Fall Tree Craft

I am soooooo excited about how our Fall Tree Craft turned out this year. Who knew some odd and end puzzle pieces could make such a work of art!

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Supplies you will need:


1. Make tree details out of paper lunch bag and glue them onto cardstock paper

Start by making your tree trunk and branches out of a brown paper lunch sack. After cutting strips off the paper bag (larger one for the trunk, smaller ones for the branches) scrunch them up and glue them onto your blue piece of cardstock paper.


For the leaves we used a collection of puzzle pieces we had from our game cupboard from puzzles that were missing too many pieces to keep anymore. We used smaller puzzle pieces like the 100 piece ones from the dollar store.


2. Paint puzzle pieces

To get the cool marbled effect on the puzzle pieces I put a squirt of red, yellow and orange acrylic paint next to each other on a small paper plate. (I wish I would have got a picture of this part, sorry!) Then with the end of our paintbrush, we swirled the colors together until they looked marbled.

Then we dabbed our paintbrush into the paint and dabbed it onto the back side of the puzzle piece. If you don’t dab the paint onto the puzzle pieces it won’t transfer the marble effect onto the puzzle pieces. If you brush the pieces, the colors will just blend into one color. Hope this makes sense.

3. Draw grass by using fork

While your puzzle pieces are drying, use a fork and green paint to make grass on the bottom of our paper.

4. Glue puzzle pieces all over the tree

Once the puzzle pieces are dry, use lots of school glue to put them all over your tree. We overlapped some of the puzzle pieces to give it more dimension.


I LOVE THIS TREE!! My son said to me today that it really looks like leaves are going to fall off the tree.

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