General Mills Cereal Free Skylanders Skystones Game

I have some extreme Skylanders fans at my house! The Skylanders game is pretty much the center of my boys’ Universe at the moment…and that is not an exaggeration. It is a hobby that my husband started together with my boys and I have watched them bond together time and again over it which makes me adore the game. You can imagine the excitement in my house when my kids found out that General Mills and Skylanders have teamed up to offer an exclusive Skystones game free with their favorite boxes of cereal.

We were fortunate to receive a box in the mail with some of the General Mills cereal boxes and other Skylanders goodies and my kids ripped it open like it was Christmas. I captured a little bit of their excitement in photos.


Hidden inside each specially marked Big G cereals you will find Skystones cards playable on the game board found on the back of the cereal box. There are four different Skystones game card sets to collect, so that makes each box of cereal you buy all the more fun. Skylanders fans will instantly recognize the characters when they open the Skystones card packs. The familiar characters were definitely my kids’ favorite part of the game. They loved collecting all four different packs so they could mix and match their favorite characters when playing the game.


My kids enjoyed eating their favorite cereal for breakfast before school every morning, waiting anxiously for a box to be finished so they could cut out the game board on the back of the box. If you’re inpatient, you could of course cut it out before the box is empty.


Playing the Skystones game is super simple, even if you aren’t familiar with Skylanders. You will find a card inside each Skystones pack that includes the full directions. Each player gets 5 cards at the start of the game, choosing to be either the blue or red team, and a flip of a disc included in the pack determines who goes first. 

Players begin adding their Skystones to the board and the triangles on all sides of the cards determine which player wins each square. If you connect your card to a card with a smaller amount of triangles you get to turn the connecting card over and make it your color. The player at the end of the game with the most colored squares wins. 


I love how the Skystones cereal game incorporates the Skylanders game but also gives them a chance to step away from the electronic version of it for a bit. The Skystones game not only fosters family fun, but it fuels development through imaginative and cognitive play, which I think is important for growing children. 

Each box also includes special coupons inside towards Skylanders merchandise. My husband has already taken my boys to the store to use a few of the coupons to add to their Skylanders collection. I am a little embarrassed to admit to how many Skylanders we actually own, but the characters are what truly sets Skylanders apart from other games out there, and they are what makes Skylanders my kids’ favorite game. I love how my kids take pride in their collection and have learned to be more responsible with their toys because of them.



The participating Big G brands include Honey Nut Cheerios, Frosted Cheerios, Fruity Cheerios, Reese’s Puffs, Cookie Crisp, Lucky Charms, Trix and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Each of the Skystones sets also includes a downloadable code to unlock characters in the popular mobile Skylanders game which is a fantastic bonus! Make sure to look for more special offers and prizes insides boxes of General Mills cereals throughout the year.

Do you have Skylanders fans at your house? What do they love most about the game?


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I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


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