Painted Newspaper Apple Tree Craft

Boy this summer flew by! Can you believe it’s back to school season already? One of my favorite things about back to school time is all of the fun and colorful apple crafts.

Every year we enjoy getting crafty with an apple theme making beautiful apple trees and apple crafts. This year we started out with our apple theme by getting out the watercolors and newspaper and created this simple painted newspaper apple tree craft.


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Supplies needed:


1. Paint your newspaper

Start by painting sections of your newspaper with green and brown liquid watercolors. The newspaper will be saturated so let it sit for several hours (or overnight) and it will crisp back up as it dries.

2. Cut out tree trunk & top

Cut out an apple tree trunk from your painted brown newspaper and a tree top from your painted green newspaper.


3. Glue shapes to the cardstock

Glue your tree trunk onto your light blue cardstock paper. Then glue your green tree top on top of your trunk.

4. Decorate with stickers

Finish your painted newspaper apple tree craft by adding your round circle stickers as apples all over your tree.


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