Mother’s Day Butterfly Craft

Get ready for Mom’s heart to flutter with happiness when you give her this pretty Mother’s Day butterfly craft. This cute butterfly craft is easy for preschoolers and kids of all ages to make with the help of our craft template.

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There is so much to love about this colorful butterfly craft! To start, there is a large butterfly and a small butterfly to give the feel of a Mom looking after her child. Isn’t that sweet?!

Next, the folded butterfly wings pop off the page giving the craft a fun 3D effect. Finally, the fingerprinted butterfly bodies add extra personalization to the craft making it a keepsake craft for Mom and grandma to cherish forever.

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We created three different message options for kids to choose from when making this craft for their loved one. That way, no matter what the circumstance, kids can create this Mother’s Day craft for anyone special in their life.

These are the three different message options to choose from:

  • Fluttering by to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day!
  • Mom, You make my heart flutter!
  • You are the wind beneath my wings!

Grab our template, gather your craft supplies, and get ready for an afternoon of fun making this beautiful Mother’s Day gift.

Supplies needed to make this Mother’s Day Craft

How to Make a Colorful Butterfly Craft

Read our simple step-by-step instructions below for how to make this gorgeous Mother’s Day craft. Make sure to watch our easy video tutorial inside this post before you get started too.

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1. Print out butterfly craft template

Start by downloading and printing out the butterfly craft template. Print out the butterfly wings on colored cardstock paper and the Mother’s Day message on white cardstock paper.

2. Cut out butterflies and message

Cut out each of the butterflies from the template and then cut out the message you want to use from the template.

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3. Fold butterflies wings and decorate them using markers

Fold both of the butterflies wings in half along the dashed lined in the center of the template. Use markers to decorate the outside and inside of the wings.

We colored circles and tear drop shapes on our wings but children will love using their own creativity and imagination to design their butterfly wings with whatever shapes and colors they choose.

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You can even use this as a fun way to learn about symmetry with kids by having them decorate each side of their butterfly with the same colors and shapes.

4. Glue butterflies and Mother’s Day message onto blue cardstock

Add glue on the back of the Mother’s Day message you want to use and glue it at the bottom of a blue piece of cardstock. Add glue on side of each of the butterfly wings and glue them onto your blue paper.

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5. Make butterfly head with fingerprints

Add a small amount of acrylic paint on a paper plate. Dip your thumb into the paint and press it onto your paper directly under and at the top of the butterfly wings to make a butterfly head.

6. Create butterflies bodies with fingerprints

Now dip your finger in the acrylic paint and press print the finger behind the thumbprint head to start making a butterfly body. Continue dipping your finger in the paint and adding fingerprints along the bottom of the butterfly wings to create the butterfly body.

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7. Draw small dashed lines

Use a thin blue marker to draw small dashed lines from the end of each butterfly body to each side of the blue cardstock paper. You can make a circle loop or curves to make it look like your butterfly has been twirling and fluttering around in a circle on your paper.

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8. Add eyes, draw antennae

Glue a small googly eye on each of your butterflies. Then use a marker to draw antennae on the Mom butterfly and baby butterfly.

Allow the paint to dry completely before handling the craft. When the paint has dried, give your colorful Mother’s Day butterfly craft to your Mom, Grandma or loved one for a sweet Mother’s Day gift.

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