Fizzy Dough Alphabet Ocean Hunt

Welcome to another edition of the 12 Months of Sensory Dough Series. This month is all about Fizzy Dough. Do I dare say this has been our most favorite month so far? Gasp! We seriously loved it! We combined a fabulous Small World Fizzy Dough activity found at Fun at Home with Kids together with an alphabet hunt and had such a great afternoon of fun and learning!


Fizzy Dough Alphabet Ocean Hunt


We have been reviewing our letters this week using the book Rainbow Fish A, B, C by Marcus Pfister. There isn’t much text in it at all. It’s basically a review of the alphabet in correct order by Rainbow Fish and other fish in the ocean gathering all the letters they find in the ocean throughout the pages.




When I originally saw Fun at Home with Kids’ Fizzy Small World Ocean Activity I fell in love with it! You can clearly see I got my entire idea for this activity from them so in an effort to give them full credit I want you to go over to their site to see exactly how to make your fizzy dough and how they set up their ocean bin.


The major change we made in our activity is that instead of hiding sea creatures inside our fizzy dough, we hid the alphabet. I purchased my small plastic alphabet bead letters from Michael’s and hid them inside our dough to look like seashells just as Asia did. Since I didn’t have any seashells on hand, I used a fork to stamp the fizzy dough to make it look like the appearance of a seashell.  We also used our Safari Coral Reef TOOB Creatures instead of the Ocean TOOB creatures since I wanted to include fish to go along with our Rainbow Fish theme.




My daughter started out mesmerized by the fizzing and all the bubbles created by the reaction of the baking soda and vinegar coming together. We sat and listened to all the popping sounds and talked about how neat it was.




Once she discovered there were letters hidden inside the seashells she took on a whole new level of excitement. It was if she couldn’t get through them fast enough. She just could not wait to find all of those letters. It was pretty cute!




“It’s a P Mommy!”




After she found all the letters she enjoyed small world play with all the little creatures. The octopus was her favorite. In her deep octopus voice she kept telling all the other fish to “Stay away from my treasure!” It was a hoot for me to watch!


Ocean Small World Play


While my daughter played I lined all the letters up in random order along the towel to dry. Before we cleaned up I had her line them up in correct order from A to Z, naming them as she put them in order. I was there to help her if she needed any assistance or got stuck along the way.




Make sure to check out our Rainbow Fish Alphabet Match Activity!

Rainbow Fish Alphabet Match


I invite and encourage you to visit all of the Co-hosts as each will have a different take on the dough and you don’t want to miss out on all of the great ideas and insights! 


Meet the Co-hosts: 


Now it’s your turn…


Do you have a favorite Fizzy Dough recipe, activity or post you would like to share? We would love to see! Have you ever had an Fizzy Dough Fail? We would love to see those too! Please link up your posts below in the link party. You can also post a picture on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Google+ with the tag #ilovesensorydough.


Please read the following guidelines before linking up.

  • Share family-friendly posts related to the month’s theme. Feel free to link old or new posts that highlight your favorite recipes for sensory dough. Failures and unsuccessful attempts are welcome.
  • We ask that no posts are linked with copy/paste recipes from other sources. If you use a recipe from another source, please link back to the original recipe.
  • By linking up, you give permission to share your post and one photograph in future posts and through social media channels.
  • Visit 2-3 other posts that others have shared. Discover new ideas and meet new friends!
The linky will remain open for two weeks. On the 12th of each month, all co-hosts will post a new dough with their spin, and will pin each post to the 12 Months of Sensory Dough Board.
Don’t forget to join us next month (August 12th) for Fizzy Dough.
To see the yearly schedule, go HERE.


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