How to Draw A Cartoon Cat – A Step by Step Guide

Cartoon cat Drawing in just 6 Easy Steps!

Cartoons have existed in one form or another for many years, and using the medium artists have depicted many different characters and scenarios.

It has been common to use animals as characters in cartoons, and for some reason cats have been one of the most popular animals to use as a subject.

There have been many famous examples, and learning how to draw a cartoon cat is a great way to add your own example to the mix.

If you would like to know how you can create your own adorable cartoon cat creation, then this will be a tutorial you’ll want to see all the way through to the end.

Get ready to have a great time as we work on this step-by-step guide on how to draw a cartoon cat in just 6 easy steps!how to draw a Cartoon Cat in 6 steps

How to Draw A Cartoon Cat – Let’s Get Started!

Step 1

how to draw a Cartoon Cat step 1
In this first step of our guide on how to draw a cartoon cat, we will begin with the head and ear outlines for this cute cat.

The top of the head will be drawn with a curved line, and there will be two small little curls poking off of the top.

Then, for the ears we will be using some more curved lines that have a pointy tip at the end of each one.

Finally for this step, we will draw the sides of the head. We want these to look nice and furry, so we will be using some sharply curved lines like the ones in our reference image.

That’s all there is to it for now, and then it’s on to step 2!

Step 2 – Now, draw the body and some ear details

how to draw a Cartoon Cat step 2
With the head outline for your cartoon cat drawing done, we can now start adding some finer details and some of the body.

First, we will be drawing some curved lines along the inner perimeter of the ears. Be sure to add some little pointy sections poking off of these inner areas to make them look furrier.

Then, we will start drawing the outline of the back for the cat as well as its front legs. We will be using some bumpy lines for these, as they will again serve to make the cat look furry.

Step 3 – Draw the front paws and the top of the tail

how to draw a Cartoon Cat step 3
Continuing with this guide on how to draw a cartoon cat, we will now be drawing the paws and some of the tail for the cat.

The paws should be quite simple, as all you need to do is draw some small curved lines connecting to one another at the bases of the front legs.

Then, draw another rounded, bumpy line inside the thigh outline for the bent back leg, and then add another line beneath that for the top of the tail.

Once you have drawn these latest details so that they look as they do in our reference image, we can move on to step 4!

Step 4 – Next, finish off the body outlines

how to draw a Cartoon Cat step 4
This fourth part of your cartoon cat drawing will have you finishing off the outlines before we add the final details in the next step of the guide.

First, draw some small, pointy shapes near the top of the face for some expressive eyebrows.

Then, we will finish drawing the tail outline for the cat. This will be drawn with the same bumpy, slightly jagged line we’ve been using for other areas of the cat so far.

Once these outlines are done, we will add the final touches in the next step of the guide!

Step 5 – Add the final details to your cartoon cat drawing

how to draw a Cartoon Cat step 4
You’ve reached the fifth step of this guide on how to draw a cartoon cat, and in this one we will be finishing off the facial details and any other last touches.

We gave this cat some big circular eyes with big rounded pupils inside of them.

Then, we added a small rounded shape with a pointy base for the nose, and then drew a slightly wavy line beneath it for the smiling mouth.

Finish off with some whisker dots, and then you’re ready for the final step! Before you proceed, be sure to also add any extra details and elements of your own that you may like.

You could draw a cute background for this cat, and if you did this then what kind of setting would you go for?

Step 6 – Finish off your cartoon cat drawing with color

how to draw a Cartoon Cat step 6
This is the final step of this cartoon cat drawing, and in it we shall finish off with some colors!

Cats can come in a wide variety of different color schemes, so this is a great chance to get out all of your favorite colors to finish off this image.

In our example, we used some light cream tones for much of the cat, and then we worked in some brown highlights. For a spot of brighter color, we also used some vibrant pinks inside of the ears.

These are the colors that we went with, but you should feel free to use any colors you prefer!

You could also play around with various art mediums to get the color intensity and tone that you would like.

4 More Ways To Make Your Cartoon Cat Drawing Unique

Create the perfect feline pal with these tips for your cartoon cat sketch!

This drawing of a cartoon cat is looking pretty happy, but you could make it even happier with some toys to play with! There are a few different objects that you could add.

It could be something like a teddy bear, a fake mouse or even just a ball of yarn. Adding these toys would also allow you to add all sorts of amazing colors and other details to your drawing.

What are some toys you think this cartoon cat would like to play with?

Once the toys for this cat are taken care of, you could also add some more practical items for it as well. A big bowl of food and maybe a water bowl would be great places to start!

You could also draw different kinds of food and snacks for the cat to enjoy and maybe a comfy bed to sleep in.

Once again, these extra objects will also bring some more colors and details to your drawing.

Next, this cartoon cat drawing could use some company! One cat is cute enough, but it’s even cuter when you have more than one!

Now that you know how to draw a cartoon cat, you could add as many feline friends as you like to the image.

All you would need to do is follow through the guide again and then change a few details for each new cat.

How many kitties do you think this picture needs?

When it comes to adding more characters to this cartoon cat sketch, you don’t need to stick to just cats. You could also add some other pets such as a cute puppy to hang out with the cat.

Another option would be to add a human character to the image. This character could even be based on yourself or maybe someone else you know!

You could either show yourself with a beloved pet or show the pets that you would like to own some day.

Your Cartoon Cat Drawing is Complete!

You have finished all 6 steps of this guide on how to draw a cartoon cat, and now you have added your own addition to the long line of various cartoon cats before it!

We hope that while working on this guide you found the process to be a fun and easy experience. You should be very proud of your creation!

Now you can make this drawing your own with even more details and additions.

You could do this by adding more of your own touches, by creating a background or by getting creative with your colors to name a few ways.

Then, you’ll want to head on over to our website for more awesome drawing guides! We plan to release many more soon, so be sure to keep checking in to make sure you don’t miss out.

It would be amazing to see how your cartoon cat drawing turned out, so please be sure to share it on our Facebook and Pinterest pages for us to see!how to draw a Cartoon Cat in 6 easy steps

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