How To Draw A Cartoon Frog – A Step by Step Guide

Cartoon Frog drawing in just 6 Easy Steps!

Frogs are one of the weirdest animal species that we have in nature. These creatures come in many different types, and some are pretty massive while others are truly tiny.

They also come in many different colors and patterns, and this variety has made them popular to depict in everything from paintings to cartoons.

You will learn how to create your own fun version as we learn how to draw a cartoon frog!

We have a wonderfully charming depiction of a frog for you in this guide, and we will walk you through everything you need to draw it with no difficulties!

So get ready to recreate one of these weird and wonderful little creatures as we begin this step-by-step guide on how to draw a cartoon frog!

Tips To Prepare You For This Cartoon Frog Drawing

We are all set to begin this guide on how to draw a cartoon frog, and as you can see, there is an adorable frog pal waiting to meet you at the end of it!

Before leaping into this guide, we have a few ways that you can make this easier on yourself as you begin the guide. First, we would suggest carefully looking at each picture in the guide closely.

In each step, we will be going over the various steps of the drawing, but examining them first and familiarizing yourself with the general design can help you to wrap your head around it.

Then, you can take out some spare pieces of paper and sketch out rough versions of the cartoon frog. Don’t worry too much about getting the lines and details perfect just now.

Just try to get used to the general shape of the character and see how it can be drawn. Then, you will be ready to take on the actual steps of the guide.

You can also look at some pictures of real frogs to make it easier to tackle this guide. You can probably find some photos of frogs that are posed similarly to the one we will be drawing, and it can make it easier to draw and add details.

Finally, we think you should try to go into this guide with the right mindset. The goal of the guide isn’t to make sure you get a perfect image on the first try, it’s to have fun with it.

The mistakes and failed attempts of a drawing are part of the fun and the learning process, so enjoy the journey as we work on this guide!how to draw a cartoon frog in 6 steps

How to Draw A Cartoon Frog – Let’s Get Started!

Step 1

how to draw a cartoon frog step 1
For this first step of your cartoon frog drawing, we will focus on the top of the head and face. This will be simple to start, and you can begin by drawing two circular shapes.

Each one of these will have some smaller circles within, and the inner-most one will be filled in black, as it will be the pupil.

Then, we will draw a curved line above each eye, and these will be connected by a smaller curved line between them.

Step 2 – Now, draw some more of the face for this frog

how to draw a cartoon frog step 2
In this second step of our guide on how to draw a cartoon frog, we will add some more to the face outline. Specifically, you will be drawing a curved line on each side of the head.

These will extend down from where the previous lines of the head near the eyes ended in the previous step, and they will be quite curved, as they will be the frog’s cheeks.

Finish off by adding a smaller curved line underneath the eyes for some extra expression, and then we can move on.

Step 3 – Next, draw the face and legs

how to draw a cartoon frog step 3
Now we can add some more facial details and the legs for this frog. First, let’s focus on the face. You can begin the facial features by drawing two small nostrils between the eyes.

Then, we will draw a smiling mouth. This will be drawn with some curved lines that connect with a pointy tip in the middle. This will also have a curved line beneath for a bottom lip.

Next, we will draw the legs. These will be fairly short and thick, and they will have some distinctive feet beneath.

Each foot will have three toes that are quite short and rounded, and there will be some webbing between them.

Step 4 – Now, draw a lilypad

how to draw a cartoon frog step 4
A common visual image when it comes to frogs has them sitting on a lilypad. This is what we will be adding in this part of your cartoon frog drawing.

This lilypad should be rather easy to add as well! First, we will finish off the outline for the frog. Specifically, we will be drawing some rounded hips on the sides of the frog.

Once these hips are drawn, we can add that lilypad. It will be drawn using some simple curved lines connecting to one another beneath the frog.

When you have drawn the lilypad as it appears in our example, you will be ready for some final details in the next step of the guide!

Step 5 – Add the final details to your drawing

how to draw a cartoon frog step 5
It’s time to finish off the composition before we color this little guy in the final step of this guide on how to draw a cartoon frog.

We will keep things very simple in this step, as we will essentially be adding an outline for the water that the lilypad is sitting on.

We drew this outline using a simple curved line, but you could also leave it out if you wish the entire background to be the water of the lake or the pond.

Once you have added this final detail, you could also add some extra details and ideas to the image.

It could be fun to draw a background to show what kind of setting this frog is in. what kinds of details would you add to this image?

Step 6 – Finish off your drawing with color

how to draw a cartoon frog step 6
At the beginning of this guide, we mentioned that frogs can come in many different colors and patterns, and now you get to choose some colors for this awesome frog!

In our example image, we went with some classic greens for the frog, and we altered the shades we used for some variety.

Then, we used some darker green for the lilypad, and finished off with blue for the water. These are the colors we chose, but there are so many more you could go for instead!

If you look up some frog species, you’ll see that they can come in pretty much any colors you can imagine.

We hope you have fun adding some wonderful colors to this cute little frog!

4 More Ways To Make Your Cartoon Frog Drawing Unique

Leap into action as we show you some ideas to make your cartoon frog sketch even better!

This drawing of a cartoon frog looks great on its own, but you could make it look even better with a friend!

Now that you know how to draw a cartoon frog, you have everything you need to add a froggy pal.

This second cartoon frog could look very similar to the first one, but you could change a few details to make it look unique. What sort of pose would you like to create with this second frog?

There are other little critters that you could add to this drawing to give this cartoon frog some company, too. These could range from small mice to fish, bugs and other little creatures.

Whatever you choose, this new addition could be drawn in a similarly fun cartoon style to the one this cartoon frog was drawn in.

Now it’s up to you to decide what little friends you can provide for this cartoon frog!

Another way you could make the day of the little guy in this cartoon frog drawing would be by providing some snacks for the frog.

Frogs love to eat flies and other insects, so you could have some buzzing around.

Some frogs can shoot their tongues out to catch these insects, and this is an aspect you could add to the drawing to show that this frog will be snacking soon. What are some insects that you could add?

Finally, you could create a home for your cartoon frog sketch by drawing a background to finish off this scene. You have something to start with, as the frog is sitting on a lilypad in a lake.

Now that you have that, you could add some more of the lake water and some smaller details like reeds, grass and aquatic creatures.

You could also leave out the lilypad and create a brand new setting if you prefer. What kind of background would suit your design?

Your Cartoon Frog Drawing is Complete!

This design was a really cute and wonderful take on this amphibious creature, and we hope that you had lots of fun recreating it in this guide on how to draw a cartoon frog!

We wanted this image to be a fun one to look at, but we also wanted the steps to guide you through to make sure it would be easy and fun.

It was also our goal for you to be able to add your own extra elements as well so that you can create a unique take.

It’s up to you to make this drawing even more personalized now, and we mentioned a few ways you can do this!

This is your chance to show off how creative you can be, and we look forward to seeing what other ideas you may have for personalizing this cartoon frog.

When you’re ready to try out a new drawing to take on, you will find plenty of amazing drawing guides to enjoy on our website! More are coming soon, so keep checking in to never miss out.

It would be great to see how you finished off this picture, so please share your finished cartoon frog drawing on our Facebook and Pinterest pages for us to see!how to draw a cartoon frog in 6 easy steps