Halloween Spider Craft

I am obviously having a thing for spiders lately. The funny part is in real life I am dreadfully horrified of spiders! For some reason in craft form though I find them pretty adorable. The other day I ate the last wedge of my Laughing Cow Cheese with my lunch and as I looked at the container and saw two hole punches already made in the sides of it, a light bulb went off in my head that this container needed to become a fun Halloween Spider Craft. You won’t believe how simple this is to make too!
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Supplies you will need:


1. Punch holes in each side of container

Start by taking the lid off your cheese container. Use your hole punch to punch four holes on each side of the container, trying to line up the holes on each side the best you can. My container already had a hole on each side, so I only had to punch 3 holes on each side.

2. Paint container lid and outside of container

Paint the lid off of the cheese container. While the paint is still dry, sprinkle black glitter all over the top of the lid. Also, paint the entire outside of the cheese container. Let it dry completely. If you plan on hanging your spider you’ll need to paint the bottom of the cheese container too.

3. Make spider legs using pipe cleaners

When your paint is dry, thread your four pipe cleaners through the holes in your cheese container, lining up the holes on each side. Bend the pipe cleaners to make spider legs.

4. Make a hole and tie a knot to hang spider(Optional)

If you want to hang your spider, now is the time to make a hole punch at the top of your spider and tie a knot with white string through it.

5. Put lid on container

Once you have put the legs in your spider, you can put the lid back on your cheese container. Ours stayed securely on, but if you want to add some glue to the inside edge to keep it firmly in place you can.

6. Add eyes

Glue on your googly eyes.
These are fun just as a sitting spider and also as a hanging spider Halloween decoration. We hung ours coming down a lamp in our front room to scare all of our guests. Hee hee!

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