Easter Kids Craft: Some Bunny Loves You Card

Holidays are such a great time to drop cute cards in the mail to family and friends to let them know you love them and are thinking about them. Today I’m sharing with you how to make this cute Bunny Easter Card with the simple message “Some bunny loves you!” Not only is it a fun kids craft, but the recipient will treasure the personalized bunny on the front of the card.

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Supplies you will need:

  • 4″ x 6″ cardstock card
  • white cardstock paper
  • white buttons
  • small pink buttons [Ours came from our Creatify Junk Yard pack found at Target. Thank you to Horizons Group USA for providing them to you us!]
  • 2-inch circle punch
  • googly eyes
  • white yarn
  • small ribbon (color of your choice)
  • black marker
  • tacky glue
supplies 1


1. Start by cutting a 2-inch circle out with your circle punch. Glue it onto the front of your card.
2. Glue your white buttons at the top of the circle to make two ears. Glue a few small pink buttons on top of a couple of your white buttons.
3. Glue your googly eyes and a small pink button onto the bunny face. Cut a few small pieces of white yarn and glue them onto the face for whiskers.
4. Draw a mouth onto your bunny with your black marker.
5. Make a small bow with your ribbon and glue it onto your bunny. Finish your card by writing “Some bunny loves you” on the front of it, and personalize it however your choose on the inside.

Who will you send your bunny card to?

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