Pitbull Coloring Pages

Enjoy coloring in man’s best friend with these pitbull coloring pages!

Having a canine companion by your side is a wonderful thing, and it would be hard to find a more loyal friend to have with you!

When choosing your dog pal, you have many options to go for. Many people like pitbulls due to their intelligence and fierce loyalty for their owners.

These aspects make them popular as guard dogs, but they can also just be great companions!

Pitbulls also come in many different color schemes, and this creates a lot of variety when choosing a pitbull of your own.

This also means that you have many options for how you can color the 15 pitbulls that we have for you in this collection.

You will be able to pick out your favorite pages from this collection or color every single one! The best part is that they are all free to print, color and enjoy.

You can also share the collection with others to spread the fun.

15 Pitbull Coloring Pages – Free to Print and Color

Pitbulls have a bit of a reputation for being angry dogs, but this first free pitbull coloring page for kids features one that is looking very calm and happy!

There’s a wonderful expression on the face of this pitbull, and it looks as if it is looking up lovingly at an owner.

For this first image, we would use some milder colors to fit the calmer mood that this pitbull is giving off. What will you use when completing this first page in the collection?Detailed coloring printable of a calmly-looking pitbull sitting and lovingly looking up

This pitbull coloring page shows a majestic pitbull with a proud posture and a noble expression. The pitbull is standing on a circular platform and looking with a calm and confident gaze.

Its strong, sturdy body and sleek short coat reveal powerful muscles rippling underneath.

The pitbull has a white coat with black markings and a black nose. The background is white, so you can add any color or background you like.Black-and-white drawing of a pitbull with strong and sturdy body standing on a circular platform

We have another happy pitbull for you to color here! This one is looking rather cute and playful, and it also has a lovely expression on its face.

For this one, if we were coloring it in we would take a different approach to the first one and use some bright, happy colors. What colors came to mind for you when you first saw this happy pitbull?Free printable of a playful sitting pitbull with a heart-shaped nose and a tongue sticking out of his mouth

In the introduction to this collection, we mentioned that pitbulls are often used as guard dogs, and this one seems to be on the patrol!

While the reputation that all pitbulls are vicious and angry is a bit inaccurate, they can certainly turn on the intimidation when they need to.

If you agree that this tough pitbull could be a guard dog, perhaps you could draw a background to show what it could be guarding. What kind of property do you think this pitbull could be protecting?Free coloring drawing featuring pitbull with a proud posture and a noble expression

This fourth pitbull coloring sheet features a great closeup! We get to see a lot of small details in this image thanks to this close view of the face.

There is a lot of empty space left in the background, and that can be filled in some creative ways.

You could use a solid color for the background, draw some shapes or even create a background where you also add more of the body.

What ideas do you have for this fun page?Printable coloring picture featuring close view of pitbull's face with a big nose and pointy ears

This coloring sheet shows a sweet pitbull with a heart-shaped nose. The pitbull is lying down and looking with a loving smile.

The blank background is the perfect space to add your own adorable details. Fill it in with a fluffy bed, fun toys, and yummy treats to show this pitbull some love. Free pdf to color featuring sitting pitbull with a black heart-shaped nose, pointy ears and grumpy face

Our fifth page that we have for you features another pitbull that looks like it means business!

Even if you want to keep the colors looking more realistic, you have a lot of options for how you could color the coat of this pitbull.

If you need some inspiration, you could look up some photos of pitbulls online to see the different colors that they can come in. Do you have a favorite pitbull variation?Detailed printable picture featuring strong pitbull looking vicious and ready to attack

The next pitbull that we have for you is looking a bit more uncertain than some of the previous ones!

To suit this uncertainty, this is another one where we would use some lighter colors and shades for the background. You can also play around with art mediums to get the look you want for the colors.

For example, if you wish to have a milder look then you could use some watercolor paints or colored pencils. Will you take this approach for this pitbull?Pitbull coloring pages

This next coloring page shows a friendly pitbull with a wagging tail and a curious expression. The pitbull is standing on a grassy field and sniffing the air.

The pitbull has a white fur with spots and a black nose.

He has a round head with small ears and a large nose. The background is white, so you can add any color or landscape you like.

This coloring page is cheerful and charming for anyone who loves pitbulls and nature.Coloring sheet for children of a friendly pitbull standing with a wagging tail and a curious expression

In this seventh pitbull coloring printable, we have a pitbull that is looking rather cute! This guy has a sweet expression on his face, and there is a friendly feeling coming from this one.

Images such as this help to get rid of the stereotype that pitbulls are just angry and vicious all the time. What colors will you use for this happy pitbull?Free printable pdf of a pitbull with a collar in a sitting position looking tense and alert

It’s time for another close-up for this next picture! We get another great look at the face of this pitbull, and there are loads of great small details that you can color in.

Once again, you can also decide what to do for the background.

Again, you could draw the neck of the pitbull and add some background elements, but you could also use some solid colors and shapes in the background.

We will be interested to see what you go for!Detailed coloring portrait of an expressive pitbull with pointy ears and sturdy wide neck

We love the design on this next pitbull. It is standing tall and looking rather noble, but it also looks rather at ease and friendly.

When coloring this pitbull, you could try out some new colors and art mediums that you maybe haven’t really used yet in this collection.

For example, if you don’t typically use acrylic paints or paints or colored pencils then this may be a great one to try them out on!

Remember that you can print out multiple copies of any of these pages, so you can experiment without having to worry about making mistakes.Printable coloring image for kids featuring majestic pitbull standing tall and proud

Adventure calls and this courageous pitbull is ready to answer. Poised and alert, this intrepid pitbull stands on uneven ground, focused on the thrill of the challenge ahead.

Its sturdy legs and wiry muscles ripple beneath its slick black coat, marked with bold white patches.

I would use ferocious reds and oranges to imagine fiery rescue scenes. You can add adventure like forests, mountains or oceans for epic outdoor exploits.

However you choose to color it, this coloring page inspires the pitbull’s courage and spirit for confronting any mission with valor.Free coloring page of a cartoon style pitbull standing with confused facial expression

This coloring page features a relaxed pitbull with a wrinkled face and a large nose. It is lying on its stomach with its front legs stretched out in front of it.

He is wearing a bandana around its neck that you can color with your favorite pattern. His tail is curled up over its back, and its eyes are closed and its tongue is hanging out of its mouth.

This coloring page is ideal for anyone who wants to enjoy a peaceful and fun moment with a pitbull.Coloring pdf of a pitbull with bandana lying on its stomach with front legs stretched out in front of it

Now it’s time for the final pitbull coloring page that we have for you in this collection. This is another one that gives us a great view of this majestic pitbull.

There is a look of uncertainty on the face of this pitbull, and you could once again reflect this with your colors.

What colors came to mind when you saw this page? Do you think you will go for some realistic colors or maybe make this one brighter and more stylistic?

Don’t forget to show off your artwork by sharing it!Detailed coloring picture for kids of a majestic muscular pitbull with pointy ears

Pitbull Coloring Pages – Which will you choose?

We hope that you had a great time making some new canine friends during this collection of free pitbull coloring pages for kids!

We aimed to have a great variety of pitbulls ranging from calm to angry for you to color, and that really lets you use a lot of different colors.

If you had fun working on this collection, our website will be the place to be for you! We have many more coloring page collections there with more on the way.

Lastly, please remember to share some of your favorite finished pitbull coloring sheets on our Facebook and Pinterest pages so we can see how they turned out!