How to Draw A Cartoon Plant – A Step by Step Guide

Cartoon Plant Drawing in just 8 Easy Steps!

Owning and caring for a plant is a really relaxing endeavor that also adds a lovely natural touch to your living space.

When choosing the right plant for you, you certainly have plenty of options to choose from! Some are bright and colorful and some are more subdued, but each one brings its own benefits.

We will be designing a wonderful plant in this guide on how to draw a cartoon plant!

Not only will we be drawing a lovely plant, but it will have a fun twist that should make this a wonderful picture to behold!

So let’s get started on this step-by-step guide on how to draw a cartoon plant in just 8 fun and easy to draw a cartoon plant in 8 steps

How to Draw A Cartoon Plant – Let’s get Started!

Step 1

how to draw a cartoon plant step 1
We will start this guide on how to draw a cartoon plant not with the plant itself but rather the pot that it is sitting in.

This has two sections to it, and the first is the rim of the pot. This can be drawn using two curved lines that connect to one another.

There will be an empty space at the top of this rim where the plant will poke out, but we will take care of that later.

Then, we will draw the base of the pot. This will have a vaguely squared shape to it, but the corners will be slightly rounded. That’s all for then pot, and then we can continue!

Step 2 – Next, start drawing the plant

how to draw a cartoon plant step 2
You’ll see in the later images of this guide that we are drawing a type of cactus plant in this guide. With that in mind, we will begin to add the cactus in this step of your cartoon plant drawing.

The cactus will be made up of some simple shapes, but before we add it we will add another curved line to the rim of the pot.

Then, we will start adding the plant itself. You can do this by drawing a simple round shape above the rim.

Finish off this step by drawing two small lines poking off of it for the first of the little spines of the cactus.

Step 3 – Now, draw the next section of the cactus

how to draw a cartoon plant step 3
Now, we can continue building this cactus up. To do this, simply draw another large, rounded shape next to the first one.

This one will also have some little spines poking off of it to begin making the cactus look suitably prickly.

That’s all for now, and then we can move on!

Step 4 – Next, draw another section of the cactus

how to draw a cartoon plant step 4
You’re getting the hang of this now! We will be adding another part of the cactus in this fourth step of the guide.

Once again, this means drawing a large rounded shape, and this time it will go above the other two.

As with those ones, we will also draw some small straight lines poking off of it. Then, you will be ready for step 5 of the guide!

Step 5 – Now, draw the flower for this plant

how to draw a cartoon plant step 5
A cactus may be known for its prickly exterior, but they will often have a pretty flower attached to them as well.

That is what we will be drawing in this step of our guide on how to draw a cartoon plant!

This should be a simple aspect to add, as we will be drawing four rounded lines attached to one another as they appear in the reference image.

Add two small lines at the base of the flower, and then you’re done with this step!

Step 6 – Next, draw some lines onto the cactus

how to draw a cartoon plant step 6
We will begin adding some texture lines onto your cartoon plant drawing in this step. Each ball of the cactus will have these detail lines drawn onto them, and they should be simple to add.

All you need to do is draw some slightly curved lines onto each section of the plant.

The example image will show you how this should look, and then we will be ready for the final touches in the next step of the guide!

Step 7 – Finish off the face of the plant

how to draw a cartoon plant step 7
Earlier, we mentioned that this plant would have a bit of a fun twist to it, and we will add that in this step!

We will be drawing a face onto the pot of this plant in this step, and we will begin with two black ovals.

Each one will have two small white circles inside to show the shining reflections. There will also be a small curved line at the base of each one.

Then, use a horizontal curved line for the smiling mouth beneath the eyes. Once these facial details are drawn, will you add any extra details of your own?

Step 8 – Now finish it off with some color

how to draw a cartoon plant step 8
Now it’s time to have some fun adding some colors to this cartoon plant drawing!

In our reference image, we used various shades of brown for the plant, and these shades help to show shading as well.

Then, we used different shades of greens for the cactus and finished off with some lovely pink for the flower.

These are some colors you could use, but you should definitely feel free to use any other colors of your own that you may like!

There are so many possibilities to try, so what do you think you will go for?

4 More Ways To Make Your Cartoon Plant Drawing Unique

Grow this cartoon plant sketch with these fun and easy ideas for you to try!

This cute drawing of a cartoon plant has a small pink flower growing on it. If you want to make it look a bit prettier, you could add a few more of these small flowers to the plant!

These could be dotted around the plant as you please, and you could also change the size and style of the flower.

How many more flowers do you think you would like to add in order to finish beautifying this cartoon plant?

Whenever you have a real plant in your house, it is always great to have more than one together. You could represent this by adding more plants to this image!

How many you add would depend on your preferences and how much space you have on the page. These plants could be similar species to the first one, or they could be completely different.

What kinds of plants would you like to join this cartoon plant we created in this guide?

Another way you could add more life to this cartoon plant drawing would be by adding a human character to the scene. In order to make it more personalized, this character could even be based on yourself!

The person could be drawn in a similar cartoon style in order to make it less intimidating. There are so many fun scenes you could create by adding some human characters!

Finally, you can finish off this cartoon plant sketch with a background setting. There are so many possibilities for background ideas for this image!

One place you could start would be with a room in your own house. If there is a room that contains a real plant, you could start with this as background inspiration.

Or, you could make a yard setting or maybe portray something like a greenhouse. These are just a few ideas, but now you can show off where you think this cartoon plant could be growing!

Your Cartoon Plant Drawing is Complete!

This was a lovely picture we created during this guide on how to draw a cartoon plant! We hope that you had a ton of fun working on it and adding your own details and ideas.

This guide was designed to make the process so much easier for you, and we hope it succeeded in that regard!

Don’t forget that you can add more details to it or change up the colors so that it looks even more personalized.

We would love to see you on our website soon, as we have tons of awesome guides to enjoy with more on the way soon.

Please also remember to share your finished cartoon plant drawing on our Facebook and Pinterest pages for us to see and enjoy. We can’t wait to see how it turned out!

Here Is A Cartoon Drawing Of A Plant To Inspire You!

cartoon plant drawing
When you care for a plant, it can feel like it’s a friend that you’re taking care of. Our artist Amanda has captured this perfectly in her cartoon drawing of a plant for kids!

This plant has a cute face, and it looks like it is glad to see its caretaker. Even if you keep this drawing as is for your own version, you could add some details to easily make it more unique.

One way of doing this would be to add a speech bubble above its head with a quote inside. That way, you could give the flower a lot more personality.

The only question is what quote would you put in the speech bubble? You could also add all manner of extra details and additions to make it even more special and unique to you!

how to draw a cartoon plant in 8 easy steps