These cute donkey coloring pages celebrate this stubborn yet hard-working animal. Here you will find 15 black and white line drawings of donkeys drawn in various styles.
Donkeys were believed to have been bred in Africa between 5000 and 7000 years ago.
Since then, they have become staples in many industries as they can be used for transport, farmyard tasks and are even sometimes kept as pets.
They’re also well known for their stubbornness and big personalities along with their unique appearance.
These pages feature 15 depictions of donkeys in styles ranging from simple and cartoony to detailed and realistic, making them perfect for all ages and skill levels.
So let’s pack our coloring tools and embark on this celebration of the humble donkey.
15 Free Donkey Coloring Pages To Print And Color
1. Cartoon Donkey With A Big Smile
Donkeys may be known for being a bit grumpy, but this one is all smiles!
They stand out with their big, floppy ears, but they’re not for show. Their ears are so big because it helps to keep them cool.
2. Cartoon Donkey With Big Ears Printable For Kids
This next donkey looks very funny with its big ears flopping around!
Donkeys are very social herd animals, and they love to hang out with their donkey friends or even humans that they are close to.
3. Cute Donkey In A Field
Donkeys come in different variations depending on the breed, and some of them are very small. In fact, some miniature donkeys are only around three feet tall at the shoulders.
These donkeys aren’t usually used for work and are instead bred to be companions.
4. Donkey Braying
Donkeys have a distinctive braying sound that’s unique from the sounds that other similar animals make.
Each donkey has a unique timbre and length to its bray, so each one is a real individual!
5. Donkey Carrying A Load On Its Back
Many cultures use donkeys to help transport heavy loads around.
They’re very useful for this purpose as they are famously strong, sturdy and hardy.
6. Donkey Coloring Sheet For Kids
This donkey looks very friendly, but they aren’t friendly to everyone!
In fact, donkeys can be used to guard herds, as they are naturally aggressive to animals like wolves and coyotes.
7. Donkey Eating Hay
It’s time for dinner as this donkey eats some delicious hay.
Donkeys don’t like to branch out much when it comes to food, and they are usually happy with straw, hay or some vegetables.
8. Donkey Pulling A Wooden Cart
A donkey’s strength makes it perfect to pull a heavy cart like this one is.
Their stubbornness means that you can’t force them to take a route that they think is dangerous.
This has given them the reputation of being stupid, but it’s actually an instinct that protects them from danger.
9. Donkey Resting In A Field
It’s time to take a break for this next donkey. Donkeys can snooze standing up, and they will take naps during the day when they can.
They typically won’t sleep for more than 5 hours a day, which certainly wouldn’t be enough sleep for me!
10. Donkey Standing By A Wooden Fence
We’re witnessing a very slow escape as this donkey moves through a wooden fence one half at a time.
Did you know that donkeys are similar enough to horses and zebras that they can successfully breed with either species?
11. Donkey Standing Near A Barn
There is a beautiful barn for this donkey, and you can color both of them however you like!
Even though donkeys will spend a lot of time outside, they prefer to be comfortable in shelter at night.
12. Donkey Walking On A Dirt Path
This donkey is ready to take someone for a ride with its little saddle.
Donkeys can be ridden, but you need to ensure that you find one with a friendly nature as some won’t like to be ridden by just anyone.
13. Donkey In A Forest
14. Friendly Donkey With A Saddle
You can meet another friendly donkey who is ready to give someone a ride! When coloring this or any other page in the collection, you could draw some elements of your own.
For example, you could design a cartoon version of yourself and draw yourself riding this cartoon donkey.
15. Mother Donkey With Its Baby
We’re ending things on an adorable note with this little baby foal with its mother. Donkeys are affectionate towards their young and form strong bonds.
It’s generally recommended to keep a mother and foal together for at least 6 months before weaning it. How will you color this cute little scene?
After You Color Your Donkey Pages
- Design some backgrounds that you would see donkeys in, such as a farm or perhaps a mountain trail for them to traverse.
- Draw some versions of animals similar to donkeys such as horses or zebras.
- Create some human characters based on yourself or perhaps a farmer. You could even create a cowboy character!
- Use some colored pens or pencils with many strokes to create hair texture for the donkeys.
There are so many reasons to love donkeys, and I hope that you enjoyed getting to meet and color these ones. Be sure to let your creativity run wild and try out any ideas you may have.
It’s also fun to share the collection with your friends!
Speaking of sharing, you could also share your finished pages on social media so that everyone can admire your skills.