How to Draw A Narwhal – A Step by Step Guide

Narwhal Drawing in just 8 Easy Steps!

Unicorns may not exist, but there are certainly creatures that share similarities with them in the animal kingdom. The narwhal is one of these creatures, as it has a great big horn like a unicorn!

This feature makes it one of the most unique and interesting sea animals you can find in the ocean. This unique appearance can also make it frustrating to learn how to draw a narwhal.

Luckily, it doesn’t have to be difficult or frustrating when you know what to do!

This step-by-step guide on how to draw a narwhal will let you have a whale of a time while having some drawing fun!how to draw a narwhal in 8 steps

How to Draw A Narwhal – Let’s Get Started!

Step 1

drawing a narwhal step 1
To get this guide on how to draw a narwhal started, we will be starting with the most iconic aspect of it: the horn!

To draw this, you can make a long, thin and pointy shape. You could use a ruler to make it a bit easier for yourself!

Once you have this horn drawn, you can then use a curved line for the top of the head of the narwhal.

Once you have these elements drawn then you’re ready for the next step of this guide!

Step 2 – Next, draw the belly and first fins of the narwhal

drawing a narwhal step 2
Now that you have the head and horn of your narwhal, you can draw the belly and first fins next.  First, you can finish off the bottom of the head and also draw a mouth using a curved line.

Finally, you can start to draw the belly of the narwhal, which will be quite thick. Before moving on, you will also be drawing the first two fins in this step, and they will be quite fat and rounded.

Step 3 – Now, finish off the belly of the narwhal

drawing a narwhal step 3
For this third step of our guide on how to draw a narwhal, you will be finishing off the belly that you started in the previous step.

To do this, you can use a simple curved line extending back from the fin to complete the belly as is shown in the reference image. It will also curve upward at the end where it will become the tail.

Step 4 – Next, draw a tail for the narwhal

drawing a narwhal step 4
We mentioned the tail in the previous step, and that is what we will be adding to the narwhal drawing in this step.

First, you can extend the line of the back a bit until it becomes the top of the tail. You already drew the bottom of the tail in the previous step, and in this one you will be drawing the fin.

To do this, you will be using several curved lines that dip in at the center as shown in the reference image.

Once you’re happy with how it looks then you can keep adding on to it in the next step.

Step 5 – Next, draw the eye and more details on the body

drawing a narwhal step 5
Now that you have the body outline of your narwhal done, we can start to add some details to the interior of the whale on this step of our guide on how to draw a narwhal.

For the eye, you can use a small, simple circle with a dot inside of it.

Then, once you have this eye drawn you can extend a curved line from the end of the mouth to the end of the tail.

Step 6 – Draw some pattern details onto your narwhal

drawing a narwhal step 6
We will continue to add some details to the narwhal drawing in this next step.

You can use some bumpy lines to create some spotty details around the eyes and on the back and face for the narwhal.

You could also add some spots elsewhere on the narwhal for some extra detail if you would like!

Step 7 – Next, draw the final details of your narwhal drawing

drawing a narwhal step 7
Before you move on to coloring in your picture, we have a few details to add in this step of our guide on how to draw a narwhal.

First, use some small lines all throughout the horn to give it some ribbed texture. Then, you can add some more spotty pattern details to the body to really finish it off nicely.

Before you move on to the final step, be sure to add any extra details you may want!

Perhaps you could draw a background that will show the ocean and other sea creatures swimming around for one idea. Be sure to get creative with it and see what happens!

Step 8 – Now finish off your narwhal drawing with some color

drawing a narwhal step 8
This is the final part of your narwhal drawing, and for this one you will be finishing it off with some amazing colors!

We used various shades of blues and greys to finish off our example drawing, but this is just one of many ways that you can go about it!

If you drew a background, then you can also add some amazing colors to it for even more variety.

Experimenting with different art mediums and tools can also be a great way to get some different colors and tones in your image. We can’t wait to see what you do!

Here’s how you can make your narwhal drawing even better…

Make this narwhal sketch even more impressive with these tips!

A narwhal is always an incredible sight to behold, but what if you could see more than one at a time?

You could show this in your drawing of a narwhal by adding some more narwhals to the scene.

Now that you know how to draw a narwhal, you have everything you need to add some more to the scene. They could be posed in a similar way, or there could be some dynamic poses!

How many narwhals would you like to add?

There are also many other kinds of ocean creatures that you could add as friends for this narwhal. For example, you could add some whales, orcas or maybe some dolphins.

Smaller fish, sharks and even something like an octopus would be a few more examples of animals you could add.

They are just a few of the creatures you can find in the ocean, but there are many more.

What are some other animals you could add?

In the first tip, we mentioned that seeing a narwhal is an incredible sight. You could replicate this by adding some humans to this narwhal drawing.

One way you could do it would be by drawing a small boat with some people sightseeing. Or, they could even be swimming with the narwhal.

For an extra fun touch, you could base these characters on yourself or people that you know. What kind of scene would you like to create with this narwhal?

Finally, once you have added everything you want to your narwhal sketch, you could bring it all together with a background. There are loads of cool background details you could add!

It could be a simple scene with the ocean waves surrounding the narwhal and any other animals you may have added. Or, you could create an underwater scene that shows off all the beauty of the ocean.

If you need some inspiration, you could look up some underwater pictures to aid you as you draw.

Your Narwhal Drawing is Complete!

Hopefully this guide on how to draw a narwhal made the process of drawing one of these incredible creatures much easier and also a lot of fun!

We created this guide to show you how easy and enjoyable it can be to take on a drawing challenge like this, and we really hope that it accomplished this for you!

Now that you have completed this guide, be sure to add any touches that will help to put your own spin on the drawing.

We mentioned a few ideas such as drawing an ocean background or perhaps some more sea creatures to finish it off. What else can you think of to add?

When you’re ready for more drawing fun, be sure to visit our website! We have tons of awesome guides for you to enjoy, and we upload new ones all the time.

Once your narwhal drawing is complete, then we hope that you will share it on our Facebook and Pinterest pages! We can’t wait to see your incredible to draw a narwhal in 8 easy steps

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