Cupcake Liner Snowman Craft

We were dumped on with snow this weekend where I live, but since I’ve been recovering from sinus surgery this week I wasn’t able to go out and play in it with my kids.  So we did the next best thing…We made a pretend snowman inside with cupcake liners.

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No need to spend time cutting out circles, just grab the cupcake liners, some buttons
and items to decorate with and some glue and you can quickly make a fun snowman craft with your kids.

Materials we used:


My favorite part of our snowman craft was how we used washi tape to make the sweater and top hats. Since washi tape comes in such fun colors and designs, it added a lot of character to the snowmen. My son had the idea of gluing extra white buttons all over the page for falling snow and he also found a cat button in our stash which he made sure to include in his snowman scene.  🙂


My toddler needed an animal on her artwork after seeing my son’s so she ended up with a chicken. hee hee I didn’t make a craft of my own this go around like I usually do. I just sat and observed and laughed and smiled. It was so soooo fun!



Try coupling this book with Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner.


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Melted Snowman Craft

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