12 Dragonfly Crafts for Kids

It’s getting to be spring time when all the creepy crawly and flying insects start to appear outside. One of our favorites is Dragonflies. I love their big eyes and how their wings shimmer in the sunlight. Here are 9 Dragonfly Crafts for kids to get you inspired to get crafting this beautiful insect.

Click on the links below the pictures to be taken to the tutorials and for pinning individual posts.

Beaded Dragonfly | I Heart Crafty Things
Coffee Filter Dragonfly | Glued To My Crafts
Egg Carton Butterfly | Crafty Morning 

Nature Dragonfly | I Heart Crafty Things
Garden Dragonflies | Artzy Creations 

Paint Sample Dragonfly | I Heart Crafty Things
DIY Recycled Bottle Cap Dragonfly | Handmade Charlotte
Paint Stick Dragonfly | I Heart Crafty Things

Clothespin Dragonfly Magnets | The Crafty Crow

Dragonfly Spoon | Paging Fun Mums

Dragonfly Clips | Piikea Street

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