Cardinal Craft from Tippytoe Crafts

I have such a great bird craft to showcase today and it comes from Betsy at Tippytoe Crafts. I know I’ve mentioned Betsy’s blog before, but it is seriously a hidden gem! I have pinned so many things from her blog on Pinterest and I can sit browsing through the history of her blog for hours upon hours.

One of her most recent crafts she completed with her preschool class was their “Fall Reflections Pictures”.

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Isn’t it such a beautiful scene of Fall trees being reflected in water? I absolutely love it!
Without further adieu, here’s Besy.

Hi there! I’m Betsy from Tippytoe Crafts. I am honored to be a guest blogger on I Heart Crafty Things! I’ve been reading Rachel’s blog for awhile now and was so excited when she found me and my little ol’ blog! I’m pretty sure I blushed when I read her first comment to me. So what is Tippytoe Crafts? Well, I’m a Pre-K teacher in a child care center and I share all the art projects and other activities I do in my classroom. I’ve always found such wonderful crafts online and decided to throw mine into the mix. Rachel’s theme is birds right now so she asked me to share one of my bird crafts with you today. It was difficult to choose because I like them all, but my favorite would have to be the cardinal. You will need:

  • Red, black, white and orange construction paper
  • Wiggle eyes
  • Red feather
  • Red paint
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Pen or Pencil
  • Markers or Crayons (optional)
  • A Child (not required, but it’s more fun with one!)

You start by tracing your child’s shoeless foot on red paper. (Warning: your child might giggle because it tickles!) Cut out the foot. This will be the cardinal’s body.

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Then your child makes handprints with red paint onto white paper. These will be the wings.

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For the face, we used wiggle eyes, an orange triangle for the beak, and small black “splotches.”

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We also used a red feather for the crest and cut legs from orange paper. Once the handprints are dry and cut out, your child can glue everything together to make their cardinal.

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You could stop there or you could do what we did. We glued the birds to white paper and then drew in a background. The kids in my class got really creative!



They turned out so cute! I hope you enjoyed my cardinal craft today. Please stop by my blog to see my other feathered friends! Thanks again, Rachel. This has been a wonderful opportunity!

Happy Crafting!!

Don’t forget to enter all of the fabulous Giveaways going on right now….Trust me, so worth winning one of these!!
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