Capture the feeling of being cozy in Winter with hot chocolate coloring pages.
You can enjoy 15 black and white drawings featuring this iconic and beloved hot beverage that’s the perfect remedy to a cold day.
It may be hard to believe, but hot chocolate is believed to have originated from the Mayans around 500 BC.
It then spread around the world and was even used as a medicine by some people! For us, it’s more of a treat to help fight the cold and makes one think of cozy days inside.
Within this collection, you will not only see a large variety of hot chocolate and mugs but also some of the settings you might enjoy this tasty treat.
15 Free Hot Chocolate Coloring Pages To Print And Color
1. Hot Chocolate In A Cozy Winter Scene
Looking out at a Winter wonderland scene is the best place to enjoy hot chocolate!
Although we usually drink it hot, the ancient Mayans are believed to have drank their hot chocolate mixture cold.
2. Cup Of Hot Chocolate With Steam Coloring Sheet
The steam is rising over this mug of hot chocolate which proves that this beverage is ready to drink!
When coloring the steam, you can use a thin layer of watercolor paint to make the colors look light and soft.
3. Hot Cocoa With A Spoon
There are plenty of mini marshmallows in this cup of hot cocoa! The terms hot chocolate and hot cocoa are often used interchangeably, but they’re actually separate drinks.
One is made directly from chocolate whereas the other is made from cocoa powder and is usually stronger.
4. Cartoony Hot Chocolate Mug
The snowflake on this mug helps to give it a proper Winter feeling! Did you know that although we consume it as a treat, hot chocolate was used by the Aztecs as a medicine?
Some European people also used it as a treatment for liver disease, stomach problems and even fevers.
5. Simple Hot Chocolate Mug
6. Hot Chocolate In A Christmas Mug
For countries that celebrate Christmas in the Winter, hot chocolate is a staple of that holiday!
These days we enjoy the drink from mugs more often than not, but in Europe it would often be drunk out of larger pitchers.
7. Hot Chocolate To-Go
Sometimes you need to enjoy your hot chocolate on the go, and this to-go cup would be perfect for that. In modern times, hot chocolate is usually sweet but it didn’t always used to be that way!
The Mayans would have it more bitter with chili peppers for added sharpness. When the Spanish took the drink back home, they decided to make it sweeter and removed the chili element.
8. Hot chocolate With Cinnamon Sticks
9. Hot Chocolate With Cookies
Hot chocolate can be enhanced with your favorite tasty treats like these cookies. People love to have cookies with hot chocolate as they can be dipped in the drink and then eaten.
10. Hot Chocolate With Whipped Cream Coloring PDF For Kids
Some like to enjoy hot chocolate as it is, but many others like to add elements like whipped cream.
When coloring the whipped cream on this hot chocolate, you could use some thick layers of acrylic paint to give it a bit of a 3D element.
11. Hot Chocolate Station
During Winter, festive holiday stands like this one are popular to help keep people warm and refreshed.
It dates back to an older tradition, as in 17th century England there were establishments called chocolate houses that served the beverage to the masses.
12. Marshmallows Floating In Hot Chocolate
It’s time to enjoy a cup of hot cocoa with plenty of marshmallows floating in it!
For many people, it’s hard to imagine a cup of hot cocoa without some marshmallows floating within.
That being said, the idea of marshmallows in hot chocolate only originated in 1917 thanks to a marketing campaign from a company that manufactured the fluffy little treats.
13. Mug Of Hot Cocoa With Big Marshmallows
Instead of lots of little ones, this mug of hot cocoa has two big marshmallows inside, which some people prefer.
While cocoa and hot chocolate have been around for thousands of years, instant hot chocolate was created in America around the 1950s.
14. Hot Chocolate Mug With Heart-Shaped Steam Coloring Page
15. Winter-Themed Mug Of Hot Chocolate
This Winter-themed mug of hot chocolate is the perfect way to end off this collection. You can make it even more special with your own details that remind you of Winter or Christmas time.
For example, I would draw a candy cane sticking out of the hot chocolate!
After You Color Your Hot Chocolate Pages
- Draw a cartoon version of yourself or your family to enjoy these mugs of hot chocolate.
- Add some additional toppings like sprinkles and chocolate shavings with beads and other crafts.
- Look up a unique hot chocolate recipe and write it on your favorite page so you can hang it up.
- Draw some cookies, a piece of apple pie or any of your favorite treats that you like to have with hot chocolate.
Hot chocolate can be enjoyed in many ways, and these beautiful designs add even more ways to enjoy this famous drink!
When you color these pages, be sure to try out any ideas that you have and don’t feel shy about adding any additional details.
If you’re not happy with the result, you can always print another copy and try something else!
Once you’ve finished, you can spread the warmth by sharing your art on your social media pages.