Make sure to check out the other Kids Craft Stars Stamping Crafts at the end of this post!
Supplies you will need:
- Bunny Printable
- Brussels Sprouts
- knife (for adult use only)
- pink cardstock paper
- white paint
- small paper plate
- large googly eye
- large white pom
- tacky glue
- scissors
3. Press your Brussels Sprout onto your bunny, and continue stamping it until the bunny is covered. Add more paint to your plate during stamping as needed.
Now you have an adorable Bunny Craft, perfect for Easter and Spring time. I think these would be really cute made in the classroom and hung on a bulletin board with the saying “Some Bunny Loves Kindergarten!” or whatever grade level it is.Have you made a fruit or vegetable stamped craft recently? I’d love to have you share it with me on Instagram. Tag me at @iheartcraftythings or use my hashtag #iheartcraftythings. You can also keep up with the latest of the Kids Craft Stars by following their hashtag #kidscraftstars.
Check out these other fun Fruit and Vegetable Stamping Crafts from our friends:
Potato Stamped Ladybug Cards | Glued to My Crafts
Stamped Carrot Bugs Craft | Artsy Momma
Celery Stamped Fish Craft | Crafty Morning
Potato Stamped Pandas Craft | I Heart Arts N Crafts
Bell Pepper Stamping Bug Craft | A Little Pinch of Perfect
Magically Appearing Fruit & Vegetable Prints | Pink Stripey Socks
Stamped Onion Prints (Snails & Wall Art) | Fun Hamdprint Art
Okra & French Beans Spring Flowers | Artsy Craftsy Mom
Fruit Stamped Lunch Bag | Hello Wonderful
Veggie Stamping with Okra | In The Playroom
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