How to Draw Squirtle – A Step by Step Guide

Squirtle Drawing in just 6 Easy Steps!

The Pokemon series is full of many weird and wonderful creatures. Everyone has their favorite, and when it comes to favorite Pokemon then Squirtle will often be mentioned!

This water Pokemon has been there since the very beginning, and it is a Pokemon as capable as it is cute! Because of how cute it is, many fans would like to know how to draw Squirtle.

If you are one of those fans, then this guide will help to show you how easy it can be!

We hope that you have lots of fun working with us on this step-by-step guide on how to draw Squirtle in just 6 easy steps!how to draw squirtle in 6 steps

How to Draw Squirtle – Let’s get Started!

Step 1

drawing squirtle step 1
For the first step of our guide on how to draw Squirtle, we will be starting with the head. Squirtle’s head is very round, and it looks almost circular except for a part jutting out at the bottom of the head.

Squirtle’s eyes can be a bit tricky, so you’ll want to refer closely to the reference image as you draw! The eyes look like ovals with flat bases, as shown in the reference picture.

Then, you can use some curved lines inside of them to create some pupil details for them.

Finally for this step, you can use a long, curved line for his smiling mouth. That’s it for this step, and next we will start to draw his body!

Step 2 – Start drawing Squirtle’s body

drawing squirtle step 2
You have Squirtle’s head drawn, and in this next step of your Squirtle drawing you can start to draw a body for it.

Before doing this, you can add some nostrils and some small lines above the eyes for some extra detail. Then, start the body by drawing a long, round line down from the head. This will form the belly for Squirtle.

Then, use more curved lines coming out from the side to make the first arm for Squirtle. There will be two sharp points for the little fingers at the end.

Finally, use more curved lines for the leg, and this will end in yet more pointy lines for the toes.

Step 3 – Now, draw another arm and the shell

drawing squirtle step 3
We will be adding another arm and start the shell in this step of our guide on how to draw Squirtle.

The arm will be what we will start with, and it will look like a fat oval that has sharp points at the end of it.

Then, once you have that arm you can start to draw the shell. The outer edge will be a round line, and there will be a thin and twisty rim to it.

Be sure to leave a space at the bottom of the shell as we did in the reference picture. This will be because we will be drawing a leg there soon.

Finish off this step by drawing some curved shell details, and then you’re ready to proceed!

Step 4 – Draw the other leg and tail

drawing squirtle step 4
Your Squirtle drawing is really starting to take shape now! We will start to add the final details in the next few steps before you color it in.

For the other leg, you will use another round shape with pointy bits at the end of it. Finally, you can draw his round, swirly tail from the back of the leg that you just drew.

Then it’s on to the final details that we will take care of in step 5!

Step 5 – Now, you can finish off the final details

drawing squirtle step 5
It is almost time to bring this picture to life with color, but first we have a few more details to add in this step of our guide on how to draw Squirtle.

Using some straight lines, you will be drawing a sort of grid pattern onto Squirtle’s belly, as shown in the reference image. That will do it for the details in this guide, but you don’t have to stop there!

Before moving on, be sure to add any details and elements of your own that you would like! These could be as simple as changing the facial expression or pose of Squirtle, or you could go more ambitious with it.

You could draw a background, and this would be a great way to replicate your favorite Squirtle appearance. What can you think of to finish off this Squirtle drawing before the final step?

Step 6 – Finish off your Squirtle drawing with some color

drawing squirtle step 6
That brings you to the sixth and final step of your Squirtle drawing! This is the step where you get to kick back and enjoy some coloring fun. As you can see in our reference image, Squirtle’s main colors are blue, yellow and brown.

Even if you stick to the regular colors, there are lots of ways that you can bring some amazing color variety to this picture! If you drew any background details or added any other elements then that is a great way to bring some color variation to your image.

Once you know what colors you would like to use, you can also have fun choosing which art mediums you will use to bring the picture to life! What colors and art tools will you use to finish off your amazing drawing?

5 Tips To Make Your Squirtle Drawing Even Better!

Evolve this Squirtle sketch into something even greater with these 5 ideas!

In the Pokemon series and games, Squirtle is known as a water Pokemon. That means that you could incorporate some water-type moves and elements to your drawing of Squirtle.

This could be as drastic as showing him performing a water move, or it could be as simple as showing some waterly elements around him.

How else could you represent water in this design?

Squirtle can evolve into two other Pokemon as he gets stronger, and these could be added to your drawing to show his progress.

First, it can evolve into Wartortle. After this, the mighty Blastoise will be the final form this Pokemon takes.

If you were to include these versions of Squirtle, you could look up some pictures online or use the games and anime to help you as you draw them.

Another way to populate this Squirtle drawing would be by adding some other Pokemon to the image. Two of the most obvious choices would be the other two classic starter Pokemon.

These would be the fire Pokemon Charmander and the plant-type Bulbasaur.

Of course, you would have hundreds of other Pokemon you could add instead, so this would be a great chance to show off your favorites!

There are many human characters that would also be great additions to your drawing.

The most famous human character from the series would have to be Ash Ketchum, so he would be a great one to add.

In the games, you can create your own character, so it would also be fun to create a unique character for this drawing!

Finally, you can finish off this Squirtle sketch with a cool background. There are a few ways that you could go about designing a background.

One would be to use a setting from the anime or one of the games. This would be a good way to replicate some of your favorite scenes or moments.

Or, you could create a brand new setting for Squirtle instead!

Your Squirtle Drawing is Complete!

You now have an incredible drawing in front of you, and you should be very proud of reaching the end of this guide on how to draw Squirtle!

This was a tricky drawing to take on, but whenever you break down a drawing into smaller, more manageable steps it can make it so much easier and more fun!

Now you get to be in charge as you really make this drawing your own. Whether you do this with a background, some extra details or some objects and props for Squirtle, we know you will do an incredible job!

Then, when you’re ready to take on a new drawing challenge we have you covered on our website! We have many amazing guides for you to enjoy there, and we also upload new ones frequently.

Once your Squirtle drawing is complete, we hope that you will share it on our Facebook and Pinterest pages!

We can’t wait to see the incredibly creative ways that you finished off this Squirtle to draw squirtle in 6 easy steps