We finished up learning about birds by doing a cute Peacock Craft. This is another Tippytoe Craft and you can read the full tutorial HERE.
My son wanted his to be red (his favorite color) so he used red markers on his coffee filter before I sprayed it.
Tippytoe Crafts used cocktail toothpicks above the head but I could not find them anywhere! I seriously looked for 2 weeks at every store I went to, and I couldn’t find any. I was so disappointed. We almost didn’t do the craft because of it, but then I realized I could use blue pipe cleaners. We folded down the ends to make it a little more full at the top and taped them to the back of the head before gluing the peacock body to the feathers (coffee filter).
You can also see a close up of the eye spots on my feathers. I made mine to look like a real peacock by using the gold paint for my first print, then I used green and finally blue. The kids only used 2 colors though. We decided to use our tempera paint which I received from CraftProjectIdeas.com. I’ve said it before, but these paints are pretty handy because they wash off of hands (and tables) so well.
We also read this fun book to go along with our craft, Three Hens and a Peacock by Lester Laminack.
It’s about a glamorous Peacock who comes to stay at the Tucker Farm and attracts all kind of attention from customers. The hens think it’s not fair, and the Peacock doesn’t feel like he’s as much use as the chickens, so the farm dog suggests they switch roles. You’ll have to read it to see how the chickens try to be glamorous and the Peacock tries to lay an egg. It’s a really cute story!
Happy Crafting!!
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