Animal Mandala Coloring Pages

Have Calm And Creative Fun With Animal Mandala Coloring Pages

Relax with meditative creative fun with animal mandala coloring pages. There are 15 creative black-and-white animal designs for you to color and express yourself with.

Mandalas are believed to have originated in India during the first century BCE. These designs were used in Buddhist art, but they started to show up in other regions and belief systems over time.

These days, they are commonly used to help people of all ages relax and meditate as they color these intricate designs.

These 15 gorgeous pages feature animals such as hedgehogs, bears, butterflies and many more for you to get creative with!

15 Free Animal Mandala Coloring Pages To Print And Color

1. Hedgehog Animal Mandala Coloring Sheet

Animal mandala coloring pages

The first animal mandala that I have for you features this adorable little hedgehog design! Modern mandalas can take on many shapes, but the original ones feature a circular design.

In fact, the word mandala is Sanskrit for circle.

2. Bear Animal Mandala With Tribal Patterns

Bear mandala with tribal style patterns free coloring page pdf


Bears are often seen as symbols of strength and wisdom in many cultures, and so it’s a fitting animal to associate with a mandala!

Mandalas have a lot of spiritual significance in some cultures, but even when that’s not the case, people can use them to help enter a more meditative state.

3. Detailed Lion Mandala Design

Beautiful lion mandala with detailed patterns coloring sheet


Lions are such noble creatures, and this one will look gorgeous when you have finished it.

It could be interesting to use some bright colors inspired by African designs for this one, but feel free to use whichever colors you like!

4. Beautiful Butterfly Mandala

Butterfly mandala with delicate wing patterns coloring page


Butterflies are perfect to use for mandalas because they have beautiful colors on their wings in nature, but they also symbolize transformation and growth.

Mandalas can help you to grow in your spiritual and mental journey, so this is a perfect pairing.

5. Ornamental Cat Mandala

Cat mandala with ornamental designs coloring page for adults


Cat lovers will love this ornamental cat mandala design!

Not only is coloring mandalas fun, but many psychologists have noted significant benefits to mental and spiritual health when working on them.

6. Deer Mandala Design

Deer mandala with nature-inspired patterns coloring page


Deer are often seen as symbols of wisdom and intelligence, and these are both aspects that can be enhanced by coloring a mandala.

When coloring this deer mandala, you could even draw a mandala background for this page.

7. Geometric Dragonfly Mandala

Dragonfly mandala with geometric shapes fun coloring sheet


This dragonfly mandala features another creature that carries symbolic relevance to mandalas. Much like the butterfly, dragonflies represent positive things like transformation, hope and renewal.

When you work on a mandala, it’s recommended to focus on the aspects you want to explore within yourself. Perhaps you could think of the spiritual symbolism of a dragonfly to apply it to yourself.

8. Dolphin Mandala Design

Fish mandala with ocean wave designs detailed coloring sheet


9. Intricate Fox Mandala

Fox mandala with intricate fur patterns detailed coloring sheet


Coloring in this gorgeous fox mandala will help you to express your feelings and creativity in any way you like!

While modern mandalas can be colored in any way you like, traditional mandalas often had very specific color choices that carried a lot of spiritual symbolism.

10. Horse Mandala With Swirling Patterns

Horse mandala with swirling patterns free printable coloring page


When you color this beautiful horse mandala, you can remember what horses tend to symbolize. They are often associated with positive attributes like spiritual enlightenment, strength and wisdom.

All of these traits are ones that many people strive for when meditating or doing work on themselves.

11. Intricate Elephant Mandala

Intricate elephant mandala coloring page for relaxation


Elephants are seen in some cultures as symbols of luck and prosperity, and I hope you can find a bit of both as you bring your color creativity to this intricate elephant mandala.

12. Gumball And Penny Share A Hug

Owl mandala with decorative feathers fun printable coloring sheet


When most people think of owls, they will think of wisdom and spiritual insight. Remember that when you’re coloring you can use color warmth to represent your emotions.

For example, you could use bright hot colors if you’re feeling particularly passionate about something. Cooler colors can work when you’re in a more reflective mood, but try not to overthink it!

13. Peacock Mandala With Flowing Feathers

Peacock mandala with flowing feathers fun printable coloring sheet


Peacocks are some of the most beautiful creatures in the world, and this one will be no exception once you have colored it.

Did you know that while mandalas originated in Buddhist culture, they have been found and used in cultures from all over the world?

14. Turtle Mandala With Floral Details

Turtle mandala with floral details detailed coloring sheet


15. Free Wolf Mandala Coloring Page

Wolf mandala with symmetrical designs free coloring page pdf


Wolves are incredibly significant in many cultures and represent independence, strength and spiritual intelligence.

That’s what makes it the perfect theme for this final mandala in the collection, and I know it will look amazing once it’s done.

After You Color Your Animal Mandala Pages

  • Extend the mandala patterns of the animals into some background settings like a forest or a mountain location.
  • Write some affirmations for things that you want in life in the backgrounds. You could use things like ‘find love’ or ‘get a work promotion.’
  • Turn these pages into motivational posters by writing quotes like ‘Nothing is impossible’ or ‘Believe in yourself!’
  • Use these designs as inspiration to make your own mandala designs.

Mandalas are used and enjoyed by millions of people around the world, and I hope you enjoyed expressing yourself with these animal designs.

Coloring a mandala is a special and personal experience for you to embark on, so feel free to express your creativity and feelings in any way that feels natural to you.

There are no wrong ways to color these pages.

Sharing your art on your social media pages can be a great way to share your creativity with the world!