Teaching Children to Make Good Decisions in the Digital World and #Share Awesome Contest

My childhood days of playing video games seem so minuscule compared to the digital world that my own children now live in. Now of days I feel as if we literally breathe technology all day. I watch in amazement as my children navigate through my cell phone, their tablet, and the computer with ease at such young ages. The advancements in technology over the years is very exciting…it has provided such awesome possibilities and opportunities in the world and for our children!


There is one thing I am certain of, when my child is staring into the computer screen or a digital device my biggest concern is their safety. There is so much good they can receive and take out of the digital world so it’s important that as parents we teach our children at a young age how to make good decisions. First and foremost, the best thing I believe we can do as parents is to be a good example. Here are some simple rules that we use in our home to help teach and protect our children:

1. You need parental permission before downloading apps.

Not only is this a way to help insure your child’s safety in what they are downloading, but it also helps open communication between you and your child. “Tell me why you are interested in that game or app. Why is it important to you?” It allows you an opportunity to research the game or app and have a discussion with your child about making good decisions within the game or app.

2. No accessing the Internet or YouTube without parental permission and a parent has to be at your side while in use.

It’s no secret there are dangers out there on the Internet. My children often like to access YouTube to learn more about and get info on how to beat certain levels of games they like. My children know if they want access to the Internet in any way, a parent will have to sit with them at the computer or next to them if they are using their tablet due to their young age.

3. Don’t say anything online or in a gaming chat that you wouldn’t say out loud and in person 

to someone and report people who say inappropriate things or bully.

This one goes without explanation. Who we are in the digital world should reflect who we are in real life. My children also know that if they come across something that doesn’t seem right, or a player not being nice in a game to come talk to either me or my husband.

4. Your tablet stays in parent’s possession and not in your bedroom at bedtime.

I was a kid once and I know the temptations of wanting to stay up late and play video games or get up early and play video games. In order to avoid this temptation, we just simply keep the digital devices out of our children’s bedroom.

How do you teach your children to make good decisions in the digital world?


Enter the #ShareAwesome Contest!

The National PTA has partnered with LifeLock to share awesome ways families can create an open, evolving conversation about positive, safe decisions when using digital tools. It’s all part of having a happy, healthy lifestyle because everyone benefits when you #ShareAwesome. 

Snap a photo of an awesome moment in your day and share it on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with the #ShareAwesome hashtag!

Students who enter the #ShareAwesome contest between September 15 – November 30, 2014 will have a chance to win fantastic prizes, including tablets and a $2,500 scholarship!

Join in celebrating students and families who use digital media and tools for good — good for themselves, their family, friends and the world! Head over and enter The National PTA and Lifelock #ShareAwesome Contest Here.


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


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