Amazing World Of Gumball Coloring Pages

Meet Your Favorite Characters With Amazing World Of Gumball Coloring Pages

Get ready for this collection of Amazing World of Gumball coloring pages. These 25 free black and white line images are free to print and color, and they feature all your favorite characters!

The Amazing World Of Gumball was created in 2011 by a French animator named Benjamin Bocquelet and it focuses on the Watterson family of Gumball and his half-brother Darwin.

They are surrounded by many wacky characters and the show is known for its eccentric style and humor.

These 25 pages feature characters like Gumball, Darwin, Anais and the parents Richard and Nicole to name a few.

25 Free Amazing World Of Gumball Coloring Pages To Print And Color

1. Gumball And Darwin Mess Around

Amazing world of gumball coloring pages


The two main stars of the Amazing World of Gumball show are having a great time as they pull a funny pose.

Gumball is a cat, and Darwin is a goldfish who was initially a pet for him until becoming his half-brother when he grew legs.

2. Anais Watterson Coloring Sheet

Anais Watterson with a smart look fun printable coloring sheet


Anais Watterson is Gumball’s smart younger sister who is wise beyond her years!

Her name is a common name for girls in France, and so it’s a reference to the heritage of series creator Benjamin Bocquelet.

3. Banana Joe Laughs And Dances

Banana Joe laughing detailed coloring sheet


Banana Joe is laughing at his latest scheme, and this is a common occurrence as he is always up to something. He is voiced by Mic Graves in the show and sometimes picks on Gumball.

4. Carrie Krueger Floats Around

Carrie Krueger floating like a ghost free coloring page pdf


Ghostly Carrie Krueger is a unique character from the series who is into all things spooky. She also starts to date Darwin later in the series.

Her last name was inspired by the Freddy Krueger character from A Nightmare On Elm Street.

5. Darwin Watterson Gives A Friendly Wave

Darwin Watterson waving detailed coloring sheet


Darwin is the loyal half-brother of Gumball and Anais, and he is known to be very friendly and a bit strange.

His full name is Darwin Raglan Caspian Ahab Poseidon Nicodemus Watterson III which is quite a mouthful!

6. Elmore Junior High School

Elmore Junior High School building free coloring page pdf


Elmore Junior High school is an iconic building in the series where many storylines take place.

Its design was inspired by the Abraham Lincoln High School in San Fransisco.

7. Gumball And Anais Argue

Gumball and Anais arguing detailed coloring sheet


Anais may be young, but she isn’t afraid to argue with her older brother Gumball.

She also attends a class several years above Gumball’s because of her high intelligence.

8. Gumball And Darwin Laugh Together

Gumball and Darwin laughing together free coloring page pdf


Unlike some brothers, Gumball and Darwin get along very well, and now you can color this moment where they share a joke together.

9. Gumball And Darwin Playing Video Games Fun Coloring PDF

Gumball and Darwin playing video games fun coloring sheet


10. Gumball And Darwin’s Bicycle Trip

Gumball and Darwin riding a bicycle detailed coloring sheet


It’s time for a bike trip with Gumball and Darwin on a beautiful day.

Interestingly, many of the characters in the show were previously created for commercials before being rejected and repurposed for the show instead.

11. Gumball And Darwin Dressed As Superheroes

Gumball and Darwin wearing superhero capes fun coloring sheet


Gumball and Darwin are dressed like their favorite heroes, perhaps for Halloween!

Gumball is dressed as Deadpool whereas Darwin is dressed like Captain America, so you can keep that in mind as you color!

12. Gumball And Penny Share A Hug

Gumball and Penny hugging fun coloring sheet


Penny is a kind of fairy, and she is enjoying a hug with Gumball in this charming scene.

While they didn’t begin this way, they would later become a couple in the series.

13. Gumball Looks Confused

Gumball looking confused fun coloring sheet for kids


14. Gumball Pulls A Funny Face

Gumball making a funny face coloring page


The Amazing World of Gumball series is known for its funny animation and expressions, much like the one you will color here!

Did you know that the Watterson family was named after Bill Watterson, the creator of the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip?

15. Gumball Running Coloring Page For Kids

Gumball running in a hurry printable coloring page


16. Gumball Watterson With A Big Smile

Gumball Watterson smiling coloring page for kids


Gumball Watterson is a generally happy and excitable character, and his big smile is proof of this!

A funny fact about him is that his middle name is Tristopher which was a misspelling of Christopher.

17. Gumball Gets Excited

Gumball with an excited expression fun printable coloring sheet


Gumball is excited once more, and you could draw a background to show what has him so pumped!

His real name used to be Zac before he decided to change it to Gumball.

18. Larry Needlemeyer At Work

Larry Needlemeyer at work printable coloring page


19. Miss Simian Gets Angry

Miss Simian looking angry free coloring page pdf


Miss Simian is the teacher of Gumball and Darwin and almost always in a bad mood. Her name comes from simian which is the scientific name for monkeys and apes.

20. Nicole Watterson Gets Serious

Nicole Watterson looking serious free printable coloring page


Nicole Watterson is the stern yet loving mother of the Watterson family.

While she goes by Nicole, it’s her middle name as her first name is actually Doctor.

21. Richard Watterson Enjoys A Sandwich

Richard Watterson eating a sandwich detailed coloring sheet


Richard is the very dim-witted but loving father of the Watterson family who loves to east sandwiches and anything else he can get his hands on.

He was initially designed to be a dog, but was later changed to be a rabbit instead.

22. Rob Looking Villainous

Rob standing with a villainous pose free printable coloring page


23. The Rainbow Factory

The rainbow factory with clouds detailed coloring sheet


The Rainbow Factory is a store that specializes in creating and selling rainbows.

It’s also the place where Nicole Watterson which is good because Richard Watterson is perpetually unemployed.

24. The Watterson Family Coloring Sheet For Kids

The Watterson family standing together coloring page


25. Tobias Wilson Shows Off His Muscles

Tobias Wilson flexing muscles coloring page for kids


Tobias Wilson is a character who is very outgoing and loves to show off. He’s very proud of his muscles in this scene, and now you can bring it to life.

He is a cloud character and has different color gradients on his body. Using paint would be a great way to achieve the look from the series.

After You Color Your Amazing World Of Gumball Pages

  • Cut out some pictures from old magazines and stick them on the pages to recreate the mixed media look from the series.
  • Draw some cartoon characters that have shown up in crossovers with the show like Regular Show and Uncle Grandpa.
  • Create some backgrounds inspired by locations like the Watterson house or Elmore Mall.
  • Try and use as many different art mediums to color each individual character to make them look unique.

The Amazing World of Gumball is filled with so many weird and wonderful characters, and I hope you enjoyed meeting some of them here!

The show is known for its unique art style and color choices, so don’t be shy about thinking outside the box when you add some color to the pages.

When you have completed your favorite pages, be sure to share them on your social media accounts for fellow fans to enjoy.