Monster Eyes Counting Game Preschool Printable

Using dice is a simple way for preschoolers to practice counting and learn basic addition and subtraction. We used them in our our recent Pumpkin Candy Addition Activity and my daughter loved it, so I put together another fun preschool math activity for her with a Halloween monster theme. In true monster fashion, we used googly eyes for our counting manipulatives. After downloading the monster eyes counting game preschool printable, get ready for some good giggly fun making silly monsters.
monster dice game printable 2

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Supplies needed:


1. Print out printable

Start by printing off the monster counting game printable. Place the dice in the circle on the printable and place your assortment of googly eyes around the printable.
monster dice game printable 4

2. Roll dice and put eyes to the monster

Have your preschooler roll the dice. Count the dice and set them back in the circle. Count and place the same amount of googly eyes onto your monster that are on your dice.


monster dice game printable 3

3. Repeat game

Clear the googly eyes off of the board and then roll the dice again. Continue playing as long as you’d like.

Subtraction Alternative

For a fun subtraction alternative, start with the monster covered with googly eyes and use only one dice. Roll the dice and take that many googly eyes away from the monster. Continue rolling and taking away googly eyes until they are completely gone.

monster dice game printable

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