Recycled Newspaper Snowman Craft

One of my favorite materials we’ve used lots of this year is newspaper. It’s so versatile for crafting whether you leave it plain like in our newspaper shark craft, or paint it with watercolors and make colorful newspaper owls.

For winter we’ve already had fun making snowy landscape art with newspaper and today we are sharing this simple newspaper snowman craft. There is no painting required at all so it’s a quick craft to set up and put together.

Kids are going to love giving their snowman a unique personality with any embellishments you have on hand.

newspaper snowman craft

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Supplies Needed to Make this Snowman Newspaper Craft

Instructions for Making this Newspaper Snowman Craft

1. Cut out circles and snowy hill from newspaper

Start by cutting out two or three different shaped circles from your newspaper to make your snowman. Also cut out a snowy hill for your snowman to lay on.

2. Glue the snowy hill and snowman onto cardstock paper

Glue the snowy hill at the bottom of your light blue cardstock. Then build your snowman by gluing your circles onto your paper.

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3. Decorate snowman with all embellishments

Finish your newspaper snowman craft by decorating him with all of your embellishments. We used black buttons for the face and colored buttons down the body. We cut out a top hat from our black paper, a carrot nose from our orange paper and twig arms with our brown paper. We also made a cute scarf with washi tape.

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