very deep sleepers, and they will sleep in intervals for a combined total of around 8 hours every day.
15. Rhino Charging Through Tall Grass
Here’s another rhino you wouldn’t want to cross in the wild, as he is charging ahead and looks very angry!
Rhinos use their horns for all sorts of things, and they will use them for defense if need be. These horns can cause some major damage, too.
16. Rhino In Front Of Mountains
There’s a change of scenery for this next scene, as this rhino is in front of some snowy mountains.
Some people think that it’s hot throughout Africa, but there actually are many regions that get quite cold and even have snow.
17. Black Rhino Near A Watering Hole
Rhinos need to drink around 80 liters of water a day, so they always need to know where the closest watering hole is.
While we don’t see one in this picture, they are often accompanied by small birds called oxpeckers who will pick ticks and flees from rhinos.
So, they both get something out of this relationship!
18. Strong Rhino With A Big Horn
The large horn on this rhino indicates that it must be an older one.
Rhinos have very few threats in the wild apart from mankind, but some predators like leopards will sometimes go after younger rhinos.
They wouldn’t have much success against this one, I’m sure!
19. Rhino In The Savannah
When they’re not threatened, rhinos can be very peaceful as they wander around the savannah.
Interestingly enough, while rhino calves will spend some time with their mothers, most of them won’t interact with their fathers at all.
20. Rhino With An Oxpecker
One of the oxpecker birds we mentioned before can be seen helping out this rhino. Without these birds, rhinos would be stuck with many annoying ticks and flees.
Not only are they useful for this grooming purpose, but they are also helpful in alerting rhinos about potential threats.
21. Cartoon Rhino On A Clear Day
22. Simple Rhino Outline Coloring Page For Kids
The rhino in this scene is simple and cartoony, making it perfect for kids of all ages to color and enjoy!
23. Happy Rhino Grazing
When there is plenty of grass to feed on, you’re likely to have a happy rhino like this one! As we saw earlier, the fact that it is feeding on grass means that it’s most likely an example of a white rhino.
Can you remember what a black rhino would eat instead?
24. Two Rhinos Facing Each Other
25. Two Rhinos Grazing
These two rhinos are watching over each other’s backs as they graze on some tasty grass. Predators would be unlikely to attack two adult rhinos like this.
Interestingly, the word for a group of rhinos is called a ‘crash’ which is an appropriate name if you ask me!
After You Color Your Rhino Pages
- Draw some other African animals such as elephants or giraffes to make these pages into a safari.
- Look up some pictures of jeeps with people inside so you can have some characters watching these rhinos.
- Find some pictures of Asian rhino species and challenge yourself to draw them next to the African rhinos.
- Take some of the more realistic portrayals of the rhinos and test yourself to see if you can tell which are white and which are black rhinos.
Rhinos are truly incredible creatures who need the help of conservationists now more than ever. Hopefully this collection helped you to gain a greater understanding and appreciation of rhinos.
When you color the pages, you can choose whether to make them realistic or more stylish, and any approach will look amazing in its own way!
You can share the magic of rhinos by sharing some of your pages on your social media accounts.