It’s that time of the month again! I’ve joined together with the Kids Craft Stars to bring you our monthly craft challenge post. Every month we have a challenge between us bloggers to incorporate a different craft medium or technique into a kids craft. This month’s challenge was to create a kids craft using a fruit or vegetable as a stamp. We love stamping crafts at our house but stamping with food is something we had actually never done. That made the challenge even more exciting for me! We decided to use Brussels Sprouts to stamp the fur on this cute Bunny Kids Craft.

Supplies you will need:
- Bunny Printable
- Brussels Sprouts
- knife (for adult use only)
- pink cardstock paper
- white paint
- small paper plate
- large googly eye
- large white pom
- tacky glue
- scissors
1. Cut out Bunny
Start by printing out the Bunny Printable and cutting it out. You can either print it directly onto your pink cardstock paper and cut it out, or use it as a template and trace it onto your pink cardstock paper and then cut it out.

2. Prepare Brussel Sprout for stamping
Cut the tip off of your Brussels Sprout (adult only). Pour a small amount of white paint onto your small paper plate and rub your Brussels Sprout around in it coating the bottom of it completely. (Note: Try not to over-saturate the Brussels Sprout, you only need a small amount on it to get the fun texture.)

3. Stamp bunny until it is fully covered
Press your Brussels Sprout onto your bunny, and continue stamping it until the bunny is covered. Add more paint to your plate during stamping as needed.

4. Add eyes and tail
Now you have an adorable Bunny Craft, perfect for Easter and Spring time. I think these would be really cute made in the classroom and hung on a bulletin board with the saying “Some Bunny Loves Kindergarten!” or whatever grade level it is.