15 Cupcake Liner Crafts for Kids

If you are a regular reader of I Heart Crafty Things, you know how much I LOVE cupcake liner crafts! I have found them to be such a fun and simple material to use for kids crafts that yield some pretty darling results! Since I have made quite a few crafts with them I thought it would be fun to put them all together in a round up post in case you’ve missed any of them.
Cupcake Liner Crafts for Kids Collage

Fish Craft for Kids

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Flower Garden Craft

Planting a Rainbow Craft

Bunny Craft


Cupcake Liner Chicks

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Five Little Ladybugs

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Cupcake Liner Rainbow Craft

Cupcake Liner Rainbow Craft

Space Scene out of Cupcake Liners


Apple Tree Craft

Apple Trees

Fall Cupcake Liner Trees

Fall Trees

Cupcake Liner Snowman


Three Little Ghosties Craft

Three Little Ghosties

Cupcake Liner Bats


Five Little Turkeys Craft

five little turkeys

Cupcake Liner Turkey with stamped feathers

little leprechauns
Well, there you have it! 🙂  
From Winter to Spring and Summer to Fall, you have a year of cupcake liner crafts for kids! 

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