I ♥ Baby Animals! They are about the sweetest thing on Earth next to baby humans, don’t you think?! 🙂 We are attending a local Baby Animal Days this coming week as I’m sure many of you will be where you live soon. What better way to extend the activity at home than by creating baby animal crafts! Here are 15 adorable Baby Animal Day Farm Crafts sure to brighten any child’s day!
Cupcake Liner Chicks at I Heart Crafty Things
Spring Chicks from Housing a Forest
Life Cycle of a Chicken at I Heart Crafty Things
Marshmallow Painted Bunny from No Time for Flashcards
Bunny Finger Puppets from Reading Confetti
Paper Plate Sheep from Housing a Forest
Duck Craft from Totally Tots
Paper Bag Duck Craft from Holiday Kids Crafts
Paper Plate Pig from Creativity Takes Flight
Take a break from the crafting and enjoy a Piggy Bagel Snack!
Cow and Pig Craft from Apples and ABCs
Cow Craft from Kindergarten Rocks
Horse Craft from Maro’s Kindergarten
Paper Plate Goat from MeMeTales
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